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1、CET-6WritingCET-6 Writing一、出題方式:命題作文、看圖畫或圖表作文,根據(jù)所給文章英文或中文寫出文章概要或大意,給出關(guān)鍵詞作文等。字?jǐn)?shù)要求:at least 120 words (before 2003)at least 150 words (since 2003)建議:無論提綱是幾點(diǎn),都要寫三至四段。看圖畫作文考研1. 漫畫 2. 社會熱點(diǎn)二、評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)1、評分原那么:四六級作文采用總體評分(global scoring)的方法,閱卷人員就總的印象給出鼓勵(reward scores),而不是按語言點(diǎn)的錯誤數(shù)給分。第一段要推敲第二段要有主題句第三段總結(jié)看作文看兩點(diǎn):第一看

2、組織結(jié)構(gòu),第二看語言表達(dá)。2、檢查五個方面的語言點(diǎn)錯誤1) 檢查三個一致:主謂一致,時態(tài)一致,單復(fù)數(shù)一致2) 拼寫錯誤強(qiáng)烈反對文章內(nèi)容的修改 (明顯的跑題內(nèi)容才重要)3) 格式2種:(1) 每一段縮進(jìn)4個字母,每一段之間不空行 (傳統(tǒng)格式)(2) 每一段頂格寫,每一段之間空一行 (流行格式)三、??嘉捏w的寫作1. 應(yīng)用文1.1 寫信 1.2 圖表作文2.說明文3.1 正反觀點(diǎn)型 3.2 問題解決型3.3 現(xiàn)象比照型 3.4 論證說理型歷年CET-6寫信作文2001年6月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to w

3、rite a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write at least 120 words according to the suggestions (given in Chinese) below:表示歡送提出對度假安排的建議提醒應(yīng)注意的事項(xiàng) A Letter to a Schoolmate2002年1月Direct

4、ions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:假設(shè)你是李明,請你就本校食堂的狀況給校長寫一封信,內(nèi)容應(yīng)涉及食堂的飯菜

5、質(zhì)量、價格、環(huán)境、效勞等,可以是表揚(yáng),可以是批評建議,也可以兼而有之。A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus2004年6月Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the poor service of a bookstore. You should write at least 150

6、words according to the guidelines given below in Chinese.設(shè)想你買了一本英文詞典,發(fā)現(xiàn)有這樣那樣的質(zhì)量問題,書店的效勞態(tài)度又不好,因此給報社編輯寫信。信中必須包括以下內(nèi)容:1. 事情的起因2. 與書店交涉的經(jīng)過3. 呼吁效勞行業(yè)必須提高效勞質(zhì)量A Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper2005年1月 寫一封公開信Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an open letter on behalf of the

7、students union asking people to give help to a student who is seriously ill. You should write at least 150 words following the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 對病人的簡單介紹:目前的病情和家庭情況2. 目前的困難:無法繼續(xù)承擔(dān)醫(yī)療費(fèi)用,需要護(hù)理3. 希望捐助,聯(lián)系方式Y(jié)our Help Needed2006年1月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes

8、to write a letter to a company declining a job offer. You should write at least 150 words following the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 對公司提供職位表示感謝2. 解釋為何不能接受所提供的職位3. 希望給予諒解,并表達(dá)對公司的良好祝愿A Letter Declining a Job Offer1. 應(yīng)用文1.1 寫信1.1.1 英文信封的寫法 1) 在信封的左上角寫寄信人的名字和住址。 2) 在信封的中間或右下角偏左的地方寫收信人的名字和住址。 3)

9、寄信人不自稱Mr.、Mrs.或Miss,但是在收信人的姓名前那么必須加上尊稱Mr.、Mrs.或Miss以示禮貌。 4) 住址的寫法與中文相反;英文住址原那么上是由小至大,如必須先寫門牌號碼、街路名稱,再寫城市、省州和郵政區(qū)號,最后一行那么寫上國家的名稱。 5) 在信封的右上角貼上郵票。 6) 信封上的郵政區(qū)號(zip code),在美國州名之后以五位數(shù)阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字表示,前三位數(shù)代表州或都市,后兩位數(shù)表示郵區(qū),至于郵政區(qū)號10027的念法是one double o two seven。 7) 住址中常用字:有簡寫的多用簡寫: 樓 . 2F) 巷 Lane ( e.g. Lane 194) 段 Se

