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1、WOR胳式可編輯專業(yè)知識整理分享第一單元測試卷姓名 班級 得分第I卷(選擇題共60分)、聽力(共20分)第一部分聽對話回答問題(計10分)本部分共有10道小題,每小題你將聽到一段對話,每段對話聽兩遍。在聽每段對話前,你將有5秒鐘的時間閱讀題目;聽完后,你仍有5秒鐘的時間選擇你認(rèn)為最合適的備選 答案。在聽到“嘀”的信號后,進(jìn)入下一小題。)1. What is in the centre of the city?B.()2. Which city are the speakers talking about?)4. Which is the girl favourite place at home

2、?) 5. What do you know about the woman' sflat?A. She bought it recently.B. It is not far from the man' flat.C. She needs to buy a new one.)6. What is the girl doing now?A. She is watching a film.B. She is making a music video.C. She is enjoying music on TV.)7. What does the woman ask the man

3、 to do?A. She asks him to buy a new flat.B. She asks him to go to her home.C. She asks him to tell her about his new flat.()8. What does the girl think of the shoes?A. She likes them very much.B. She doesn 'like them.C. She thinks they are too big.()9. What will the girl do next year? A. She wil

4、l learn to drive a car. B. She will buy herself a car. C. She will mend her old car.()10. Why does Miss Wang need some help? A. Because she is ill at home.B. Because she has a lot of work to do.C. Because shecan ' carry a heavy box.第二部分聽對話和短文回答問題(計10分)你將聽到一段對話和兩篇短文,各聽兩遍。聽每段對話或短文前,你將有時間閱讀相關(guān)小題,每小題

5、 5秒鐘;聽完后,每小題你仍有5秒鐘的時間選擇你認(rèn)為最合適的備選答案。聽一段對話,回答第11 12小題。答題完畢,請等待“嘀”的信號,進(jìn)入第一篇短文。()11. What are Millie and Daniel doing now?A. They are taking some photos.B. They are visiting England.C. They are talking on the phone.()12. Why does Millie need the photos?A. Because she wants to put them on her homepage.B.

6、 Because she wants to show them to her classmates.C. Because she wants to put them on her bedroom wall.聽第一篇短文,回答第1315小題。請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案,完成信息C. MoscowC. dining roomC. smallC. A secondary school.C. Two hours by train.C. Many houses.記表。答題完畢,請等待“嘀”的信號,進(jìn)入下一篇短文。Kitty 'houseLocationHer flat is on a busy

7、 street in 13.Favourite placeShe likes the_14 best because she can enjoy herself in it.The studyIt ' as_ _ 15 _one with many books in it.()13. A. LondonB. Paris()14. A. kitchenB. living room()15. A. brightB. big聽第二篇短文,回答第 1620小題。()16. What is in the centre of the town?A. A small lake.B. A primar

8、y school.()17. How far is Mary ' hometown from London?A. Two hours by bus. B. One hour by train.()18. What can be seen around the lake?A. Many old people. B. Many trees and flowers.WOR略式 可編輯C. By bike.()19. How does Mary go to school?A. By car.B. By bus.()20. How many people are there in Mary &#

9、39; family?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.、單項選擇(共15分,每小題1分)()21. Which restaurant do you often go to?-one next to the bookshop is my favourite.A. AB. AnC. /D. The()22. Do you know the capital of? Of course. It's Tokyo. It's a beautiful city in Asia.A. JapanB. FranceC. the UKD. the USA()23. is the

10、library from here?-It is about two miles away.A. How longB. How farC. How many D. How much()24. Lily has a lot of friends because she alwaysher thingsothers.A. shares; with B. shares; toC. helps; with D. helps; to()25. There arebooks on the desk and thebook is about thehistory of England.A. five; fi

11、veB. fifth; fifthC. five; fifthD. fifth; five()26. Jim s mother was ill for three days.A. on the bedB. in bedC. in the bedD. on bed()27. Which place is your favourite in your new flat?It's the. I can enjoy nice meals and have a chat there with my family.)32. Excuse me, where is the nearest hospi

12、tal? Walk along this street and you won' miss it. It L s the post office.A. near atB. next toC. closeD. in the front ofA. bedroomB. dining room C. bathroom D. studygreener and cleaner.A. ten millionsB.ten millions ofC. millions ofD. million of)29. This bike is A. onB.my own. I bought it last yea

