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1、5A 語(yǔ)法知識(shí)點(diǎn)復(fù)習(xí)M1U1 My birthday1. what time = when 什么時(shí)候what time 通常提問(wèn)具體時(shí)間;when 提問(wèn)具體某一天2. 時(shí)間介詞:at 某一時(shí)間點(diǎn)e.g. at two o clock 在兩點(diǎn);at noon 在中午;at night 在夜晚on 具體時(shí)間e.g. on the 19th of September 在 9 月 19 日;on Sunday 在周日;on Monday evening 在周一傍晚;on New Year's Day 在元旦節(jié)in 一段時(shí)間in the afternoon 在下午;in January 在 1

2、月; in winter 在冬天3. bring sth. to sb, 帶某物東西給某人4. an orange party 一個(gè)橘色的晚會(huì)5. sb. be tired 某人很累6. favourite = like best 最喜歡7. That sounds interesting. 那一定很精彩8. a birthday invitation 一張生日請(qǐng)柬9. Whats the date today? 今天是幾號(hào)?It's August 31. 今天是 8 月 31 號(hào)What day is it today? 今天是星期幾?It's Friday. 今天是星期五1

3、0. put on表示"穿上”的 動(dòng)作,wear表示“穿著"的 狀態(tài)11. When is your birthday? 什么時(shí)候是你的生日13. at Peter s birthday party 在皮特的生日晚會(huì)上15. the next morning. 第二天的上午,第二天早上12. a pair of orange trousers 一條橘色的褲子14. Have some fun = have a good time 玩的很高興16. on one s bed 在某人的床上17. January comes first 一月份在一年中的第一個(gè)月M1U2 My w

4、ay to school1. go to school on foot = walk to school 步行上學(xué)2. go to school by bicycle = ride a bicycle to school 騎自行車上學(xué)3. by + 交通工具= take + a/an + 交通工具e.g. by bus = take a bus 乘公交車4. leave home 離家5. a quarter to eight 在七點(diǎn)四十五6. What about = How about 怎么樣7. get up 起床8. 地點(diǎn)介詞:in 大范圍,大地方e.g. arrive in Beij

5、ing 到達(dá)北京; in the street 在街上at 具體位置,小地方e.g. arrive at school 到達(dá)學(xué)校; at traffic lights 在紅路燈處; at zebra crossings 在斑馬線;at Rainbow Road Bus Stop 在彩虹路站on 在某物的表面上e.g. wait on the pavement 在人行橫道上; live on Green Road 在格林路上10. wait for the green light 等綠燈12. Thats right = That s correct 很正確9. cross the road 穿

6、過(guò)馬路11. look left and then look right 向左向右看13. get off the train 下地鐵15. How do you come to school? 你怎樣去學(xué)校?14. from to 從哪里到哪里M1U3 My future1. want to do sth. 想要做某事3. help sick people 救治病人5. sell things to people 賣東西7. in the future 在將來(lái)9. What s your job? = What do you do? 你是做什么的?(提問(wèn)職業(yè))10. travel aroun

7、d the world 環(huán)游世界12. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事be afraid to do sth. 害怕去做某事13. jump into the lake 跳進(jìn)湖中15. help sb. do sth. 幫助某人做某事M2U1 Grandparents1. ask sb. about sth. 問(wèn)某人某事3. at weekends = at the weekend 在周末5. write an e-mail to them 寫(xiě)電子郵件給他們7. go shopping 去購(gòu)物9. 體育器材前不加the e.g. play badminton 打羽毛

8、球樂(lè)器前加thee.g. play the piano 彈鋼琴10. on ones way to 在去哪里的路上12. run away 逃跑14. 節(jié)日the Double Ninth Festival 重陽(yáng)節(jié)the Spring Festival 春節(jié)the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節(jié)15. see a flower show 看花展17. a festival for old people 一個(gè)老人的節(jié)日19. How often多久(提問(wèn)頻率)標(biāo)志詞 :2. What do you want to do/ be? 你想做什么?4. give lessons to

