已閱讀5頁,還剩141頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、UnitMy classroomwindowdoor, picture, board, light。 1教材相配套的教學課件Unit 1 Lets learn/A (一)熱身、復習 (Warm-up / Revision) pencilruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, eraser, hepencilcase:How many pencils/pens?使學 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) Whats in the classroom? eWhatsintheclassroom在看了兩遍 課件的基礎(chǔ)上,考查學生的聽力和記憶能力)學生

2、不見得都能回答出來,能說出部 出來。 Whats in the classroom?A board, two lights, many desks and chairs thingsinthe classroom.: Open the door, turn on the light, clean the window, put up the picture, clean the board and sweep the floor. 教師 (三)趣味訓練(Practice) 為一個本課所學單詞,然后教師讀單詞。如:教師讀 door, 那么各組被指定為 室門的位置。然后由各組的其他同學判斷對 單詞

3、,游戲繼續(xù)。最后,比一比哪個組得分最 一張大的教室圖片和單詞卡)讓 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)Listendraw and say (一)熱身、復習(Warm-up/Revision)a dog , this is my new dog. 知識回答:Its on/in/under/the (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) AmyandMikes new classmate. They have a new classroom. Do you want to Howmanylightsinthe classroom?Where is ZhangPengs seat

4、?必要 句可用動作來表示。教師告訴學生 Lets go and have a look.是建議去看遠 7教師可讓學生互相問一問在教室中所坐的位置。Wheres your se at? (三)趣味操練(Practice) day Doyouhave其他幾名學生回答:Yes/No, we have如猜 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) doctorbed (一)熱身、復習(Warm-up/Revision) A B C D E F G,H I J K L M N ,PQRSTU V W, X Y Z!Now you can say your A B Cs.Its as easy a

5、s 1 2 3 !(二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) 著學生回答出:Its a hand. Its an apple. Its an ant 時,用鼠標操 再讓學生看著這些單詞找出所含的相同字母 Aa。教師要注意 字母 Aa。并讓學生說出大小寫 Aa 的筆順。 (3)教師在黑板上畫好的四線三格中教寫大小寫字母 Aa。讓學生在練習本 (1)教師指著書上男孩和球,讓學生回答:Hes a boy. Its a (2)讓學生認讀和區(qū)分大小寫字母 Bb,并說出各自的筆順。教學步驟同畫 riteA所缺 (三)趣味操練(Practice) 。 戲結(jié)束。最后,誰手里拿的對子最多,誰就 (四)擴展性活動

6、(Add-activities)EeUnit My classroomdEe greencomputerteachersdeskfanwall floor (一)熱身、復習 (Warm-up / Revision) orange, pink, brown)都被復習過一遍。(二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation)TLookThisisourclassroomWhats in the classroom?deskacomputertwofansandfourwallsintheclassroom s3聽 Unit1 Lets learn/B錄音。通過錄音使學生更有效地記憶單詞。 通過讓學生回答問

7、題,學說句子 The wall is white. The floor is green.教 e walliswhite. The floor is green.The fan is green, too. The computer is blue. The teachers desk is yellow. rteachersdesk巡 o 生先把空缺的四個格隨意涂上紅、黃、藍和綠色。然后聽老師讀單詞劃圈,能夠 ay(三)趣味訓練(Practice)1)教師發(fā)給學生一張印有教室的黑白圖片,讓學生根據(jù)自己的想象把教室 2)本游戲可以進行 Listen and colour 的練習。學生要通過聽懂

8、教師的指 有英文單詞 computer, fan, wall, floor, teachers desk, board, chair, 比賽結(jié)束。最后看哪個小組猜對的詞最多,得 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)sismyclassroomItsverybigThedoorisyellowThe windows are green I like my classroom. clean the window, clean the board.clean生不理解時進行解 2教師自畫的圖片(圖片可表示出本課所學的詞組)(一)熱身、復習 (Warm-up / Revision) 學生必須

9、要做出相應(yīng)的動作,如果教師的指令中沒有說 Simon says,學生則不 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) 2教師創(chuàng)設(shè)情景,呈現(xiàn)新知。教師出示人物面具,讓學生使用 This is cleantheclassroom Every one wants to do something . Now lets look! What do they want to do?lkBWhosays Lets clean the classroom? (Wu Yifan)Whosays: Lets clean the desks and chairs? (Zhang Peng) Who want to

