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1、易錯知識辨析:1. patient adj.耐心的;能忍受的;n.病人(1) 對某人有耐心 忍耐某事(2) 對忍無可忍 對 不能容忍= patiently 耐心地(3) adj.不耐煩的;沒有耐心的 You II have tomy mother, for she s going rather deaf.你對我母親得有耐心,因為她的耳朵越來越背了。 You should learn topains.你應該學會忍受痛苦。 A teacher mustanswer a student s que老j師必須有耐心回答學生的問題。 After the earthquake , he waited fo

2、r the rescue.地震后,他耐心地等待救援的到來。巧學助記 We should take care of our patient patiently, that is we should be patient.課堂精講例題:一You know, your grandpa has difficultylistening , so.So I have to be patie nthim.A . in ; with B . on; withC . in ; toD . at; for易錯知識辨析:2.avoid vt.避開;逃避;避免avoid sth.避免,避開某物 avoid doi n

3、g sth.避免做某事 John was embarrassed and avoided us the next day. She tried to avoidmy questions.她避而不答我的問題。 This leaflet tells you how to avoidwhile traveling.這本小冊子告訴你怎樣在旅行期間防止生病。易錯知識辨析:3.appreciate vt.感激;欣賞;贊美;重視(1) appreciate 感激(某人)做某事(2) 1 would appreciate 如果,我將不勝感激 n. 欣賞;感激注意appreciate后不能接作賓語。 Do yo

4、u appreciate his works ? Doctors are highly appreciated in that country. I really appreciate havi ng time to relax. Iyou would turn the music down.如果你把音樂關小一點,我將不勝感激。 We appreciate .我們感謝你們的幫助。易錯知識辨析:4.admit vt.承認(錯誤、罪行等);容納,接收;準許進入 (或使用)(1)admit sth.承認(事實、過失等)admit 承認做了某事admit that 承認 admit承認某人 /事adm

5、it sb. /sth.接納某人(某物)進入,吸收某人 (某物)參加;許可進入被接收(入學、入院等)(2)n.承認;入場費,會費;準許進入 At last the thief admitted his crime. She apologised to me and_ my umbrella by mistake.她向我道歉,承認錯拿了我的雨傘。 We all.我們都認為他是個傻瓜。 The theatre only admits/holds/seats 1,000 persons. Three thousand students have been our school.我們學校招收了三千名學

6、生。課堂精講例題:(2009 全國卷 n )lf you leave the club , you will not beback in.A. received B. admittedC. turnedD. moved易錯知識辨析:5.respect vt.尊敬;尊重n.尊敬;尊重;著眼點,方面;敬意,問候(常用復數(shù))(1)respect sb./sth.sth.因某事尊敬或尊重某人 /某物respect自尊;自重(2)對表示尊重,尊敬one s respe(出于對的尊敬 關于,就而言=in every respect在各方面one s respects to代某人向問候課堂精講例題:Heth

7、e gold medal for his country.他為國家贏得了金牌,因而受到尊敬。 We have bee n told to our elders.我們被教導必須尊重長輩。 Your products are attractive in respect of price. ,we think the film , The Lord of the Rings , is well worth seeing.從各個方面來看,我們認為影片指環(huán)王值得一看。課堂精講例題:1.1d appreciate if you would like to teach me how to use the c

8、omputer.A. that B. it C. thisD. you2. Little Tom admitted in the exam in ati on,that he would nt do that in future.A. to cheat ; to promiseB. cheating ; promiseC. having cheated ; promisingD. to have cheated ; promised3. The n aughty boy made up excuses to avoid by his teacher.A. puni shi ngB. puni

9、shedC. to be puni shedD. being puni shed4. As a nurse, she is always patient her patients.A. ofB. withC. atD. for1.be patient with sb, be patient of sth , be out of patienee with , have no patient with, with patience, impatient be patient with , be patient of, have the patience to, with patience/pat

10、ientlyA2. answering, getting ill3. appreciate (one/one s doing, I would appreciate it if.appreciation, would appreciate it if, your helping us, 人,would appreciate it if, your helping us,4.admit doing sth. /having donesth , admit sb. /sth. to be admit sb. /sth. to/into , be admitted to admissadmitted

11、 having taken, admit him to be foolish, admitted to B5.for, on eself, show/have respect for, out of , in respect of , in all respects, give/se nd, is respected for winning, show/have respect for, I n all respects BCDB短語記憶I. 確定;確信;弄清楚 2.取得進步3. 對認真的4.結果5. (在某方面)做得好6.睡著7.講笑話;開玩笑8.比更喜歡9.寧愿10.事實上II. 在上對某

