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1、PAGE PAGE 7Delegation to Thailand and Vietnam for The 20th Joint Economic Cooperation Meeting between CIECA and FTI第二十屆臺泰經(jīng)濟(jì)合作會議&The 16th Joint Business Council Meeting between CIECA and VCCI第十六屆臺越工商聯(lián)席會議August 4-14, 2009Tentative Itinerary and ProgramAugust 4(Tuesday)08:40-11:20Departure from Taipei

2、to Bangkok via CI-833搭乘中華航空CI-833由臺北抵曼谷Check in the Imperial Queens Park Hotel進(jìn)駐飯店18:00-20:00 Welcome Reception歡迎晚宴August 5 (Wednesday)The 20th Joint Economic Cooperation Meeting between CIECA and FTI第二十屆臺泰經(jīng)濟(jì)合作會議(會議以英文進(jìn)行)Theme: The Bridge to ASEAN會議主題:前進(jìn)東協(xié)的橋樑Venue: The Imperial Queens Park Hotel Ban

3、gkok08:30-09:00Registration 報(bào)到09:00-09.05Welcome Remarks by Dr. Jan Wongpirun, Chairman of TTECC of FTI泰臺經(jīng)濟(jì)合作會議主席詹泉水博士致詞09:05-09:15Opening Remarks by Mr. Santi Vilassakdanont, Chairman of F.T.I. (The Federation of Thai Industries)泰國工業(yè)院主席Mr. Santi Vilassakdanont致詞09:15-09:20 Responding Remarks by Mr.

4、 Alfred F.L. Chen, Chairman of Thailand Committee of CIECA 中華民國國際經(jīng)濟(jì)合作協(xié)會泰國委員會陳主任委員飛龍致詞09:20-10:15 Keynote Addresses: “The Bridge to ASEAN”專題演講:前進(jìn)東協(xié)的橋樑 - “Thailands Economic Cooperation: The Bridge to ASEAN” by Mr. Charnchai Chairungruang, Minister, Ministry of Industry, Thailand - “Taiwans Economic C

5、ooperation: The Bridge to ASEAN” by Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs, ROC (TBC)10:15-10:30 Coffee Break 休息10:30-10:40 Address by Mr. Wu Roy W.Y., Representative of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Thailand駐泰國臺北經(jīng)濟(jì)文化辦事處烏代表元彥致詞10:40-10:50 Address by Mrs. Monta Pranootnorapal, Governor of IEAT

6、 (Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand)泰國工業(yè)土地管理局局長Mrs. Monta Pranootnorapal致詞10:50-11:00 Address by Mr. Norman Chang, Chairman, Thai-Taiwan Business Association (TTBA) 泰國臺灣商會會長致詞11:00-11:10Address by Mr. Arin Jira, Chairman of ASEAN Business Advisory Council東協(xié)企業(yè)諮詢會議主席Mr. Arin Jira致詞11:10-11:20 Ad

7、dress by Dr. Atchaka Sibunruang-Brimble, Secretary General of Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI)泰國工業(yè)部投資促進(jìn)委員會秘書長Dr. Atchaka Sibunruang-Brimble11:20-11:30Bangkok Bank Presentation11:30-12:10 Taipei Computer Association Presentation臺北市電腦公會團(tuán)員產(chǎn)品介紹12:10-12:30 MOU Signing Ceremony: RFID & Telecommunicat

8、ion簽署MOU12:00-13:30 Lunch 午宴Plenary Presentations 全體大會13:30-15:00 RFID: ASEAN Growth Trends & BusinessCollaboration between Thailand &Taiwan 無線射頻辨技術(shù):東協(xié)的成長趨勢和臺泰兩國企業(yè)合作- RFID of F.T.I., Thailand- 工研院辨識中心唐主任震寰 (TBC)Renewable Energy (Solar Photovoltaic): Innovation & Investment in ASEAN替代能源:東協(xié)的革新與投資 - Dr

9、. Paritud Bhandhubangyong, Advisor to President, National Science and Technology Development Agencies - Dr. Logan W.C. Huang, General Manager, Nanowin Technology Co., Ltd.威奈聯(lián)合科技股份有限公司黃總經(jīng)理文啟 New Facilitation for Investment Opportunities from ASEAN Unity東協(xié)國家聯(lián)盟所帶來的新便利投資商機(jī)- Mrs. Prapaiwan Muthitacharoen