13、r. ofC. withD. at)30. He hopes you A. will haveB.a good time this weekend.hadC. are havingD. have had)31. The classroom is A. enough bigB.for forty students to study in.big enoughC. enough smallD. small enough()28. Every spring people in this country growtrees to make their living place()33. B. Who

14、do you live with?D. When will you move?It 'a sbig house with a beautiful garden.A. Where is your new house?C. What' your dream home like?()34. Would you like to go out to play football with me?,but I have to finish my homework first.A. Yes, I doB. I likeC. Of course not D. I ' love to()3

15、5. Hello, this is Jim speaking. Is that Sam? Sorry, he isn 'intnow.A. Can I take a message?B. What are you saying to Sam?C. May I speak to Sam?D. Who' s that speaking?、完形填空(共10分,每小題1分)Hi, I ' sWang Bin. I come from Shenyang, a nice city in North-east China. I live with my parents in a sm

16、all town. 36 live in a small and old flat. My parents always take good care of me and we live a happy life. When I grow up, I hope to buy a big 37 for my family. I call it my 38 house.My dream house has three floors 39 five bedrooms, three bathrooms, two big dining rooms and two living rooms. There

17、is a large kitchen with a large fridge. When my friends come to visit me, I can 40 nice food for them. And in my big house, we have enough space to play together.There is a swimming pool behind the house. When 41 comes, my friends and I can enjoy water sports in it. We have a 42 in front of the hous

18、e. In the morning, my parents can exercise there. They can also grow some flowers and 43 in it. So we can enjoy beautiful flowers, and we don ' rteed to buy vegetables. We can have a good rest in the garden when we feel 44. I think our life will be easy and 45.I am sure my dream can come true on

19、e day.()36. A. WeB. TheyC. UsD. Them()37. A. roomB. classroomC. houseD. balcony()38. A. dreamB. bigC. smallD. beautiful()39. A. toB. byC. ofD. with()40. A. playB. carryC. doD. cook()41. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter()42. A. cinemaB. gardenC. libraryD. beach()43. A. riceB. grassC. vegetablesD.

20、 trees()44. A. tiredB.happyC. sadD. healthy()45. A. unhappyB. busyC. comfortableD. difficult四、閱讀理解(共15分,每小題1分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。AThere are some advertisements廣告).Read them and answer the questions.A big townhouse with a big yard for a big family. There are four bedrooms,

21、three bathrooms, a big living room and a great kitchen.The house costs $5,000 a month. Call Mrs Morris at 4569-0987.Great location! A nice new flat building with a swimming pool. There is a big living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a nice kitchen. It is $1,200 a month.The phone numbers 7610-9201. Y

22、ou can ask Dana for more information.There is a townhouse for you. The ground floor is for playing games, and the first floor is for living. On the first floor, there is a living room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a nice big kitchen. There is also a great yard behind the house for children and a

23、large garage ( 車庫) for parking your car.It is $6,000 a month. Please call Nathan at 4645-2436.Here is your new home! It is a big flat with three bedrooms, a living room, a dining room and a bathroom. The flat has a good parking place but no yard.It is $1,600 a month. Call Wilson at 5332-0202.()46. M

24、iss Green is a student, and shedoesn ' have much money. It betser for her to callA. 4569-0987B. 7610-9201C. 4645-2436D. 5332-0202()47. Mr and Mrs Black with their son, John, want to rent a house with a yard for childrenand a place to park their car. Which house is good for th em?A. Mrs Morris to

25、wnhouse.B. Wilson 'C. Dana' flat.D. Nathan stownhouse.()48. The flat with a parking place costsa months.A. $1,200B. $1,600C.$5,000D.$6,000()49. There arekind(s) of houses in these four advertisements.A. oneB. twoC.threeD. four()50. Where may we find these advertisements?A. In a textbook.B. I

26、n a novel.C. In a fashion magazine.D. In a newspaper.BNow the housing price is very high. It is not easy for me to have my own house. But Istill want to have one. The house must be very large. It has three floors. There is a garden, aswimming pool and a green house in it. I would like my house to be

27、 like a palace, large and beautiful. I can live with my parents in the house. My father and mother live on the ground floor and I live on the first floor. There are at least (至少)thirty rooms in my house. I have my ownbedroom and bathroom. I can see the pretty garden from my bedroom.There is a big li

28、ving room on the ground floor and there is also a big hall. My favouriteplace is the garden. I can have a lovely dog in the garden. I can play with it when I am free. My friends and I can have parties at my home. We can have great fun. There are enough bedroomsfor them to stay overnight.()51. Which

29、of the following is NOT in the writer dream home?A. A swimming pool.B. A bathroom.C. A green house.D. A reading room.C. thirtyD. fortyB. He can enjoy the flowers.D. He can chat with his parents.()52. In the dream house there are overrooms.A. tenB. twenty()53. What can the writer do in the garden?A.