10、ction;Sec. (e.g. Sec. ) 弄 Alley (e.g. Alley 6) 路 Road;Rd. (e.g. Chunghua Rd.) 街 Street;St. (e.g. Yangkwang St.) 1.1.2 英文信的寫法 1) 信頭:包括寫信人地址和寫信日期,應(yīng)放在書信正文右上角;六級考試中信頭總是已經(jīng)給出或可以省略。2) 稱呼:根據(jù)收信人性別、職務(wù)、婚姻狀況、姓名等個人信息使用,如Mr./ Mrs. White, Professor Black, Dr. Smith, Dear Mum and Dad。不清楚收信人具體姓名或職務(wù)等情況,可以寫成:Dear Sir

11、or Madam, To whom it may concern。3) 正文 (Body)(1) Body局部頂格寫,段落之間要空行;或Body局部段首空六格,段落之間不要空行。(2)書信題寫作五點(diǎn)根本結(jié)構(gòu)開門見山說意圖咨詢建議一二三不同內(nèi)容可分段感謝客氣不可少期盼回信成老套4) 結(jié)束語:寫在正文下面二至三行處。較正式的信件多采用Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours faithfully, Your truly等;私人信件多采用yours, With love, Yours affectionately等。5)簽名:應(yīng)寫在結(jié)束語的下面。 Foreign

12、 Language School Hunan Agricultural University Changsha City, 410128 Hunan Province Peoples Republic of China November 2nd, 2009EditorNewsweek International355 Madison AvenueNew York, NY 10022U.S.A.Dear Editor: Truly yours, (Signature)格式二 A Letter to 4th, December, 2021Dear Sir/Madam, / To whom it m

13、ay concern, Yours sincerely,Li Ming Sample 1:Directions: You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you

14、will carry out your plan. Write your letter in no less than 100 words. Write it neatly. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming instead. Do not write the address.Dear Sir/Madam, / To whom it may concern, I am writing to tell you that I want to make a contribution to Project

15、Hope by giving financial support to a child who lives in a remote area. Would you please help me find such a candidate? Firstly, the child should live in the west of Hunan Province. Because I come from that area too. I hope I can so something for my hometown. Secondly, the child should be a girl fro

16、m a farmers family. Since girls in the countryside in China are usually given fewer chances to receive education, I really hope I can help girls. Thirdly, the childs family should be so poor that her parents can not afford her tuition and she has to drop out of school. Last but not least, the girl s

17、hould be warm hearted and always willing to help others. How will I carry out my plan of helping the girl? To begin with, I will post 200 RMB to the girl every month. At the same time, some clothes and stationeries will be sent to her. Moreover, I will write letters to her often. I will do my best t

18、o encourage her to study hard and to be confident. Furthermore, I will go to her hometown to see her in the summer or winter vacation. Lastly, I will also invite her to my home and take her to visit some places of interest in holidays. In this way, I think her horizons will be broadened. Your help w

19、ill be greatly appreciated! Sincerely yours, Li MingSample 2: 假設(shè)你是李靜,因?yàn)闁|南亞地區(qū)發(fā)生海嘯而呼吁人們要保護(hù)地球。寫一封呼吁信,信的內(nèi)容應(yīng)該包括: 1. 人類破壞行為導(dǎo)致的嚴(yán)重后果; 2. 呼吁人們重視地球環(huán)境; 3. 提出建議或解決措施。To everyone on our planet, Over the past years, floods, droughts, dust storms, landslides (山體滑坡), mud-rock / debris flow (泥石流), hurricanes (颶風(fēng)) /

20、typhoon (臺風(fēng)) / tornado (龍卷風(fēng)) / cyclone (旋風(fēng),龍卷風(fēng)), earthquakes and tsunami / seismic sea wave (海嘯) have frequented our planet, the sole habitat of human beings. Several months ago, a tsunami has swept Southeast Asia, causing enormous damage. Numerous disasters like this one have sounded an alarm to hu

21、man beings. It is a common sense that nowadays, only from our planet can we obtain our shelter, food, clothes and so on. If the earth is damaged, we will have nowhere to live. Though natural disasters like earthquakes are beyond our control, the destruction caused by human beings can be controlled t