10、, Deputy Governor, Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand - Thai Industrial Estate Developer of Thailand15:00-16:30 Business Matching 商務(wù)洽談18:00-20:00 Networking Cocktail Dinner at The Imperial Queens Park Hotel 晚宴20:00Closing Remarks - Mr. Mangkorn Dhanasarnsilp, Vice Chairman of F.T.I泰國工業(yè)院副主席Mr. M

11、angkorn Dhanasarnsilp致閉幕詞August 6 (Thursday)參觀拜會August 7(Friday)參觀拜會August 8 (Saturday)09:00-10:30Departure from Bangkok to Ho Chi Minh City via TG-680搭乘泰國航空TG-680由曼谷抵胡志明市p.m.參觀新順加工出口區(qū)及富美興南西貢開發(fā)計(jì)畫Check in the New World Hotel進(jìn)駐新世界飯店August9(Sunday) 僅參加越南行程者,本日出發(fā)前往胡志明市07:30-09:50Departure from Taipei to

12、 Ho Chi Minh City via CI781搭乘中華航空CI-781由臺北抵胡志明市p.m.參觀新順加工出口區(qū)及富美興南西貢開發(fā)計(jì)畫Check in the New World Hotel進(jìn)駐新世界飯店August 10(Monday)The 16th Joint Business Council Meeting between CIECA and VCCI第十六屆臺越工商聯(lián)席會議(會議以中越文進(jìn)行)Venue: New World Hotel08:30 - 09:00 Registrations 報(bào)到Opening Ceremony 開幕典禮09:00-09:05Opening:

13、Delegates introduction.開幕:團(tuán)員介紹09:05-09:15 Opening Remarks by Mr. Hoang Van Dung, First Vice Executive President, VCCI 越南商工總會黃常務(wù)副會長文勇致開幕詞09:15-09:25 Opening Remarks by Dr. Shi H. Huang, Chairman, Vietnam Committee, CIECA中華民國國際經(jīng)濟(jì)合作協(xié)會越南委員會黃主任委員世惠致開幕詞09:25-09:35 Address by Mr. Ying-Ping Liang, Represent

14、ative, Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Vietnam 駐越南臺北經(jīng)濟(jì)文化辦事處梁代表英斌致歡迎辭Plenary Session 全體大會09:35-.09:45Address by a Leader from the People Committee of Ho Chi Minh city ( or by a Leader from one city from the South of Vietnam) 胡志明市人委會官員致辭09:45-10:00Latest Economic and Investment Development, Inves

15、tment Environment, and Encouraging Investment Policy專題演講:越南最新經(jīng)濟(jì)投資發(fā)展概況、投資環(huán)境及鼓勵(lì)投資政策 Speech by Representative of MPI, Vietnam 越南計(jì)畫投資部外人投資局10:00 10:20 Tea - break休息10:20 11:15ICT Delegate Presentation by Representatives from Taipei Computer Association臺北市電腦公會團(tuán)員產(chǎn)品介紹11:15 11:25 Remarks by a Vietnam Enterp

16、rise 越南企業(yè)致詞11:25 11:40 “Investment Experiences in Vietnam” by a Taiwan Enterprise in Vietnam. 臺商在越南投資經(jīng)驗(yàn)談11:40 12:00 Q&A問題與討論Closing Ceremony 閉幕典禮12:00 12:15 Adoption of Joint Statement 簽署聯(lián)合聲明12:15 14:00 Luncheon午宴Individual Business Contacts 個(gè)別商務(wù)洽談14:00-16:00Individual Business ContactsAugust 11(Tuesday)參觀拜會August 12(Wednesday)09:30-11:30Departure from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi via VN-216搭乘越南航空VN-216由胡志明市飛往河內(nèi)Check in the Daewoo Hotel進(jìn)駐大宇飯店17:20-21:45 臺北市電腦公會代表團(tuán)搭乘中華航空CI-784返臺17:45-21:00臺商座談會暨餐敘臺商座談會暫訂議程17:45-18:00 報(bào)到18:00-18


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