



1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school?I .Complete the sentence with the proper word in the box.(用方框內(nèi)適當?shù)膯卧~完成句子。) usually hour tooth get to write Saturday job listen1.The old man to the radio every evening.1.1 go to school at 8 o ' clock in thegmorni3 .My brother find a new in the city.Now he works

2、 in a factory( 工廠).4 .You should(應(yīng)當)brush your before breakfast.5 .We often work eight a day.6 .He school at 8:30 a.m.and school starts at 9:00 o' clock.7 .The last day of a week is .8 .Jim is my friend.He is American.We often to each other.IV .Unscramble the question.(整理問句。)1 .get at up your si

3、x does mother thirty?2 .you time go do bed what to?3 .take morning a shower do in you the?4 .eat 12:00 friend at does lunch your?5.does,get,up,she,time,usually,whatV .Rewrite the sentence according to the requirment.(根據(jù)要求改寫句子。)1 .He has breakfast at six-thirty every day.(改為一般疑問句)2 .the,bus,hotel,tak

4、es,he,the number 7,to(連詞成句 )3 .Tom does his homework every day.(改為否定句 ) .4 .The little boy goes to bed at ten.(就畫線部分提問) ?5 .They work in_a_schooL(就畫線部分提問)they ?W .Complete the sentence with the proper word in the box.(用方框里適當?shù)膯卧~或短語完成句子。play watch eat go see take fly1 .He gets up at 5:30 and to school

5、 at 6:15 every day.2 .Every morning Dad Morning News on TV.3 .Jerry ' s uncle often tennis with him after work.4 .What time Bob breakfast?5 .Oh,it ' s 7:30.Please a bus to work.6 .Scott usually kites in the afternoon.7.What a funny time a comedy!W .Circle the right word to complete the sente

6、nce. (圈出正確的單詞,完成句子。1 .We begin classes (at,on)8:00.2 .What time does she get (up,to)school?3 .Her mother usually gets up at (about,after)six thirty.4 .We often play tennis (after,in)school.5 .W6 re always busy (in,at)the morning.6 .People love to listen (to,between)the music.7 .Selina always(has,eat

7、)lunch at home.Xl.Complete the sentence with at,in or on.(用 at,in 或 on 完成句子。 )I.Mike goes to school seven o' clock the morning.2 .Mr.and Mrs.Jackson don ' t go to work Sundays.3 .Bob often listens to music 6:00 p.m.4 .Jim ' s birthday is April 18th.5 .My mother usually does housework the

8、 evening.X.Multiple choice (單項填空)1 .Jim,don ' t talk Bill and listen me,please.A.with ; at B.to ; with C.to; to D.at; to2 .Thanks for me the good news.A.to tell B.tells C.telling D.tell3 .What time does June after school?A.do her homework B.does her homeworkC.do her homeworks D.does her homework

9、s4 .一What time is it?A.Is about four thirty B.It ' s about four halfC.About thirty past four D.It ' s about half past fourUnit 2 What time do you go to school?答案I .Complete the sentence with the proper word in the box.( 用方框內(nèi)適當?shù)膯卧~完成句子。1. listens 2. usually 3. job 4. teeth 5. hours 6. gets to

10、7. Saturday8. writeIV .Unscramble the question.(整理問句。)1. Does your mother get up at six thirty?2. What time do you go to school?3. Do you take a shower in the morning?4. Does your friend have lunch at noon?5. What time does she usually get up?V .Rewrite the sentence according to the requirement.(根據(jù)要

11、求改寫句子。)1. Does he have breakfast at six-thirty every day?2. He takes number 7 bus to the hotel.3. Tom doesn't do his homework every day.4. What time does the little boy go to bed?5. Where do workW .Complete the sentence with the proper word in the box.(用方框里適當?shù)膯卧~或短語完成句子。)1. goes 2. watches 3. plays 4. does eat 5. take 6. flies 7. to seeW .Circle the right word to complete the sentence.(圈出正確的單詞,完


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