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1、 Listen carefully! Speak loudly! Talk warmly!拿捏考點拿捏考點 1. 1. 形容詞加前綴形容詞加前綴un-, dis-, im-, irun-, dis-, im-, ir-, in-, in-等變?yōu)榈茸優(yōu)橄鄳?yīng)的反義詞。相應(yīng)的反義詞。 2.2.掌握簡單句的基本句型的構(gòu)成和用法。掌握簡單句的基本句型的構(gòu)成和用法。 3 3、形容詞變?yōu)楦痹~的幾種規(guī)則。、形容詞變?yōu)楦痹~的幾種規(guī)則。 希望大家通過對本單元的復(fù)習(xí),除了能識記、活用希望大家通過對本單元的復(fù)習(xí),除了能識記、活用“四會四會”詞匯外,還要掌握以上考點!詞匯外,還要掌握以上考點!1. 北方的;北方的; 北

2、部的北部的2. 大自然;自然界大自然;自然界(adj.)3. 提供提供4. 棲息處棲息處5. 野生生物野生生物6. 然而然而7. 容易地容易地8. 空間空間9. 政府政府10.旅行者旅行者11.重要性重要性12.積極地;活躍地積極地;活躍地13. 無禮的;粗魯?shù)臒o禮的;粗魯?shù)?4. 不誠實的不誠實的15. 不必要的不必要的16. 正確的(反義詞)正確的(反義詞)17. 普通的;一般的(反義普通的;一般的(反義詞)詞)18. 不可能的(反義詞)不可能的(反義詞)19. 不友好的(反義詞)不友好的(反義詞)20. 不受歡迎的(反義詞)不受歡迎的(反義詞)21. 不尋常的(反義詞)不尋常的(反義詞)

3、22. 垃圾垃圾23. 返回返回24. 安靜地安靜地25. 生氣的(生氣的(adv.)26. 清楚的(清楚的(adv.)27. 大聲的(比較級、最大聲的(比較級、最高級)高級)28. 喧鬧的(喧鬧的(adv.)29. 嚇唬;使驚恐嚇唬;使驚恐30. 扔;使落下(過去式、扔;使落下(過去式、過去分詞)過去分詞)31. 預(yù)防;防止預(yù)防;防止32. 暴風(fēng)雪暴風(fēng)雪33. 洪水洪水34. 公里;千米公里;千米35. 美元美元36. 地址地址37. 業(yè)余愛好業(yè)余愛好38. 簡直簡直39. 出生;誕生出生;誕生2.為某人提供某物為某人提供某物 一、預(yù)習(xí)檢測一、預(yù)習(xí)檢測1.大自然大自然重要性重要性政府政府4.

4、 (復(fù)習(xí)復(fù)習(xí))走過森林走過森林natureimportancegovernmentprovide sb. with sth provide sth. for sb防止防止出生出生birth 地址地址preventaddresswalk through the forestprevent from doing natural3.使落下(過去式)使落下(過去式)droppeddrop5.根據(jù)英文釋義寫出下列單詞根據(jù)英文釋義寫出下列單詞:rubbish, come back, give sth. to sb.people who are travelling 6.寫出下列單詞的比較級、最高級:寫出下

5、列單詞的比較級、最高級:angrier angriestangry生氣的生氣的潮濕的潮濕的干燥的干燥的生氣地生氣地wetwetter wettestdrydrier driestangrilymore angrilymost angrilylitterreturntouristsprovideI. opposites Ex: 1. If someone shows good manners to others, he is a _person.If someone does not show good manners to others, he is_.polite possible pati

6、ent impoliteimpossibleimpatient “im-”politepoliteimimpolitepolite2.This coat is very expensive. It costs 1000 yuan. But that coat is not expensive.That is_.expensive correct inexpensiveincorrect“in-”3. I dont believe what he says, because he is not honest.I dont believe what he says, because he is _

7、.dishonesthonest dishonest“dis-”4.These desks are not regular. Please put these irregular desks in order.regular irregular“ir-”in inexpensiveexpensive friendly happy comfortable safe healthy unfriendlyunhappyuncomfortableunsafeunhealthy“un-”necessary welcome common able unnecessaryunwelcomeuncommonu

8、nableI. opposites1.1. You will be_ to pass the exam if You will be_ to pass the exam if you dont study hard.you dont study hard.2.2. There are lots of _ kinds of There are lots of _ kinds of birds in Zhalongbirds in Zhalong. .3.3. It is _ for you to tell me all It is _ for you to tell me all your se

9、crets.your secrets.4.4. It is _ for the workers to It is _ for the workers to finish so much work in such a short time.finish so much work in such a short time.5.5. He feels _ because he lost his He feels _ because he lost his wallet.wallet.6.6. Hamburgers are _ food. We Hamburgers are _ food. We ca

