Unit 4 Amazing Art 詞匯課 課件-高中英語外研版必修第三冊_第1頁
Unit 4 Amazing Art 詞匯課 課件-高中英語外研版必修第三冊_第2頁
Unit 4 Amazing Art 詞匯課 課件-高中英語外研版必修第三冊_第3頁
Unit 4 Amazing Art 詞匯課 課件-高中英語外研版必修第三冊_第4頁
Unit 4 Amazing Art 詞匯課 課件-高中英語外研版必修第三冊_第5頁
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1、Unit 4 Amazing ArtWords and Expressions1. exhibitionn.展出, 展覽_v.展覽,表現(xiàn)2. neighbourhood n.社區(qū),街坊_n.鄰居3. demonstrate v.示范_n.示范,證明4. vividly adv.生動地_adj.生動的;鮮明的5. elegant adj.高雅的,優(yōu)美的_adv.優(yōu)美地 _n.典雅;高雅6. stimulate v.刺激,促進_n.刺激;激勵7. frequent adj.頻繁的_adv.頻繁地 _n.頻率;頻繁8. mostly adv.大部分;主要地 _det.& pron.大多數(shù);幾乎所有

2、adv.最,非常exhibitneighbourdemonstrationvividelegantlyelegancestimulationfrequentlyfrequencymostPractice單句語法填空The leaders of two sides exchanged _(greet) and then sat down for talks.Some of the embroideries(刺繡品) are in bold, bright colours;others are quite _(elegance). Chinas economic development _(sti

3、mulate) the development of the world economy and world trade during these years.The Grand Canal,the worlds longest man-made waterway, _(demonstrate) a everlasting cultural gene of our motherland. greetings elegant has stimulated demonstrate Key phrasesTranslation_因而著名_ 給留下印象_ 發(fā)現(xiàn),弄清,查明_ 看起來與(某人或某物)相像

4、或相似_ 由制成_ 發(fā)生;走近;被提及_ 嘲笑_ 為付錢_ 伸手be famous/known formake an impression onfind outlook likebe made ofcome uplaugh atpay forreach outTranslation _ 建造;搭起;張貼 _ 抬頭往上看;查閱;探望;看望 _扔掉;丟掉;錯過_在于_被視為;被認為是_喜歡_高度贊揚get a load of _day after day _put uplook upthrow awaylie inbe regarded as be fond of. sing high prais

5、es for 注意,仔細看(常用于表驚訝或羨慕)日復(fù)一日Translationget a good view of _of ones own_at the top of _in the shape of. _be aware of _range from A to B _by accident _due to _make use of _飽覽屬于某人自己的在的頂端呈形狀;以形式意識到,知道在A和B之間變化意外地由于使用;利用Practiceget a good view ofof ones ownbe made ofcome upmake an impression onpay forNowa

6、days its becoming more and more common for people to _ goods, service and so on with Alipay or WeChat.The young contestants wonderful performance in The Chinese Poetry Competition _ the audience.I sat in the front of the bus to _ the countryside.選擇恰當?shù)亩陶Z并用其正確形式填空pay formakes an impression onget a goo

7、d view ofPracticeA good way to prevent psychological problems is to let teenagers have communication space _ to release emotions.The researchers say that the keyboard _ inexpensive, plastic-like parts.He _ to me, welcomed me to the school and offered to organize a basketball game.of their ownis made

8、 ofcame upget a good view ofof ones ownbe made ofcome upmake an impression onpay fordue to be fond ofmake use ofby accidentI like watching TV and playing football while my brother _ collecting stamps and coins. Many flights to Ruili in Yunnan province were cancelled _ the outbreak of COVID-19.With more than 961,000 base stations built, people will _5G technology more c


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