22、o a certain extent. Such destruction has aroused peoples concern all the over the world. If we pay no attention to the present destructive human activities, our planet will be a tomb instead of a cozy home. Counter-measures must be taken to control the destruction to the Earth caused by human beings

23、. First of all, laws must be established to punish those who are involved in destructive conduct. Second, enterprises and individuals who are in support of an environment-friendly society should be encouraged with honors and rewards. Third, more publicity should be given to environmental protection,

24、 thus making every citizen be aware of the responsibility to protect the environment. Sincerely yours, Li Jing Homework假設(shè)你是李靜,你想向校長申請參加西北大開發(fā),你要給校長寫一封信,信的內(nèi)容包括: 1. 表達(dá)自己想要參加西北大開發(fā)的愿望; 2. 簡要說明自己的理由。歷年CET-6圖表型作文1991年6月 圖表作文Car Accidents Declining in Walton City1992年1月 圖表作文Film is Giving Way to TV1996年6月圖表

25、作文Health Gains in Developing Countries2002年6月 圖表作文Student Use of ComputersAverage number of hours a student spends on the computer per weekIn 1990: 2.5 hours per weekIn 1995: 3.5 hours per weekIn 2000: 19.5 hours per week1. 上圖所示為1990年、1995年、2000年某校大學(xué)生使用計算機(jī)的情況,請描述其變化;2. 請說明發(fā)生這些變化的原因可從計算機(jī)的用途、價格或社會開展等方

26、面加以說明;3. 你認(rèn)為目前大學(xué)生在計算機(jī)使用中有什么困難或問題。2003年6月 (圖表作文)Changes in the Ownership of HousesIn 1990: state-owned : private: 75:25In 1995: state-owned : private: 60:40In 2000: state-owned : private: 20:801. 根據(jù)上圖描述該市住房產(chǎn)權(quán)的變化2. 分析產(chǎn)生這些變化的原因3. 說明這些變化對個人和社會產(chǎn)生的影響2006年6月 (圖表作文)Traveling AbroadNumber of people in City X

27、 traveling abroad in 1995, 2000 and 2005In 1995: 10,000 peopleIn 2000: 38,000 peopleIn 2005: 127,500 people1. 近十年來X市有越來越多的人選擇處境旅游2. 出現(xiàn)這種現(xiàn)象的原因3. 這種現(xiàn)象可能產(chǎn)生的影響1.2 圖表作文表格(Table)、Bar Chart (柱狀圖)、 Pie Chart (餅狀圖)、 Graph (曲線圖)、 Line Graph(線形圖)、第一段:寫圖表的總的感覺開門見山地描述數(shù)據(jù),分析數(shù)據(jù)間的主要差異及趨勢,接著說明數(shù)據(jù)所反映的現(xiàn)象或問題,點(diǎn)明本圖表所反映的主題。

28、(figure , describe, tell, show, represent,etc.)第二段:寫出現(xiàn)該現(xiàn)象的原因說明造成數(shù)據(jù)間差異、變化等的理由,注意層次、邏輯清晰合理。(one of the reasons was, another reason was, rise, drop, reduce, increase, decrease, fall, while, but, on the contrary, however, compareto/with, in contrast to, as as, the same as, more than, less than, etc.)第三段

29、:歸納總結(jié)或發(fā)表評論陳述個人觀點(diǎn),指出這些現(xiàn)象、問題的后果或帶來的影響,并指出解決措施等。(in short, generally speaking, It is clear from the chart that,We can draw the conclusion that, We can learn/know etc.)有三種寫法:1. 如果圖表反映的是壞現(xiàn)象,建議采取什么措施。2. 如果圖表反映的是好現(xiàn)象,展望未來如:汽車事故減少。3.如果圖表反映的是非好非壞的現(xiàn)象,發(fā)表作者自己的看法如:電影,電視。You should quote as few figures as possible

30、. 六級圖表作文的要求: 挖掘圖表后面的內(nèi)涵。模式It can be seen from the graph/table/figure thatWhy are there such great changes during .years? In my opinionreasons contribute to it.First/At first, Secondly/In addition,/ Moreover/ FinallyIn conclusion/To sum up/In short/ All in allSample 1: Car Accident Declining in Walton