12、人要求嚴格make sure, make progress, be serious about, as a result, do well in , fall asleep, fall asleep, prefer.to. would rather, in fact, be strict with sb. in sth.考點精析1.make sure弄清楚;查明;確信;務必 (做到)(1) make sure弄清楚; 查明 make sure thatbe sure有把握;確信 一定要,務必(去做某事)(3) 一定會 First you must the time and place.首先你必

13、須弄清時間和地點。 Make sure (that) you pick me up at five. He is sure of success.= He he will succeed.他深信自己會成功。 He is sure to succeed.2. as a result 結果因為;由于 結果毫無結果導致 起因;由來 He was illeating bad food.他生病是由于吃了變質(zhì)的食物。 It rained hard ;,we could not go out.雨下得很大,結果我們不能出去了。 His carelessness the terrible accident. T

14、he terrible accidenthis carelessness那樁可怕的事故是由于他的疏忽大意而引起的。(2009 全國卷 n )Jenny nearly missed the flightdoing too much shopping.A. as a result ofB. on top oC. in front ofD. in n eed of3. would rather 寧愿;寧可(1) would rather 寧愿(不)做某事would rathertha n=wouldrather tha n =preferrather than 寧愿,也不(2) would rath

15、er sb.sth.寧愿某人做某事(用一般過去時表示對現(xiàn)在和將來的虛擬)would rather sb.sth.寧愿某人做過某事(過去完成時表示對過去的虛擬)(3) or rather rather tha n I would rather the train than take the bus .我寧愿坐火車而不愿坐公共汽車。 一Do you mind if I smoke ?你介意我抽煙嗎?”Well, Id rather .嗯,最好別抽?!?He would ratherthe promise.他寧愿自己沒許下諾言。4. prefer.to.寧愿,更喜歡(prefer + n./pron

16、. 寧愿,更喜歡(2)prefer sth. to sth. 寧愿而不愿(3) prefer doing sth.寧愿做某事(表示一般傾向,也就是對某種行為的愛好)(4) preferto do sth.(指特定或具體的某項動作,即在一定場合下特別喜歡”)(5) sb. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.某人寧愿做而不愿做(6) prefer sb. to do sth喜歡某人做某事(7)prefer + that clause(從句中的謂語動詞一般為 形式)課堂精講例題: Most of us prefer reading novels to .我們多

17、數(shù)人寧愿讀小說而不愿看電視。 I prefer to go out for a walk at home.我寧愿出去散步而不愿待在家里。 The old man preferred that all his children (should) stay with him.1. make sure of/about,of/about/that, It is certain that.make sure of/about, is sure that, 2. as a result of, as a result, without result, result in, result from, as

18、 a result of, as a result,resulted in, resulted from A3. rather (not) do sth , dodo sth , do sth。 do sth, do sth。prefer to do sth , do sth。2) did , had done,3)更確切地說,而不, take, you didnt, he hadnt made,4 虛擬形式, .watching TV. rather than stay 課堂精講例題 :1.Mr.Smith spoke slowly and clearly toall of us stude

19、nts could follow him.A. test B. be sure thatC. examineD. make sure2. Mrs.White preferssome voluntary work in a local hospital ,rather thannothing at all all day long.A. to doing ;doB. to do;to doC. to do;doD. doing;to do3. He is unable to go to work the fall from his bike.A. as a result B. as a resu

20、lt of C. as the resultD. as result of4.I would rather you tomorrow.A. to comeB. coming C. comeD. came5. A survey shows that rich people feel unhappy. ,the happiest are those who are poor.A. For anotherB. In factC. As a resultD. For one thingDCBDBPeriod 2 reading & cultural corner& language points易錯知

21、識辨析 :一 My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy. 我對李老師最初 的印象是她既緊張又害羞。impressio n 在此處為可數(shù)名詞,意為印象。on e s (first) impression of某人對的(最初)印象 你對紐約的第 一印象是什么?二 because her teaching is so well organized and anized 為形容詞,意為“有秩序的;效率高的 ”。 工作效率高的辦事處 組織得不好的事情三. It s up to yc由你來決定。be up

22、 to 1)想做, 從事于 女口: 你拿鐵錘想干什么?2)能, 勝任 女口: She s not up to the jo她不勝任那個工作。 你能看得懂這么難的書嗎?3)應由負責;由決定It s up to you to carry out ehplan.由你實行那個計劃。 那件事由他來決定。Where are we going for our vacation ? Just as you like.A. You speak. B.Thats settled. C.Its up to you.D.Have you got that?四. a couple of1)兩個,一對,一雙 I saw

23、her a couple of days ago.我兩天前看過她。2)兩三個,幾個人I asked him a couple of questions.我問了他幾個問題。 五 formal正式的,禮節(jié)的 反義詞in formalThe Prime Mini ster made a formal declarati on. 首相發(fā)表正式文告。禮服拘泥形式的,刻板的你對我不必要如此拘謹。appreciation, similar, different, be true of, relax, take notes, come true, point to, tell of, discipline1.