30、He can play with his dog.C. He can hold parties with his friends.( )54. Which place does the writer like best in his dream house?A. The living room.B. The garden.C. The swimming pool.D. The kitchen.( )55. The writer parents and the writer live onfloor(s).A. the groundB. the firstC. the sameD. differ

31、entCBill Gates has a nice house on a hill by Lake Washington. Inside the house there are seven bedrooms, twenty-four bathrooms, six kitchens and six fireplaces. It even has a theatre, a library, an exercise room and a swimming pool. You can say the house is very big. However, it doesn ' t look s

32、o big, because a large part of it is in the hills.The house is famous for many reasons. One is its large size, and another is its amazing electronic systems (電子系統(tǒng)).Before a visitor goes into the house, he or she gets a chip (芯片) at the gate. The chip sends information about the visitor to the electr

33、onic systems in the house. When the visitor goes into the house, lights are turned on automatically (自動地).When the visitor goes into a room, the temperature (溫度)will change to make the visitor comfortable.When the visitor goes from one room to another, he or she can hear music.(Bill Gates began to b

34、uild his house in 1990. It took him about 7 years to build it.)56. Bill Gates housedoesn 'look very big because.A. the house is very modernC. the house is very smallB. a large part of the house is in the forestD. a large part of the house is in the hills)57. The writer givesreason(s) why Bill Ga

35、tes house is very famous.A. oneB. twoC. three)58. The visitor will getat the gate of Bill Gates house.A. a mapB. a model house C. a ticket)59. Bill Gates finished building his house in.A.1990B.1997C.2006D. fourD. a chipD.2011)60. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Bill Gates dream homeC. Bil

36、l Gates and his houseB. Bill Gates houseD. Bill Gates family第II卷(非選擇題共60分)五、填空(共15分,每小題1分)A)根據(jù)括號中所給的漢語寫出單詞,使句子意思完整正確。61. Look at that big house. It looks like a(宮殿).62. He sat on the(沙發(fā))in the living room and felt very tired.63. Do you want to book a single room or a(雙的)room?64. I had no plans to wo

37、rk. I just wanted to(停留)at home for some days.65. Unluckily, he was not at home. I asked his mother to take a(消息)for me.B)根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。66. He lives in a tall building without lifts and he has to climb to his home on the (seven) floor every day.67. There are many places of interest. Many(vi

38、sit) come here every year.專業(yè)知識整理分享WOR略式 可編輯68. There is a big(live) room in my uncle 'house.69. I am not(real) interested in the new flat. I like the old one.70. Houses in different(country) look different.C)根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。71. It is too hard for me(work) out the problem.72. It ' two

39、o' clocnow. Tim(watch) a football match on TV.73. Our teacher always asks us(not be) late for school.74. The good doctors and nurses here will make you(feel) better.75. There are so many people(wait) for the bus at the bus stop.六、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子(共10分,每小題2分)76. 我希望有一天能去湯姆的新家拜訪。Ione day.77. 我是湯姆,我能和丹尼爾

40、通電話嗎?Tom. May IDaniel?78. 那個女孩和她的家人住在位于倫敦市中心繁華街道的一所公寓里。That girl lives inher family.79. 安妮和她的姐姐共享一間臥室。Annieher sister.80. 我喜歡這個帶有大陽臺的公寓。I like七、任務(wù)型閱讀(共10分,每空1分)閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一詞)My dream home is a house made of glass and it has a garden. It is not far from the sea. It is a smart house with

41、a library. There are one million books in it! There is a big 3-D TV in the living room. How cool it is to watch my favourite films on it! It is never too cold or too hot in the rooms. When I walk into a room, the lights are turned on. The house can keep itself clean.There is a garden in front of the

42、 house. Many flowers are in it. And there is also a small lake behind the house. At weekends, I can watch the fish swim around or do some fishing by the lake.The house is far from the city centre, but there is a mini airport ( 機(jī)場)in it so I can fly toother places in my mini plane if I want to go sho

