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1、譯林7B Unit3 單元測(cè)試一、單項(xiàng)選擇。( )1. Lets take _exchange students _Chongqing Restaurant.A. / , go to B. the , to C. / ,go to the D. the , to the ( )2. I hope you _ come to see me very soon.A. can B. to come C. must D. will ( )3. Why dont you _our local theatre?A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. visits ( )4.

2、 sheep there on the farm?A. How many; is B. How many; are C. How much; is D. How much; are( )5. The bicycle_ me 300 yuan. A. spends B. takes C. costs D. pays( ) 6. Miss Green teaches English. A. us B. our C. we D. ours( )7. We often have _homework to do on Sunday. A. too many B. many too C. much too

3、 D. too much( )8. How do you _ yesterdays film? A. think of B. think about C. liked D. find ( )9. Is there _ in todays English class? A. anything important B. important anything C. something important D. important something ( )10. So much work usually makes them _ very tired. A. to feel B. feels C.

4、feeling D. feel ( )11. Theres _ juice in the kitchen. Please go and buy some. A. a little B. few C. much D. little ( )12.Kate often helps her mother some cooking.A .do B. does C. doing D. is doing( )13.My mother is busy today. There are many clothes after work.A.washes B. washing C. to wash D. wash(

5、 )14 My father is looking forward to _ his old friend from Xinjiang. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. looking at( ) 15.Thank you_ me your book.A. borrow B. for borrowingC. at lendingD. for lending( ) 16. They will build a new bridge _ the river in front of my house.A. on B. over C. above D. near( ) 17. Ki

6、tty, your cousin is _. We all like her.A. such lovely a girl B. such a lovely girlC. a so lovely girl D. so a lovely girl( ) 18. How many apples are there in the basket? -_.A. No B. No one. C. None D. Nothing.( ) 19. Miss Green teaches _ English.A. us B. our C. we D. ourselves( ) 20. I usually go to

7、 school _. A. on bicycle B. by a bicycle C. on my bicycle D. ride a bicycle( ) 21. _ girl with _ apple in her hand is my best friend, Lucy. A. A, the B. The, a C. A, an D. The, an( ) 22. We can see the teachers desk _ the classroom.A. before B. after C. in front of D. in the front of( ) 23. That boy

8、 is Simon. And the girl next to _ is Amy.A. he B. his C. him D. she( ) 24. This is _ English class. I hope you can enjoy English.A. our the first B. the our first C. our first D. first the our( ) 25. The room isnt big enough for us _.A. to live B. to live in C. live in D. living in( ) 26. I didnt go

9、 to bed _ ten oclock last night.A. after B. when C. to D. until( ) 27. -What can you see on the table? We can see four _ and six _. A. bottle of milk, tomato B. bottle of milks, tomatosC. bottles of milk, tomatoes D. bottles of milks, tomatoes( ) 28. English will help us _ in our work and study.A. l

10、ot B. a lot C. a lot of D. lots of( ) 29. Last Sunday, Uncle Wang _ us _ his home town. A. show, around B. show, visit C. showed, to visit D. showed, around( ) 30. Do you have _ chicken _ beef?A. some, and B. any, and C. some, or D. any, or( )31. She has few friends, _ she? A. doesnt B. hasnt C. doe

11、s D. is( ) 32. If you dont have enough rest, you _ ill. A. maybe B. are C. may be D. may( ) 33. Hello, Tom! Would you please _ with me? A. go B. to go C. going D. for going( ) 34. He is more friendly _ I think. A. after B. because C. than D. then ( ) 35. When she got up, she felt a little _ and took

12、 some medicine. A. ill B. sick C. badly D. A and B二完形填空。Mrs. Brown is 1 old woman. She 2 in the county , and she doesnt know London very 3 . One day, she went(去) to London, but she cant 4 her way. Just then she saw(看) 5 man near a bus stop. “I can ask him the way,” she 6 to herself(她自己) and asked, “

13、Excuse me, will you please tell me the way to King Street?”The man smiled(微笑) with 7 answer. Then he put his hands(手) 8 his pockets, 9 out a piece of paper and let her read it. On the paper are these words, “ 10 , I dont know English. I am from Russia.”( )1. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2. A. live B. li

14、ving C. will live D. lives ( )3. A. good B. much C. well D. fine( )4. A. find B. look for C. see D. look at ( )5. A. a B. the C. an D. /( )6. A. speaks B. said(說(shuō)) C. speak D. talk( )7. A. none B. not C. no D. a( )8. A. into B. in C. to D. at( )9. A. brought(拿) B. took(帶) C. put D. gave(給)( )10.A. Ye

15、s B. No C. Sorry D. Goodbye三閱讀理解。 (A)Do you know Eskimos? Let me tell you something about their lives.Eskimos live near the North Pole. There are only two seasons there, winter and summer.There is no spring or autumn there. The winter nights are long. You can't see the sun for more than two mont