10、nt eat too much.cant eat too much.unableuncommonunnecessaryimpossibleunhappyunhealthy用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:happy, able, necessary, healthy, possible, commonII. Adjectives & adverbs(形容詞和副詞)(形容詞和副詞): (adj.+ ly =adv.)1. He is always very _when he drives. He drives_. (care)2. She can sing _songs. (bea

11、utiful) She can sing songs_.How can she sing songs?( (對劃線部分提問對劃線部分提問) )carefulcarefulcarefullycarefullybeautifulbeautifulbeautifullybeautifullyForm the adverbs from the adjectives.1.bad 2.bright 3.clear 4.close 5.correct 6.dangerous 7. generous 8. neat 9. nice 10. pleasant 11. slow 12. soft lylylyly

12、lylylylylylylyly1.gentle 2.possible1.easy 2.happy 3.heavy 4.noisy 5.angry+ lygentlypossibly- e + yeasilyhappilyheavilynoisilyangrily- y + ily1.good2.true 3.hard4.fastwelltrulyhardfastBack 一部分形容詞同時也是副詞:一部分形容詞同時也是副詞: e. g. long, early, fast 部分形容詞和副詞是兩個完全部分形容詞和副詞是兩個完全不同的詞:不同的詞: e.g. good- well形容詞變成副詞的變

13、化規(guī)則形容詞變成副詞的變化規(guī)則: :以輔音字母以輔音字母“y”結(jié)尾的副詞結(jié)尾的副詞, 要先變要先變“y”為為“i”再再“l(fā)y”: 以以“l(fā)e”結(jié)尾的直接結(jié)尾的直接去去“e”“y”即可。即可。 terrible -terribly, gentle-gently (im) possible- (im) possibly,comfortable- comfortably, simple- simplyhappily, heavily 一部分形容詞本身就是以一部分形容詞本身就是以“l(fā) y”結(jié)尾結(jié)尾,則不能再在詞尾則不能再在詞尾“l(fā)y。 e.g. friendly, lively, lovely, lo

14、nely, likelyIII. Judge the following sentences ( T or F ): 1. Millie is sleeping. S V 2. Ann is kind. S V 3. The idea sounds great. S V PTFT Ann is kind. S V P4. Amy is reading English. S V DO5. Mary gave Sandy a book. S V P6. They call me Tom. S V IO DO TFF Mary gave Sandy a book. S V IO DO They ca

15、ll me Tom. S V DO OC7. She thought herself a good birdwatcher . S V O OC賓補賓補注意:注意:1.賓語和賓補一起構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語,賓語補足語用來說明賓賓語和賓補一起構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語,賓語補足語用來說明賓語的行為、特征、狀態(tài)、身份等。語的行為、特征、狀態(tài)、身份等。 2.常帶賓補的動詞有常帶賓補的動詞有make / keep / find / call / believe /think等等 。 e.g. The news made him unhappy . We should keep our classroom clean and

16、tidy . I find him kind . Please call me Annie. TipTips s8.The reserve gives wildlife an ideal home . S V IO (間賓)(間賓) DO(直賓)(直賓) 注意:在英語中常跟雙賓語的動詞有:注意:在英語中常跟雙賓語的動詞有: 1.give / show/ send / pass/teach/bring sb sth = give / show / send/pass/teach/bring sth to sb 2.buy/make/sing/draw/get sb sth = buy/make/

17、sing/draw/get sth for sb TipTips s 表達與運用表達與運用1.There are many _ in the wetlands.2. He ate some _ yesterday.3.There are many kinds of _ in the sea.1.fish直接作為復(fù)數(shù)使用。直接作為復(fù)數(shù)使用。2.fish也表示魚肉的意思。也表示魚肉的意思。3.fishes表示各種各樣的魚,強調(diào)魚的種類。表示各種各樣的魚,強調(diào)魚的種類。fishfishfishfishfishesfishesTipTips s1.丹頂鶴的數(shù)量越來越少。丹頂鶴的數(shù)量越來越少。The n

18、umber of red-crowned cranes _getting smaller and smaller.2.許多動物越來越少。許多動物越來越少。A number of animals _getting fewer and fewer.is isareareTipTips s整理、釋疑整理、釋疑 給大家3分鐘時間,自己整理剛才所學(xué)的內(nèi)容;如有疑問,可組內(nèi)合作解決或向老師求教!發(fā)現(xiàn)的問題、解決的問題發(fā)現(xiàn)的問題、解決的問題都是今天的收獲!都是今天的收獲!體驗中考體驗中考1 1.(2012蘇州蘇州)-Mr Smith , would you please speak a little more _?-Sorry. I thought you could follow me.A. loudly B. slowly C. clearly D. politely3.(07四川)四川)Because its Sunday today, _ Mike isnt at school, he is


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