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1、A health lifecontents1.識記填讀2.聯(lián)想填讀3.構詞填讀4.語境填讀5.句式填讀6.核心詞匯7.單元語法8.微型考場9.名師講壇.識記填讀1_ n. & vt. 濫用;虐待答案abuse2_ adj.絕望的;拼命的答案desperate3_ adj. 失望的;沮喪的答案disappointed4_ adj. 感到慚愧或羞恥的答案ashamed5_ adj. 非法的,不合法的答案illegal6_ adj. 笨拙的答案awkward.聯(lián)想填讀1_n. & vt.濫用;虐待drug abuse嗜毒答案abuse2ban vt.禁止;取締;n.禁令ban sb._sth.禁止某

2、人做某事答案from doing3due to由于owing to/ thanks to/ because of/ as a result of/ as a _由于答案consequence of4_adj.上了癮的be_對有癮答案addicted;addicted to5be_對習慣/ be used to習慣于_被用來做(某事)答案accustomed to;be used to do6_adv.精神上;智力上_adv.身體上;物質上地答案mentally;physically7effect n結果;效力_對有影響affect vt.影響;侵襲,使感染答案have an effect on

3、8in spite of不管;不顧_prep.盡管,不管regardless of不管;不顧答案despite.構詞填讀1automatic adj. 無意識的;自動的_ adv. 無意識地;自動地答案automatically2_ adj. 畸形的;異常的normal adj. 正常的答案abnormal3_ adj. 不健康的;不合適的;不合格的fit adj. 健康的;合適的答案unfit4_ vt. 加強;鞏固;使堅強;vi. 變強strength n. 力量答案strengthen5embarrassed adj. 尷尬的;陷入困境的_ adj. 令人尷尬的答案embarrassin

4、g6breath n呼吸_vi. & vt.呼吸_adj.氣喘吁吁的答案breathe;breathless7survive vi & vt.幸存_n幸存_n幸存者答案survival;survivor8judge vt. & vi.判斷_n看法;判斷答案judgement.語境填讀1_(盡管) the fact that I may_(陷入) trouble,Id like to _(冒險)答案In spite of;get into;take a risk2Since you have been _(習慣于)smoking for so many years,youll have a _(

5、艱難) time _(戒掉) it.答案accustomed to;tough;quitting3The bad information we get on the Internet will have a negative _(影響) on us,some even affects us both_(精神上) and physically (身體上)答案effect;mentally4You shouldnt ask her private questions that will make her feel _ (尷尬的)答案embarrassed5He was presented with

6、 an award for saving a woman _ (冒險) of his own life.答案at the risk6The little girl,_(由于) cheating,was _ (感到羞愧的) of having failed in the final exam.答案due to;ashamed.句式填讀1_ (你知道),if you do the same thing over and over again,you begin to do it automatically.答案As you know2_ (每次當你想抽煙時),remind yourself tha

7、t you are a nonsmoker.答案Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette3Here are some things you can do to _(確保你自己保持安全)答案make sure you stay safe4_ only _(只有當) the disease has progressed to AIDS _ a person begins to look sick.答案It is;when;that5_ (沒有好處) crying over spilt milk.答案It is no good必會alcohol/dru

8、g abuse 酗酒/吸毒child abuse (abuse children) 虐待兒童abuse ones power 濫用權力必會under the stress of 在壓力下lay/place/put stress on sth. 強調某事物stress the importance of 強調的重要性必會ban sth. (依法)取締/查禁某物ban sb. from doing sth. 嚴禁某人做某事banned adj.被禁止的;被取締的banned books/films/vidoes 禁書/禁止上映的電影/禁播的錄像必會quit doing sth. 放棄干某事;停止干

9、某事quit office/school/the army 離職/退學/退伍類詞辨析ashamed指某人因某事而感到羞愧shameful指事情本身可恥、不道德必會accustom sb./oneself to sth./(doing) sth.使某人/自己習慣于(做)某事get/become/be accustomed to sth./(doing) sth.習慣于(做)某事be used to (doing) sth. 習慣于(做)某事必會despite prep. 盡管in spite of/despite the fact thatalthough/though從句 不管;盡管regar

10、dless of 不管,不顧基礎知識.語境填詞1She _(強調了) the importance of a balanced diet.答案stressed2Allow yourself to watch soap opera occasionally,but dont get_(上癮)答案addicted3After his vacation,he was in fine condition both physically and_(精神上)答案mentally4Our friendship has steadily_(加強) over the years.答案strengthened5H