16、hs, even at midday. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never goes down and there's no night.Eskimos have warm clothes. They make their clothes from the skins of animals. From skins they make coats, caps and shoes.Near the North Pole trees can't grow, for it is too co

17、ld there. The Eskimos have to make their houses from skins, snow or stones. When they out in storms and can't get back home, they make houses of snow. They leave these snow houses when the storm is over.Life is hard for the Eskimos, but they still like to live there.( )1. Near the North Pole the

18、re are in a year. A. two seasons winter and summer B. two season spring and autumn C. four seasons D. two seasons sometimes and four seasons sometimes( )2. How long does the longer day or night last near the North Pole?A. 24 hours B. Over a week C.A month D. over two months( )3.Eskimos use skins to

19、make .A. clothes B. houses C. trees D. both A and B( )4.There are no near the North Pole.A. days B. nights C. trees D. animals( )5.Eskimos make houses of snow to protect(保護(hù)) themselves from . A. animals B. storms C. snow D. rain (B)Everybody has a home .People have homes. Animals have homes. People

20、live in many different kinds of houses. Animals have different kinds of homes, too. Some animals live in holes(洞)under the ground . The woodchuck(土撥鼠) lives under the ground .His home has two doors. If any animal comes into one door, the woodchuck goes out through the other. Some animals live in hol

21、es in trees. Some squirrels(松鼠)build nests (窩) high in trees. Most of the birds live in nests in trees. But hawks(鷹)build their nests high in the mountains(山).( ) 6. The story is about_. A. some trees B. some people C. some animals D. homes of some animals ( ) 7. All _ live under the ground. A. the

22、animals B. the woodchucks C. the squirrels D. the birds( ) 8. How many doors are there in the woodchucks house? A. One B. Two C. Three. D. None.( ) 9. Animals homes are_. A. in holes B. the same C. not the same D. in trees( )10. People live in _. A. holes B. different kinds of housesC. trees D. moun

23、tains (C)Mr Jones and Mr Brown worked in the same office .One day Mr Jones said to Mr Brown , “Were going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening ,Would you and your wife like to come ?” Mr brown said, “Thank you very much .That is very kind of you .We are free that evening ,I thin

24、k ,but I will telephone my wife and ask her .”So Mr. Brown went to the other room and telephoned. When he came back , he looked very worried .“Whats the matter?” said Mr Brown. “She wasnt there .My small son answered the telephone. I said to him , Is your mother there, Jim? He answered , No, she is

25、not in the house . Where is she then ?I asked.Shes out . Whats she doing ? Shes looking for me. ” ( )11. A small party will be held A. in seven days B. in the evening C. in the office D. at Mr Browns house ( )12. The telephone was A. in the same office B. near the office C. in the post office D. nea

26、r Mr Jones house ( )13. Whom did Mr Brown speak to on the telephone? A. Mr Jone B. Mr Jones wife C. His wife D. Mr Browns son ( )14. Mrs Brown was looking for A. her husband B. her mother C. her son D. her daughter( )15. Which is right? A. Mrs Brown wouldnt be free the next Wednesday evening. B. Mrs

27、 Brown was ill and she went to hospital. C. Mrs Brown was out, so she didnt answer the telephone. D. Mrs Brown didnt like the party at all. 四、詞匯運(yùn)用(A)根據(jù)句意,從方框中選用恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或短語(yǔ)填空(11選10)showaround, in the garden, get to , on his bicycle, near the bus stop, live in, by underground, are close to, how much, how

28、 many, never mind1. How do you _the library?2. There is a big hotel_.3. _.I will help you.4. Let me _you _the city!5. It's too dangerous(危險(xiǎn)) because he is reading_.6. I am sitting _enjoying the sunshine.7. _time do you spend on that book?8. People can travel in London_.9. The two cinemas _each o

29、ther.10. _tins of milk do you need at the party?(B)根據(jù)句意,用括號(hào)中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. My idea is quite different from_(she).2. What time we (meet) tomorrow?3. I want to know more about (west) countries.4. Please ask him_(not call) me this evening.5. I dont think its a wonderful place_(play).6. Why not_(buy) som

30、e souvenirs here?7. What about (play) with us?8.Dose Sandy enjoy _(chat) with friends on the phone?9.What do they do? They're (wait) in a restaurant.10. There're few (mango) on the shelf. Could you get some?(C). 根據(jù)中文提示和上下文完成句子。1. - How _ money do they have? - Only one yuan .2. - What did you

31、 _(點(diǎn)菜) last time here? - Two hamburgers and a tin of Coke.3. The exchange students from Britain will shop in the _ (運(yùn)動(dòng)) centre.4. How many supermarkets do you know here? _(沒(méi)有一個(gè))。5. _(受歡迎的) to Sunshine Town, ladies and gentlemen.6. Hes very _. Pass him some food.7. _(可能) the exchange student from the