10、clean the window. (Mike)Who want to clean the board? (Chen Jie)tureniceYesItsniced What does Miss White say? (Good job!并板書)讓學生憑借自己的理解能 的話,意思是讓大家和自己一同做一件什么事。而 以小組為單位運用本課所學知識自編情景對話,教師可找 12 (三)趣味操練(Practice) Addactivities water (一)熱身、復習(Warm-up/Revision) 2游戲:教師念一個字母,學生迅速從他(她)的字母卡中找出相應(yīng)的字 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Present

11、ation)(1)先讓學生認讀和區(qū)分大小寫字母 Ff。并讓學生說出大小寫 Ff 的筆 對學 (2)教師在黑板上畫好的四線三格中教寫大小寫字母 Ff。讓學生在練習本 riteB 三)趣味操練(Practice) 母,最快使把好的字母成一直線(橫線、豎線、斜線皆可)的學生就喊: Bingo! 。 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)Unit My classroomh cecreamish _ oose _ thbook (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) booksharpener單詞。然后教師出示寫有上述單詞的卡片讓學 把單詞和圖片配成一對(二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Prese

12、ntation)學生回答:I have g (教師可讓多名學生來回答上述問題,并板書How many do you have? I two story-book. Unit 2 Lets learn/A A: I have a new schoolbag.BOh its nice. Whats in your schoolbag?A: A pencil-case and many books.BHowmanybooks do you have?A: I have 4.An English book, a Chinese book, a manth book and anotebook.(三)趣

13、味操練(Practice) Put your notebook under your bag.Put your pencil in your desk.Put your pencil-case on your chair.Put your eraser near your pencil-case.Put your English book on your head. stenanddraw (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)HowmanyChinesebooksdo you have?HowmanyEnglishbooksdo you have?Howmanymathbooksd

14、o you have?Howmanynotebooksdoyou have?Howmanystorybooksdo you have? 2在回答句子時顏色前面不用冠詞,學生經(jīng)常會出現(xiàn) Its a red.這樣的 (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) HowmanybooksdoyouhaveI have A: I have a B: Oh, really?May I have a look?A: Sure. Here you are.B: Thank you.Oh, its nice! I like it.A: Thanks.(二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) UnitL

15、ets talk/AChen Jie has a new schoolbag.Many books in the schoolbag. An English book, a notebook, andThe panda is fat and nice. (三)趣味操練(Practice) (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)可結(jié)合第一單元所學內(nèi)容,讓學生互相用 What colour is it?詢問教室里 顏色并做相應(yīng)的回答。使學生在真實的情景中 zlejacketnursenoodles (一)熱身、復習(Warm-up/Revision) (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentati

16、on) y 的筆順并書空。教師在四線三格中教寫字母大小寫 Kk。教寫中告訴學生大寫 K 在四線三格中教寫字母大小寫 Ll。教師可出示寫有手寫體 e教師出示字母卡,讓學生辨認字母Mm 的大小寫。讓學生說出大小寫字母Mm 母大小寫 Mm。教師要讓學生觀察出大 encilpends , (三)趣味操練(Practice) 。(四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) veHowmangycanyousee (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)1)報數(shù):教師讓學生從 120 按順序用英文報數(shù),如果前一個學生報到20 2)游戲:叫號。教師把寫有 one -twenty 的單詞卡發(fā)給學

17、生,教師隨意說 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) ee k picture-book. 單詞 thirty。讀 這個詞時,教師要告訴學生咬舌尖,尾音讀ti不要讀成tin。教師拿出單詞卡讓學生認讀并貼到黑板上。picturebookscanyou see?picturebookscanyou see? many story-books can you see? 14聽錄音學說 Lets chant??梢宰寣W生更改句子中的單詞,表演新的 (三)趣味操練(Practice) (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)。教師計時,時間到后,由記數(shù)人報數(shù) (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/

18、Revision) (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) ThirtyEnglishbooks 2 教 師 讓 學 生 用 此 方 法 回 答 : Whats in the g heavy?一邊說一邊用動作給以提示,啟發(fā)學生說出My schoolbag is heavy. 教olbagisheavytoo have Howmuch相 (三)趣味操練(Practice) 錄音帶(一)熱身、復習(Warm-up/Revision) (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) 格中教寫字母大小寫 Pp。教寫中告訴學生大小寫 q r Rr學生怎樣把小 krulepencilcaseds , (三

