



1、華僑小學(xué)有效教學(xué)2013學(xué)年下學(xué)期英語(yǔ)科教學(xué)計(jì)劃任教教師:陳艷華任教班級(jí):六年7一現(xiàn)狀分析1、上學(xué)期學(xué)生學(xué)業(yè)成績(jī)分析:(備注:詳見(jiàn)上學(xué)期期末質(zhì)量分析表)2、上學(xué)期考試成績(jī)前6名學(xué)生: 姓名考試成績(jī) 姓名考試成績(jī) 姓名考試成績(jī)徐曉天100吳永杰100梁鎵杰100王宇航100徐子揚(yáng)100黃韻箏993、上學(xué)期考試成績(jī)后6名學(xué)生: 姓名考試成績(jī) 姓名考試成績(jī) 姓名考試成績(jī)黃振南60余 意77.5譚智文77王超70覃巧儀77龐嘉虹784、學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)情況分析:同學(xué)們已經(jīng)掌握了一定的學(xué)習(xí)方法,已經(jīng)有一定的英語(yǔ)基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)。7班排在年級(jí)的中段,第一次堂聽(tīng)檢測(cè)出中下生較多,尖子生較少。二本學(xué)期教學(xué)計(jì)劃1、本學(xué)期學(xué)生需

2、要掌握的學(xué)科知識(shí)(教學(xué)目標(biāo)、內(nèi)容等):(備注:詳見(jiàn)級(jí)教學(xué)計(jì)劃。)2、教學(xué)重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn):Topic Phonetics Drills Daily Expressions in Communications Module 1 Change Unit 1 Xiaolings New Apartment Unit 2 A Lovely Baby Unit 3 Lets Go Further 元音字母在非重讀音節(jié)的讀音 1) Now my house is a lot closer to / near to the school. 2) This bed is more comfortable than

3、the old one. 3) He was a beautiful, healthy baby with blonde hair and big eyes. 4) She was nice to look at, but she was sometimes in trouble. 5) When did he become a manager? 6) I was a tennis player when I was young. 7) I was thin before. But I need to go on diet now. 1) Oh no! 2) Sorry. 3) Gosh! M

4、odule 2 Diary Unit 4 Tree Planting Day Unit 5 Saving the Broken Tree Unit 6 Lets Go Further 單詞的重讀與非重讀 1) We put the young trees into the holes. 2) We filled the hole with earth. 3) We carried water for the new trees. 4) Mr Chen helped us water the trees. 5) All of us hope the trees will grow well. 6

5、) He was sad when he someone cut the tree. 7) He is / feels sad/angry/ happy / surprised Lets try to save it. Module 3 Famous People Unit 7 Dr Sun Yatsen Unit 8 Robin Hood Unit 9 Lets Go Further 升調(diào)與降調(diào) 1) Why was he so important? 2) Who was the father of modern China? 3) What did he do? He took from

6、the rich and gave to the poor. 4) He was against the emperor. 1) When was he born? He was born in 1970. 2) When did he die? He died on May 1st, 1980. Module 4 Stories and Fables Unit 10 Waiting for Another Hare Unit 11 The Lion and The Mouse Unit 12 Lets Go Further 升調(diào)與降調(diào) 1) Can I keep the book a lit

7、tle longer? 2) Who borrowed the fable? 3) When did you borrow the book? 4) Where did he borrow the book? 5) How did she get to the library? 6) How long did he keep the book? 1) You must com e and renew it. Yes, you must. 2) Must we borrow book with an ID card? No, you neednt. 3) Can I write on the b

8、ook? No, you mustnt. Module 5 Hopes and Fantasies Unit 13 The Beijing 2008 Olympics Unit 14 Hopes and Fantasies of the Children 連讀與失去爆破 1) I want to be a runner. 2) I hope I can win the games. 3) I wish I could fly in the sky like the Monkey King. 1) Here I come! 2) Well, 3) Wow! 4) Me too! Module 6 Revision 3、教學(xué)進(jìn)度:(備注:詳見(jiàn)級(jí)教學(xué)計(jì)劃)4、對(duì)學(xué)習(xí)尖子生有效培訓(xùn)的措施(方法、時(shí)間等):培訓(xùn)時(shí)間:周五第6節(jié)培訓(xùn)地點(diǎn):待定培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容:本學(xué)期以增加學(xué)生的


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