24、 We all appreciate herstyle of teach ing.2. The two boys dress.3. Young people must be taught to lear n thebetwee n good and evil.4. His dream of beco ming a star.5. It s impolite of you to face people with your feetthem.6. The food is good and the samethe service.7. The stude nts are busyin class.8

25、. He bought a new booksome one s successful experie nces.9. Nearly all the teachers can have big problems with.10. Even if he is rich in kno wledge, he was n everin his lifetime.單項選擇11. Mary fell over and broke her leg., she will have to be away from school for about one mon th.A. As a result ofB. I

26、n a wordC. As a result D. After all12. Tomtell the truth to his boss because he did no make troublet.wa nt tA. daren t to B. dare toC. dare notD. didn t dare13. The music of that play is too dull and the samethe acting.A. was true toB. are true of C. being true for D. is true of14. Oh, my God! It s

27、rainy again! Istay at homego out.A. prefer; to B. would; rather C. choose; tha n D. would rather; tha n15. My father was so tired that he soon fell asleepthe light still.A. with; bur nt B. on; burntC. with; burningD. on; burning16. People appreciatewith him because he is kno wledgeable and humorous.

28、A. to talkB. shouti ngC. to shout D. talk ing17. With the en courageme nt from Miss White, our class worked very hard andthe final exam in ati ons.A. were good at B. did well in C. did good in D. was good at18. Rather tha nwith us, he prefersalone.A. talk, playB. talking, play C. talk, to playD. to

29、talk, to play19. Why aren t you coming with us to the concert? I have got a bad headache.A. Because B. AsC. SinceD. For20. I m afraid that you have to the lost booksA. pay back B. pay off C. paid up D. be paid1. What were your first impressions of New York?2. a well-organized office, a badly organiz

30、ed event3. What are you up to with that hammer? Are you up to reading such difficult books?It s uphtiom todecide it. C5. formal clothes, You needn tbe so formal with me.1. relaxing 2. similarly 3. difference 4. came true 5. pointing to 6. is true of 7. taking notes 8. telling of 9. discipline 10. Ap

31、preciated11-15 CCDDC 16-20 DBCAPeriod 3 GrammarStep 1 Conclusion1)常見的直接接動詞 -ing 形式的動詞有 :考慮建議盼原諒, 承認推遲沒得想 ,避免錯過繼續(xù)練, 否認完成就欣賞 ,禁止想象才冒險, 不禁介意準逃跑2)常見的直接接動詞 -ing 形式的短語 :feel like, give up, be used to, in sist on, lead to, pay atte nti on to, devoteto , stick to, object to, thyo for, protect/prevent from,

32、be worth, succeed in, be busy in, get down to, have some trouble /difficulty/problems (in), spend time(in)doing 等。Step 2 Key points動名詞的語態(tài)和否定形式主動語態(tài) : do+ing 被動語態(tài): being done 否定形式: not doing1. He escaped being caught this time.2. I cant stand being treated like that.telling the secret to others.; stop

33、, try,mean , go on 等后既可以跟動詞 -ing 形式,也可跟remember to do sth 記住做某事3. I thank you very much for your not 有些動詞如 : remember, forget, regret 動詞不定式作賓語,但意義不同。 如:remember doing sth 記得曾經(jīng)做過某事I remember seeing you somewhere in Beijing. 我記得在北京什么地方見到過你。 Do you remember to post the letter? 你記住寄這封信了嗎 ?課堂精講例題 :1. I s

34、till remember to Famen Temple and what I saw there.A. to takeB. to be takenC. takingD. being takenforget doing sth 忘記曾經(jīng)做過某事 forget to do sth 忘記去做某事I shall never forget hearing her singing that song. 我將不會忘記聽她唱那支歌的情景。I have forgotten to bring my umbrella. 我忘了帶傘。regret doing 對于感到遺憾 /后悔 regret to do sth