19、)趣味操練(Practice) 詞上畫一個圈。每畫出完整的一行或一列字母或單詞,學生就說 Bingo!直到所 說錯了,還可有再抽取兩張的機會。再錯 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)kingforthelettersfamily UnitMy friends (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)ongnoseandashorttailWhatisitAn olongearsWhatisitArabbitTherabbithas a short tail. 教師再出示長頸鹿和梅花鹿的圖片,讓學生說 rt(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) friends. h

20、air. They are friends. hair. She has short hair. haslonghairShehasquietWhois she? (板書)(三)趣味操練 (Practice)tWhosyourbest friend? 回答問題的學生可根據(jù) raw根據(jù)教師的描述畫出這幾個人 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) Unit My friendsWhoishe/she?Whos your best friend? (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) yourname學生回答問題后,教師對大家說:

21、His name is He is教師 學生回答:Whats his name? 教師再指另一個男生,讓一個學生問 WhatsyournameHisnameis組) Whatshisher name? His/Her name ishocantellmehishername tall and strong.lkingabouthis DoesJohnhaveaChinesefriend?Whats his friends name? iendyouhaveafriendtoo(三)趣味操練 (Practice) game rt hairHelikesmathWhos he? (四)擴展性活動(

22、Add-activities) Unit My friendsWhat s his name?His name isWhats her name?Her name is (一)熱身、復習(Warm-up/Revision) (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) 的筆順并書空。教師在四線三格中教學字母大小寫 Tt。教學中告訴學生大寫 T A 在四線三格中教學字母大小寫 Uu。教師可出示寫有手寫體 , 。(三)趣味操練(Practice) 。(四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)Making string lettersUnit 3 My friendsu (一)熱身復習(Warm

23、-up/Revision)。 使用第二冊 Unit4 LetsyoulikepeachesYes, I do.youlikeorangesNo, I dont.Whataboutpears?Oh, I like them very much.(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation)1教師出示幾張有關(guān)運動的圖片(如:游泳、踢足球、打乒乓球、跑步、 3同時把圖片貼到黑板上。問學生 Do you like science? 教師先讓一個 likepaintingcomputergame先讓一個學生回答問題,再讓另一個學生 ieOneisMike LetslistenWhatdotheir fri

24、end like?What does Mikes friend like?What does Chen Jies friend like? games(三)趣味操練 (Practice) Listen to music. Do sports. Paint. Make friends. Play computer games. Martin: He likes football.Teacher: No, He doesnt.Jane: He likes sports. Tom.(四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)Mygrandfatherlikes, My grandmother l

25、ikes, My father likes, My mother likes , I like.Unit My friendsMy friend likesHe/She likes (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)1 做接龍游戲。教師(指著一名男生)問一個學生 Whats his name?然 SaysomethingaboutyourfriendIhaveafriendHeShehas He/She is He/She likes(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) “A boy. ” Whosthisgirl? Whats her name? 5教師出示 John

26、 的面具(給學生看面具背面),問學生 Boy or girl? 學 (三)趣味操練 (Practice) (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)Unit My friendsSheHehas Whats his/her name?His/Her name is oygirlfriend 的教學錄音帶(一)熱身、復習(Warm-up/Revision) (二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) 格中教學字母大小寫 Xx。教學中告訴學生大小寫 yNo, it isnt a ship. Its yacht. 教師教讀單詞 yacht。這個單詞的發(fā)音 教學生說單詞 zipper,讓學生通過

27、讀音說出第一個字 a girl.Canyouspellthewordsboyandgirl能夠拼出 end, 。(三)趣味操練(Practice) 詞上畫一個圈。每畫出完整的一行或一列字母或單詞,學生就說 Bingo!直到所 ndshow (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) Unit My friendsy sEnglishwellGee。(一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) Whats in the classroom?Whats in your schoolbag?Whos your best friend?What

28、 does Chen Jie want to do? (Clean the desks and chairs.) Whats in it?Arethe story-books Johns? books. 邊說一邊做手勢) He/She speaks English well.教師可以向?qū)W生提出問題來檢 names (三)趣味操練 (Practice) (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) Recycle 1Whats in your schoolbag?Whats her name?Her name isnv (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (P