31、 City (1991. 6) According to the graph /As can be seen from the graph, the rise and fall rate of the car accidents in Walton City varies in different seasons. From January to March last year it increased by 68%, from March to June it dropped by about half of the previous rate; and from June to Augus

32、t there was a steep rise of 66.6%. After that, however, there was a steady decrease, and this makes us confident that car accidents are declining in Walton City. There are three reasons for this improvement. First, new traffic regulations have made drivers more careful. Second, more people are using

33、 bicycles for transportation. And third, in the late part of the year, good weather made the roads safer to drive on. This year, major roads have been repaired and the number of public buses has been increased. Moreover, a traffic safety campaign has made all the local people more careful of the dan

34、ger of the unsafe driving. So, I am confident there will even be fewer car accidents in Walton City in future. Sample 2:The Number of Scholars Returning from Overseas over the Past YearsIn 1984: about 1,200In 1994: about 6,000In 2004: about 25,0001. 上圖反映了近年來留學(xué)歸國學(xué)者人數(shù)的變化,對此進(jìn)行描述;2. 分析產(chǎn)生這一現(xiàn)象的原因。 Scholar

35、s Returning from Overseas As is vividly portrayed in the chart above, the number of scholars returning from overseas has been climbing over the past few years and rocketed to 25 thousand in the year of 2004. People may wonder what is behind these amazing figures. The foremost reasons for the tremend

36、ous increase clearly revealed in the chart above can be illustrated as follows. To begin with, a set of preferential policies has contributed to the increase of the number of returning scholars. To motivate students studying overseas to return, our government has set up a suite of preferential polic

37、ies in terms of salaries, housing, choice of jobs, and childrens education. Without these preferential policies, the number of returning scholars would not have increased so dramatically. Moreover, the rapid development of our motherland has led to the increase in the number of scholars returning fr

38、om overseas. Ever since 1978 when China launched the reform and opening-up policy, its economy has been developing at an astonishing speed. The robust economy has laid a solid foundation for the rapid development of scientific study, which makes China a most inviting country to both overseas Chinese

39、 and foreigners. Therefore, without the great leap of our country over the past few decades, the increase in the number of returning scholars would be impossible either. To sum up, our preferential policies and the rapid development of our country are the foundations of the increase revealed in the

40、chart above. HomeworkRush for Postgraduate StudyIn 2000: 380,000In 2001: 435,000In 2002: 620,000In 2003: 800,000In 2004: 955,0001. 上圖所示為近幾年報考研究生的人數(shù),描述其變化并說明其原因; 2. 闡述你對考研熱的觀點(diǎn)。請假條 (written request for leave) 請病假 (note for sick leave) / 請事假 (leave of absence) To: Peter Stone, Manager From: Lynn Chen,

41、Financial Department Date: Nov. 2nd, 2021 Subject: Casual Leave of Absence Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on Nov. 4th, this Wednesday. This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to come to his practice for immediate treat

42、ment of my teeth. I have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. The situation could worsen, should infection occur. Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best soluti

43、on. I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause. Thanks. I will call you at 1:30 p.m. or you can call me at any time. Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a poster inviting freshmen to join a student association. You should write at least 150 wo

44、rds following the outline given below in Chinese:1. 協(xié)會正在招募新成員2. 協(xié)會的歷史、宗旨和開展的活動3. 如何參加,聯(lián)系方式Sample We, English Club, are recruiting new members. Those with a keen love for English may join us on the great trip of indulging in the world of English. English Club is a 20-year-old student-run organization

45、 in our school, which has enjoyed great popularity among students over so many years. It is established to provide an environment for students with common interest in English speaking, writing and other related English areas. Our activities center around improving our members English skills and prom

46、oting friendship and fun among our members. The Club is most famed for its traditional activity English Corner held every Thursday, where English lovers gather together, making friends, exchanging ideas and most importantly improving their spoken English. We also play classical English movies free o

47、f charge to our members, and put on English dramas acted by our members, just to name a few. Come and join us if you have an interest in English studies and want to have fun as well. Interested students please call 2233567 or send an email to English-. And 100RMB membership fee is needed. 歷年CET-6型說明

48、文型作文2000年1月Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How I Finance My College Education. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:上大學(xué)的費(fèi)用tuitions and fees可以通過多種途徑解決。哪種途徑適合我說明理由。2001年1月 Di