32、 US is in his twenties. (D). 根據(jù)中英文提示或句子意思寫(xiě)出正確的單詞。1. The old people like life in the _(the land outside cities or town) better than that in the town. 2. Many animals died because of the terrible _(the state of being dirty).3. At weekends I often go to shop in the _ _(buildings with many shops)4. - Ho

33、w many films can be on in that _(a place for people to watch plays or shows)? - About 100.5. After the long trip, he felt _(患病的).6. He always gets up early and goes to bed late because he wants to _(學(xué)習(xí)) a lot. 7. He was ill. He had to stay in _(醫(yī)院).8. Now there are many tall _(建筑物) in the city.9. We

34、 cant buy all _(紀(jì)念品) here in Star Shopping Mall.10. Its about ten _(分鐘) walk from here to the playground.11 Mr. Black has a daughter. Today is her _(twelve) birthday.12. We can see lots of Chinese _(paint) in the museum.13. I think we need four _(loaf) of bread.五. 完成句子1 約翰將帶領(lǐng)我們參觀他的家鄉(xiāng)。John is going t

35、o _ us _ his hometown.2 劇院是觀看戲劇的好地方。 A theatre is a good place _ _ plays.3. 在城市我們很少能聽(tīng)到鳥(niǎo)兒唱歌了。We _ hear the birds _ now.4. 從這兒到市中心有很長(zhǎng)的距離。 _ _ a long way from here to the centre of the city. 5. 世界各地都有中國(guó)人。 There are Chinese _ _ the world.6陽(yáng)光鎮(zhèn)有許多有趣的事情可做。_7從我家步行到學(xué)校只需20分鐘。_8如果我奶奶需要幫忙做家務(wù),她不必走遠(yuǎn)。_9劇院是供人們觀看戲劇或

36、表演的好地方。 _六任務(wù)型閱讀ATherere many different kinds of parrots(鸚鵡). Some are quite big. Others are very small. Many people like parrots because they have beautiful colours, and because they can “talk”(說(shuō)話). No one knows why parrots can talk. Most birds cant talk. Some people say parrots can talk because the

37、y have big, thick tongues(舌頭). Parrots dont usually know what they are saying when they talk. They are only making sounds(發(fā)出聲音). They know when to say some words, such as “Hello” and “Goodbye”, and they know and can say peoples name.1. Why do many people like parrots?_2. Can all the birds talk?_3. W

38、hy do some people say parrots can talk?_4. What are parrots only making?_5. Parrots dont know what they are saying when they talk , do they?_B. Jimmy is a clever boy. He began to go to school last September and now he is in Grade Two. He studies hard and is good at his lessons. So his teachers like

39、him.Mr. White, Jimmys father, likes smoking. Once the boy watched TV and knew it was bad for the health to smoke. So he told his father about it. But the man didnt listen to his son. The boy thought and thought and at last he found a way. One evening, after they had supper, Jim asked his father to g

40、o out for a walk with him. Mr. White agreed with him. When they were walking outside a factory, the boy said, pointing to (指著) a chimney, “Whats that tube (管道) which the smoke is rising(升起), Dad?”“A chimney(煙囪), son,” answered the man.“Why is it called a chimney?”“Because smoke rises from it.”“Oh, I

41、 see,” said the boy with a smile. “But why isnt your nose called a chimney, then?”Mr. Whites faced turned red and since then(自從那時(shí)起) he hasnt smoked(不再吸煙) any longer.1. The teachers like Jim because he is c_ at his lessons.2. Jim hoped his father would s_ smoking.3. Jim thought of a w_ to stop his fa

42、ther smoking.4. he pretended (假裝) that he didnt k_ the chimney.5. At last, Mr. White l_ to his son.七書(shū)面表達(dá) 請(qǐng)你寫(xiě)一篇介紹你家鄉(xiāng)的文章,內(nèi)容包括; 1. 家鄉(xiāng)的名稱,位置 2.你在家鄉(xiāng)通??梢宰龅氖虑?3.你住的地方和環(huán)境,家鄉(xiāng)的特色地方或食物 4.你對(duì)你家鄉(xiāng)的評(píng)價(jià) _ _ 八、首字母填空I want to t_ you a story. It happens to a friend of m_, George. George is r_ in bed one evening. Two thi

43、eves(賊) climb into the kitchen. After they come into the h_, they go into the dining room. Its dark, so they turn on the l_. Suddenly they heard a voice behind t_. “Whats up? Whats up?” Someone is c_. The thieves run away as quickly as they can. George c_ into the dining room, but he cant s_ anyone. Georges parrot, Henry is


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