29、resentation) 讀三個新單詞:jet, sugar, Xmas. Oo, Uu, Ff, Rr. 但這個學生必須說:Ive got說對才 (三)趣味操練 (Practice)教師可將讀音易混的字母分別寫在板 上,如 GJOW,等,共準備 24 套,同時將學生分成 24 個小組,每組抽一名 學生到前面向全班站好,教師發(fā)給每人一套卡片 (24 張為宜),游戲開始,教 組, (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) qCIDOEFHILWhats 10 plus 10?Ive got eacherstudentboygirlfriend (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revisi

30、on)賽” , 始,請一名學生到前面來猜,猜的學生面對全班站立,再 他身后,抽出一張圖片高舉在手中并說:“This is a (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) ds 。 (三)趣味操練 (Practice) (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) 筆,橡皮等,放入袋中,然后讓各組學生輪流 Recycle 1Whats in your classroom?Whos your math teacher?Howmanystorybooksdo you have?Whats in your pencil-case?Whats in your schoolbag?Doyoulike

31、sports?Whos your best friend?What colour is your schoolbag?Whatcolouris your English book?UnitMy homeupRevisionA. Learn these sentencesWhere is the doll? It is in the box.Where is the doll? It is on the box.Where is the doll? It is under the box.Where is the box? It is on the table.skandanswer Where

32、isthefarmer? Whereisthemonkey? Whereistheelephant? Whereistheboy? Whereisthenurse? Where is the girl?Whereisthe bird?He is in the van.derthetaxithecarHe is on the train.She is on the bus.She is in the truck.thebridge二、呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation) living room. We watch TV in a living room. 教讀單詞 living room, 并板

33、 m Howmanyrooms can you see? What are they? We read a book in the _.We have a snack in the _.We take a shower in the _.We have a sleep in the _.Go to the study. Read a book.Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.Go to the bedroom. Have a sleep.三、趣味操練(Practice) 有英文的卡片,則要英譯漢

34、;如果是中文,則 四、擴展性活動(Add-activities) IsitinonunderYesit is. No, it isnt. (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) 3.Sing a song“My bedroom”.(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) isitItsinon/under橡皮等實物憑借記憶再次詢問以上學 (三)趣味操練 (Practice)物品。然后,讓蒙上眼睛的同學猜 itisNo, it isnt 來判斷。如果猜對了,換人繼續(xù)游戲。如果猜錯了,要 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) 猜過后第二排接著猜,最后得分最多的 Unit

35、 My homeYes, it is.No, it isnt.(一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) Myhomeisverynice2分別出示圖片 bathroom, living room, bedroom, study, kitchen.告 3讓學生想一想,說一說所學過的單詞中還有哪個詞屬于 room?引出 oomWhatsintheclassroom chool YesitisNoitisnt.來判斷每組同學的圖片與單詞卡是否 8看圖填詞“Write and say”部分,并讓學生用 home, room, school, (三)

36、趣味操練 (Practice)1做游戲“Whats missing?” 。(四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)將全班分成兩組,教師發(fā)給每個學生一張字母卡片,不常用的字母(如 Q,Z)可 ship,或出示一張輪船的圖 Unit My homeIsitYesitisNo, it isnt. (一) 熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) 游戲:Guess: “Where is ?” house.ItsbigIhavealivingroom I have a study.(二) 呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) 2、學生會說到 TV. table. chair desk甚至b

37、ed 等詞。如果學生說出本課 生的印象。如果學生指著 (三)趣味操練 (Practice), (小組游戲)學生以小組為單位活動(四人一小組最好),每小組準備一張大圖畫(由小 在上節(jié)課共同設(shè)計的家) ,教師用英語描述(如: The table is in the kitchen. The shelf is in the bedroom.)學生用自己的詞卡擺一擺。(四) 擴展性活動(Add-activities) 教學重點:聽說認讀句型 Where are ? Are they? Yes, they are.(一) 熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)。 t is (二) 呈現(xiàn)新課 (Pr

38、esentation) ooks WhereisSarahsmotherfatherbrothersisterMother 問回答)s (三) 趣味操練 (Practice) 后有答案,找到畫有鑰匙的部分即為找到)。學生在猜的過程中,運用語言 Are seeinmyroomItsaniceroom I like it 一、熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)ion (bed desk chair door 等詞學生都有可能自己說出來)看一看,說一說(學生會根據(jù)第一步練習回憶讀 巡視,找出有問題的學生,把單詞寫在黑板上,教師 Whatcanyouseeinmyroom? Its a ni

39、ce room. I like it 等句子 (三)趣味操練 (Practice) (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)“Bingo” game。ndUnit 5 What would you like?CanIhavesomepleaseSure. Here you are. (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)師放錄音使用本套教材第一冊 Unit 5, Lets sing/A 部分,師生一ea picnic today”.tenanddo Pour the water.Smell the coffee.Taste the tea.Show me the milk.