11、e was_(羞愧) of having failed in the examination.答案ashamed2New technologies have made_possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.解析題干的意思是:新技術已經(jīng)使得以更快的速度且更低的價格生產(chǎn)新產(chǎn)品成為可能。在句式make it possible to do sth.中,it為形式賓語,真正的賓語為to do sth.,possible作賓補。答案it3I would appreciate_if you would help me wit

12、h the problem.解析I will/would appreciate it if.為一種固定句式,意為“如果我將不勝感激”。答案it4I prefer the climate of Shanghai to _ of Beijing.答案that5Did you find your pen yesterday?No,I didnt find_. But Ive bought_.解析考查代詞用法。句意“你昨天找到你的鋼筆了嗎?不,我沒找到它。但是我又買了一支”。第一個空指談話中提到的那支鋼筆,用it替代;第二個空是泛指另一支,用one替代。答案it;oneB完成句子1_ you didn

13、t attend the party.你沒參加聚會真遺憾。答案It is a pity that2_ doing such useless things.做這樣無用的事情等于浪費時間。答案Its a waste of time3_ that a heavy snowstorm hit that area last week.據(jù)說,上周那個地區(qū)遭到一場嚴重的暴風雪的襲擊。答案It was said4I prefer a street in a small town _.我喜歡一個小城鎮(zhèn)的街道勝過這么一個大城市的街道。答案to that in such a large city5I have tw

14、o brothers;_.我有兩個弟弟,一個15歲,另一個11歲。答案one is fifteen and the other is eleven.微完形“Sixteen,” I said. I have forgotten the math question my secondgrade teacher,Joyce Cooper asked that day,but I will never forget my_1_. As soon as the number left my mouth,the whole class started_2_. I felt like the_3_perso

15、n in the world.Mrs. Cooper fixed them with a firm look. Then she said:“Were all here to_4_.”1A.question Banswer Cresult Dreaction解析語境理解題。根據(jù)前面的內容可知此處表示雖然作者忘記了數(shù)學問題,但他永遠不會忘記自己給的答案。答案B2A.talking BshoutingCdiscussing Dlaughing解析語境理解題。此處表示作者受到同學們的嘲笑。答案D3A.stupidest BhappiestCleast amusing Dmost important解

16、析語境理解和生活常識題。由于回答問題回答錯了,受到同學們的嘲笑,所以作者當時覺得自己是世界上最愚蠢的人。答案A4A.work Blearn Cpaly Dwatch解析語境理解題。面對學生們的嘲笑,作者和Mrs. Cooper一樣,對學生們說:“我們到這里都是來學習的?!惫蔬xB。答案B.微閱讀Efficient(高效的) AgricultureThe agriculture became much more efficient in England in the 1700s. The farmers started experimenting with different ways of pl

17、anting. A lot of farmers started to use machines to sow,instead of doing it by hand. Fewer and fewer workers were needed in the agriculture,and therefore a lot of people found their way to the new factories,which needed a lot of workers. The changes in the agriculture were one of the most important

18、factors in industrial revolution.Which of the following is most helpful to the development of agriculture?AFarmers. BMachines.CFactories. DWorkers.解析細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)本段中的“A lot of farmers started to use machines to sow,instead of doing it by hand.”可知,機器的使用對農(nóng)業(yè)的發(fā)展起到了很大的幫助作用。答案B答案Nowadays,the Internet has becom

19、e a necessary tool in our life. Through a computer connected to the Internet,we can find nearly all the information we need both in our work and in our life. Besides,we can download a lot of useful things,surf the Internet and send or receive emails.相關模板正反觀點式模板 Recently weve had a discussion about w

20、hether we should (導入話題). Our opinions are divided on this topic.Most of the students are in favour of it. Here are the reasons. First,(原因一)Second,(原因二). Finally,(原因三) However,the others are strongly against it. Their reasons are as follows. In the first place,(原因一). Whats more,(原因二). In addition,(原因

21、三) Personally speaking,the advantages overweigh the disadvantages,so I support it.觀點論述類模板 Recently,there is a (導入話題)As a student,I am strongly in favour of the decision. The reasons for this may be listed as follows. First of all,(理由一). Secondly,(理由二). Finally,(理由三) In conclusion,I believe that (結論).正方反方1.能減少和杜絕壞習慣2促進精神文明建設1.罰款不一定能解決問題2有時很難界定該不該罰款據(jù)上表的內容為某英語報紙寫一篇短文,介紹兩種觀點,并談談你對這個問題的看法。注意:1.詞數(shù)1


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