35、 因感到遺憾I regret lending him so much money.He never paid me back. 我很后悔借給他那么多錢。他從來沒有還過我。I regret to tell you that you failed the test. 我遺憾的告訴你你沒有通過考試。 stop doing 停止做某事stop to do sth 停下來去做某事 如: Please stop talking loudly. 請不要大聲說話。They stopped to listen, but there was no more sound. 他們停下來一聽,但已經(jīng)沒有什么聲音了。課堂

36、精講例題 :2. He is considering English every day, because he thinks he should spend more time onwriting. A. to stop to practice readingB. stopping practicing readingC. to stop practicing reading D. stopping to practice to read try doing 試著做某事 try to do sth 盡力去做某事Why not try doing it in some other way? 為

37、什么不用其他辦法試一試呢?I tried to solve the problem but I could n我試圖解答那個數(shù)學題,但我解不出。課堂精講例題 :3. I have been knocking at the door, but no one answers. Why not at the back door?A. try knocking B. try to knockC. to try knocking D. to try to knock mean to do sth 打算做某事 mean doing 意味著Missing the bus means waiting for

38、another hour. 趕不上那班巴士就要等一個小時。I am sorry I hurt you, but I never meant to. 抱歉我傷害了你,但我本來沒有這個意思。 動詞 like, love, prefer,hate, 后接不定式或動詞 -ing 形式作賓語均可。 但有一些細微的差別。 如表示經(jīng)常性、習慣性的動作常用動詞 -ing 形式,如表示特定情況或具體動作則常用動詞不定式。如:I like listening to music of this kind.I like to listen to this song this time.They prefer goin

39、g to the beach in summer.They prefer to be alone now. 注意:如果 like, love, prefer 前有 would/should 時,后面則接動詞不定式。 如:I d like to go swimming this weekend本周我愿意游泳。I would love to meet your parents. 我想見你的父母。 begin, start, continue 后跟不定式和動詞 -ing 形式,通常沒有差別。但在下列三種情況下,其后需用 動詞不定式:A. 當 begin/start 用于進行時時 ;B. 當 begi

40、n/start 的主語是物時;C. 當其后的動詞為不可以用于進行時的表示心理活動或精神狀態(tài)的動詞時。如: need 表示“需要” , require 表示“要求” , want 表示“想要”時后面接動詞 -ing 形式或 to be done 結構。The house wants/needs/requires repairing. The house wants/needs/requires to be repaired. 有時動詞 -ing 形式前面可有自己的邏輯主語。 (動名詞的符合結構) 如:Would you mind my/me/Lily/Lily s sitting next你不介

41、意我坐你旁邊吧?Jack s/His traveling around the earth in 80 days iunbelievable.杰克在 80 天內(nèi)周游世界真是讓人難以置信。 We missed the 5:30 bus, which means waiting for another hour.我們誤了 5:30 的班車,這意味著還得等一個小時。I really enjoyed working on the farm. 我真的喜歡在農(nóng)場干活。She had finished listening to the news. 她聽完了新聞。 DB A課堂精講例題 :1. In some

42、 parts of London, missing a busmeansfor another hour.A. waitingB. to wait C. waitD. to be waiting2. The discovery of new evidence (證據(jù) ) led to .A. the thief having caughtB. catch the thief C. the thief being caughtD. the thief to be caught3. One learns a language by making mistakes and them .A. corr

43、ectB. correctingC. correctsD. to correct4. She meant but the look on your face suggested“ No”.A. explaining B. to explain C. explanationD. to be explained5. When did you go to the States? I remember there when I was ten.A. having takenB. to be taken C. being taken D. to take6. He is so busy that he

44、can t help the classroom.A. cleaningB. to cleaningC. to clean D. cleaned強化訓練: 1. When asked by the police, he said that he remembered at the party, but not .A. to arrive; leaving B. to arrive; to leave C. arriving; leaving D. arriving; to leave2. He got well- prepared for the job interview, for he c

45、ouldn thegotordisokpportunity.A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost3. I feel like a walk. Would you like me?A. to take; to joinB. taking; joiningC. taking; to joinD. to take; joining4. I don t mind hteoptarty.A. being not invitedB. not invitingC. not being invitedD. not to be invited5. Wh

46、at about the two of us to the cinema tonight?A. to go B. go C. going D. to be going6. It s no use your past mistake. The most imapnotrtis to avoid the same mistake again.A. regretting; makingB. regret; make C. to regret; to make D. regretted; making7. I would appreciate back this afternoon.A. you to callB. you call C. your callingD. you are calling8. Alice spent much time piano each day.A. to practice pl


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