40、Drink the juice.Cut the bread.Make the cake.Eat the hot dog.Show me the hamburger.Smell the chicken.Make the cake.Pass me the French fries.(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) T: So many foods and drinks. I like hamburger. Do you like it?S: Yes, I do./No, I dont.TWhatdo you like?S: I like 上述句型進行對話。并教讀單詞 soup 和 ve

41、getable。教學中要特別注意 ImhungryCanIhavesomericeplease讓學生 Thank you. CanIhavesomericefishbeefsoupnoodlesvegetable, please?Sure. Here you are. rice and fish for dinner.What would you like ? 引導學生說出:Id like some and(三)趣味操練 (Practice) e What is missing ? 或飲料的名稱。讓學生背對卡片,教師將一張 過來,觀察卡片,說出被抽出卡片的名稱。教 (四)擴展性活動(Add-a

42、ctivities) CanIhavesome, please? 。并要謝謝售貨員,引出 9. 讓各小組布置自己的情景(如:用課桌當柜臺,用卡片代替食品),排練 Unit 5 What would you like?IhavesomepleaseSure. Here you are.Ricefish beefpnoodlesvegetableWhatwouldyoulikefordinnerIdlikesomeplease Everythings ready.(一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)1. 讓學生聽錄音,說歌謠“Dinner time”.使用第一冊 Unit 5 Let

43、s 其他學生問:Do you like?如果其他學生猜得不對,這個學生要回答 No。如果其他學生猜對了,這個學生要回答 Yes. I like juice.并出示剛才抽 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) Itstimefor dinner. Im hungry! Id like some rice and vegetable. What would you like for dinner? icturesWhataretheytalkingaboutWhat would Mike like for dinner?What would Mikes mother like for di

44、nner?breakfastlunchsupper勵學生用這些詞模仿課 (三)趣味操練 (Practice) (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)LetssingWhatwould you like?Unit 5 What would you like?What would you like for dinner/CanIhavesomepleaseSure Here you are. (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)師放錄音使用本套教材第一冊 Unit 5, Lets sing/A 部分,師生一a picnic today”.tenanddo Pour the

45、water.Smell the coffee.Taste the tea.Show me the milk.Drink the juice.Cut the bread.Make the cake.Eat the hot dog.Show me the hamburger.Smell the chicken.Make the cake.Pass me the French fries.(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) TSomanyfoodsanddrinksIlikehamburger. Do you like it? S: Yes, I do./No, I dont.TWhatd

46、o you like?S: I like 上述句型進行對話。并教讀單詞 soup 和 vegetable。教學中要特別注意 ImhungryCanIhavesomericeplease讓學生 Thank you. CanIhavesomericefishbeefsoupnoodlesvegetable, please?Sure. Here you are. rice and fish for dinner.What would you like ? 引導學生說出:Id like some and(三)趣味操練 (Practice) e What is missing ? 或飲料的名稱。讓學生背

47、對卡片,教師將一張 過來,觀察卡片,說出被抽出卡片的名稱。教 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) 。并要謝謝售貨員,引出 9. 讓各小組布置自己的情景(如:用課桌當柜臺,用卡片代替食品),排練 Unit 5 What would you like?IhavesomepleaseSure. Here you are.Ricefish beefpnoodlesvegetableWhatwouldyoulikefordinnerIdlikesomeplease Everythings ready. (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)1. 讓學生聽錄音,說歌謠“Dinne

48、r time”.使用第一冊 Unit 5 Lets 其他學生問:Do you like?如果其他學生猜得不對,這個學生要回答 No。如果其他學生猜對了,這個學生要回答 Yes. I like juice.并出示剛才抽 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) Itstimefor dinner. Im hungry! Id like some rice and vegetable. What would you like for dinner? icturesWhataretheytalkingaboutWhat would Mike like for dinner?What would

49、Mikes mother like for dinner?breakfastlunchsupper勵學生用這些詞模仿課 (三)趣味操練 (Practice) (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)LetssingWhatwould you like?Unit 5 What would you like?What would you like for dinner/r (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) like (三)趣味操練 (Practice) 開上面的紙,邊說:“ One, Two!”讓學生猜被 得分情況。另一種方法是