43、pping or do some other things.Does the house sound cool? Maybe in 20 years, my dream will come true.My dream homeLocationNot far from the (81).Material(82).Transport (交通)Go out by mini (83).A smart houseA (84) It has over one (85)books.A 3-D TVWatching (86)on it is cool.TemperatureIt ' not too c

44、old or too (87).Others?(88)are turned on automatically.?The house can keep itself clean.(續(xù)表)A green houseA (89) Many flowers are in it.A lakeWatching (90)swim around and doingsome fishing are fun there.八、短文缺詞填空,每空一詞(共10分,每空1分)Sakchai lives in Bangkok, the c 91 of Thailand. It 'a sbig c92 with lo

45、ts ofnew buildings and old temples. Sakchai works in a car repair shop. He doesn ' m 93 a lot of money but he e 94 his life. Sakchai comes to work on the Sky Train. It ' much fasterthan a car or a bus.Sakchai lives with his parents and sister in a new f 95 with four rooms. It ' s f 96 fr

46、om the city centre. He s 97 some of his money on clothes and music. Bangkok is warm all the year round, so he doesn ' need thick clothes.When he has a holiday, he goes with his friends to the seaside. Thailand has long goldenb 98 with palm trees along them. The sea is large and warm and the view

47、s arew 99. Visitors from all over the world like to v 100 Thailand beaches.It 'a sgoodplace for a holiday.(91) (92)(93)(94)(95) (96) (97)(98)(99)(100)九、書面表達(dá)(滿分15分)每個人心中都有自己的夢想之家,請根據(jù)以下問題的提示寫一篇至少70詞的短文,描述你的夢想之家。要求包含所有問題所涉要點,適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,語句通順,書寫整 潔。1. Where is your dream home? How many floors are there?2.

48、What rooms are on each floor?3. What' in the rooms?4. What do you do in the rooms?5. Which is your favourite place and why?6. What do you think of your dream home?江蘇省南京外國語學(xué)校仙林分校吳晶穎編制江蘇省南京外國語學(xué)校仙林分校施玲玲審校 聽力原文第一部分 聽對話回答問題1. M: Is there a museum in our city?W: Yes. There is a big one in the centre o

49、f the city.2. M: Do you know the capital of the UK?W: Of course. It ' London. It 'a sbeautiful city.3. M: How beautiful! Everything is white! Let ' go outside and play.W: I ' nafraid Mum won' let us go out before the snow stops.4. M: Which place do you like best in your new flat?

50、W: It 'the study. I can read books in it.5. M: This is Jack speaking. Who' s that?W: This is Carol. I ' ncalling from my new flat.6. M: What are you watching?W: I am watching a music video of Michael Jackson.7. M: Can you tell me what your new flat is like?W: Well, you can come and have

51、a look by yourself.8. M: Do you like your new shoes?W: Yes. They fit me very well.9. M: Do you have a car of your own?W: No, I don ' But I will have one next year.10. M: Would you like to help Miss Wang with the heavy box? She can ' move it.W: Of course. Let ' go and help her.第二部分聽對話和短文回

52、答問題聽一段對話,回答第11 12小題。答題完畢,請等待“嘀”的信號,進(jìn)入第一篇短文。W: Hello. This is Millie. Is that Daniel?M: Yes, this is Daniel speaking. What can I do for you?W: I ' like to borrow some of your photos.M: Which photos? I ' vot many photos, you know.W: The photos of the houses in England.M: What do you want them

53、for?W: Well, we are learning a new unit called Dream homes. Each of us will have to take some photos to school and show them to the others.M: I see. Come to my home this afternoon then.W: OK. Thanks. See you.聽第一篇短文,回答第1315小題。請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案,完成信息記表。答題完畢,請等待“嘀”的信號,進(jìn)入下一篇短文。My name is Kitty. I am an Engl

54、ish girl. I thirteen years old. I live in London. I live in a flat on a busy street. The flat is not very large. My favourite room is the living room. After dinner, I like listening to music and reading books there. Sometimes I chat with my parents. I also have a small study with a lot of books in it. I like my home very much.專業(yè)知識整理分享WOR胳式可編輯聽第二篇短文,回答第 1620小題。My name is Mary. I want to talk about my hometown today. It 'sma


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