49、rections: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 面試在求職過程中的作用2. 取得面試成功的因素:儀表、舉止談吐、能力、專業(yè)知識、自信、實(shí)事求是2.1 題型介紹以說

50、明為主要表達(dá)方式用來說明事物,闡述事理的一種文體。通過揭示概念來說明事物的特征、本質(zhì)及其規(guī)律性。一般可分為實(shí)體事物說明和抽象事物說明兩大類。2.2 寫作方法主要有分類法、 例證法、 比較法、因果關(guān)系法。2.2.1 分類法 分類法是對同屬不同類或同類不同種的人或事物,根據(jù)不同性質(zhì)進(jìn)行分門別類地說明的方法。分類標(biāo)準(zhǔn)必須統(tǒng)一,這樣才能使分類對象具有統(tǒng)一性。寫作時應(yīng)在段首句點(diǎn)明主題,然后列舉內(nèi)容,得出合理的結(jié)論。如: As far as political views are concerned, people fall into three categories. First are the con

51、servative people. Conservatives are opposed to sudden or great changes. Second are the liberal people. These people are in favor of progress and reform. But their opinions often seem too idealistic. Third are the moderate people. The moderates keep everything within reasonable limits. They are more

52、practical in this hard world. In my opinion, most people seem to belong to this group.2.2.2 例證法 例證法就是用具體例子來說明人或事物的特征、本質(zhì)及其規(guī)律的方法,所用例子必須典型、有代表性,能表達(dá)人或事物的本質(zhì)特征。這是用特殊來說明一般的方法。通常放在主題句后,用For example, For instance, such as, namely, that is to say, frequently, especially, in general, in particular, to illustra

53、te等短語引導(dǎo)出具體的例子。如: Our life today depends very much on energy. For example, machines have made our life easier than it used to be. The machines use energy, and energy is needed for heating, lighting, communications, carrying goods everything. Factories use a great deal of energy to make the things tha

54、t we and buy and sell.2.2.3 比較法 比較法就是有意識地把兩種相反的事物或同一事物相反、相對的兩個方面放在一起,用比較的方法加以描述或說明。在進(jìn)行比較時,通??刹捎脙煞N方式:第一種方式采用“先A后B的結(jié)構(gòu),即A1, A2, A3; B1, B2, B3。第二種方式采用“AB交錯的結(jié)構(gòu),即A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3。如: It is easy to be winner. A winner can show his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victor

55、y. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely. Unlike winners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to face defeat with dignity. Losers can not show their disappointments publicly. They can not cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer privately, but they mu

56、st be composed in public. They have nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness. I like having a twin sister. When she is happy, I am happy. When she feels unhappy, I feel the same. Often, I know what shes going to say. Sometimes, I know what she is thinking. I like what she likes. I hate

57、 what she hates. We like the same music, the same food and the same books. 2.2.4 因果關(guān)系法 事物變化開展的原因和結(jié)果是密切聯(lián)系的。如果某個現(xiàn)象的存在必然引起另一現(xiàn)象的發(fā)生,那么這兩個現(xiàn)象之間就有因果關(guān)系。因果關(guān)系包括“由果推因和“由因推果兩種情況??荚嚂r只有存在必然因果關(guān)系的兩個事物才能用此方法。寫作中常用because, as, since, so, now that, if then, the reason is that等表達(dá)因果。如: Of the four seasons, I like spring

58、best. I prefer spring because it is a season of much joy and gaiety. New life bursts out everywhere. Plants wear a green coat again and colorful flowers blossom in gardens and mountains. The old come outdoors for fresh air and the young plan for outdoor activities. Life becomes so energetic and happ

59、y.Sample 1. 說明健康的重要性;2. 介紹保持健康的方法。 Good Health Good health is the most valuable treasure a person can possess. It is very difficult for a person, no matter how rich, powerful or learned he may be, to be happy without good health. Therefore, good health is the greatest wealth. There are a number of u

60、seful rules which will ensure good health if we follow them. First of all, the body needs to be kept clean. We should wash ourselves at least once a week in winter and once a day in summer. We should also make sure that our rooms are always full of fresh air, because oxygen in fresh air is necessary


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