50、,當你把紙拿開時,兩個 n 的學生畫畫,剛才畫的學生說。共同核對所畫 。(四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) like ( milk ).Id like (bread ) , Id like (water).等等。接到球的學 s chopsticks/. 熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)詞GuessWhatsthis師將手中的卡片背對學生,學生猜) PairworkWhatwouldyou like for?ion教師將幾種食物( soup、beef、noodles)的卡片貼在黑板上,把幾樣餐具 對學生說:“Its time to lunch, I want to ea

51、t some beef, how can Ieat it ?Can you help me?”學生提示教師使用刀叉,引出單詞 knife fork, fork. I can use fork . Cut with the knife, I can cut with the knife. ” it chopsticks.:“Use chopsticks. I can use Passmea spoon. Use spoon. I can useWho can you see?”解故事。聽錄音跟讀句子。給課件配 (三)趣味操練 (Practice) 擴展性活動(Add-activities)“共進

52、晚餐”What would you like for dinner? I like. Unit 5 What would you like?難點:理解 Help yourself. Mmyummy. Let me try. Let me show you. 1、教材配套的單詞卡(餐具和食物)(一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation)wouldyoulikefordinnerChinesefoodorEnglish food?”shfood“Whats this?”“Its beef. ”“MmYummy. How can I eat it?

53、”“Cut with the knife. Use the fork. ”“Who can do it?” 師邊示范邊說:“Let me show you. ” (三)趣味操練 (Practice) 只動口形,不發(fā)聲,另一個孩(四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) Usethefork,meshowyouUsethefork,Let me try.Unit 5 What would you like?chopsticksLet me try.Let me show you.Help yourself.We had a good time.See you tomorrow. Good

54、night. 熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) ion y (三)趣味操練 (Practice) (四) 擴展性活動(Add-activities) Unit 5 What would you like ?rice f i sh b ee f chi ckenWhat would you like for dinner?Idlikesome some_,some_, some_. 重 點tsuncleUnit Meet my familyMeet my family: 聽 說 認 讀 四 會 單 詞 : familyybrother熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)nit

55、Fatherandmother 2、教師出示單詞卡片,孩子搶答。教師在黑板上畫出 family tree,請孩 3、教師拿出(自己的家庭照片),用 This is my. She/He is. 進 ion1、教師出示課件說:“Do you know this is my family? 教師把 family is my aunt 。”并把兩個單詞貼在 family tree 上,說:“My uncle is my (三)趣味操練 (Practice) (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)Singthesong曲)生快速搶答教師少拿一張卡片,讓孩子猜猜。“How many card

56、s in my hand?” 教師將卡片碼成一沓,問:“How many cards in my hand?”教師將卡片藏在身后,問:“How many cards in my hand?”(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) my mother, my aunt ,” e 一組對話發(fā)生疑問時,教師說:“But, 教師和學生一起總結(jié):問:“How many apples are there on the tree?” 組作問答練習(三)趣味操練 (Practice) (四) 擴展性活動(Add-activities)Howmanypeopleare there in your fami

57、ly?Who are they?My family has membersUnit Meet my familyHowmanypeopleare there in your family?Who are they?My family has 7 members.But thats only 6 片 (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) Howmanyboysarethereinour classroom? Howmanygirlsarethereinour classroom? Howmanydesksarethereinour classroom? enandact (二)呈現(xiàn)

58、新課 (Presentation) 最后尾音(mother father sister brother)師書空練習。每個單詞,分別請 。 , (三)趣味操練 (Practice) (四) 擴展性活動(Add-activities) Unit Meet my family句型:Whats your father? My father is a doctor.ra (一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision) meandseemyfamily(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation)eoplearethereinyourfamilyWho are they? Whataboutyourmo

59、ther/father/brother/sister? WhatsheHeisastudent教師問學生:Whats he? 引 s computer games.Whats your grandpa? Hes a farmer. He likes painting.8看 Lets learn(B),學習單詞。11教師引導學生模仿從事各種職業(yè)的動作,教師發(fā)指令“Act like ”(三)趣味操練 (Practice) 趣愛好,讓其他學生猜:He is a/ Hes /He likes比賽規(guī)則:教師準備好寫有英文單詞 doctor, farmer, nurse, driver, r 說出單詞的中文意思,如果說出,視為犯規(guī)。)坐在椅子上的學生要根 。最后看哪個小組猜對的詞最多,得分最多,哪個 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities)


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