9、student 給學(xué)生們上課6. do a survey 做一個(gè)調(diào)查8. dream job 夢(mèng)想的職業(yè)(提問(wèn)職業(yè))11. be good at doing sth 擅長(zhǎng)做某事14. in the lake 在湖里面2. once a week 一周一次4. play chess 下棋6. talk to them on the Internet 在網(wǎng)上交流8. do the housework 做家務(wù)活11. knock at the door 敲門13. a traditional Chinese festival 一個(gè)傳統(tǒng)的中國(guó)節(jié)日New Year's Day 元旦the Dra

10、gon Boat Festival 端午節(jié)16. eat Double Ninth cakes 吃重陽(yáng)糕18. in Old People s Homes 在敬老院always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never , every day ,once a week 等20. 感嘆句 What 后面跟名詞詞組e.g. What strong arms you have!How 后面跟形容詞e.g. How strong your arms are!M2U2 Friends1. in the same class在同一個(gè)班級(jí)里3. in differe

11、nt teams在不同的隊(duì)伍5. like doing something 喜歡做某事7. Let's wait and see!讓我們等著瞧!9. a difficult match 一場(chǎng)勢(shì)均力敵(難打)的比賽2. at the same school 在同一所學(xué)校4. like each other 相互喜歡6. after school 放學(xué)后8. play with all of you 和你們所有人一起玩10. Congratulations!恭喜!11. be different from 與不同 e.g. This sweater is different from th

12、at one. 這件毛衣與刃B件不同。M2U3 Moving home1. be happy with sth.對(duì)。滿意2.tell sb. about sth.告訴某人某事 /某物3. This room faces east/south/west/north.這個(gè)房間朝東 /南/西/北4. The sun shines through the window.日光從窗子照進(jìn)來(lái)5. be far away from the school 離學(xué)校遠(yuǎn)7. Why為什么(提問(wèn)原因) because回答8. It only takes 20 minutes by bus.只有 20 分鐘的車程。9.

13、enough food充足的食物6. They live in the south in winter.他們冬天住在南方劃線部分提問(wèn)用How long多久(提問(wèn)時(shí)間多久)10. in the south/north 在南方 /d匕方我怎樣到達(dá)公園?3. at the first crossing 在第一個(gè)十字路口5. look at a map of the zoo看一張動(dòng)物園地圖7. turn left/right 向左/右轉(zhuǎn)9.Ocean World海洋世界11. look for 尋找3. nod with a big smile 微笑著點(diǎn)頭5. cry out大聲呼喊7. tell t

14、he truth 說(shuō)實(shí)話9. look great on you看起來(lái)很適合你=much (不可數(shù)名稱) 許多M3U1 Around the city1. How can I get to the zoo? = Where is the zoo?2. walk /go along the Green Road 沿著格林路4. You are welcome. = That's all right.沒(méi)關(guān)系6. on one's right/left在某人白右邊/左邊8. next to 靠近10. cute and clever溫柔和聰明的M3U2 Buying new clot

15、heswhich哪一個(gè)(提問(wèn)某個(gè)范圍中的物品)1. I like the blue one.劃線部分提問(wèn)用2. try on 試穿4. keep silent保持沉默6. have nothing on 什么都沒(méi)有穿8. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.給某人買東西10. a lot of (可數(shù)/不可數(shù)名稱)=many (可數(shù)名稱)11. put on (穿上)的反義詞是 take off (脫去)12. Why not后面加動(dòng)詞原形,表示建議e.g. Why not try on both?為什么不兩個(gè)都試試?How about doing sth.? = W

16、hat about doing sth.? = Why not do sth.? = Why don't you do sth.?M3U3 Seeing the doctor1. not feel well 感到不舒服2. go to the hospital 到醫(yī)院去3. What's wrong with you? = What' the matter with you? 你怎么了 ?4. How do you feel? 你感覺(jué)怎么樣?5. let me have a look = let me see 讓我看一看6. take some medicine 服藥7

17、. What else should I do? 我應(yīng)該做什么?8. Have a good rest 好好休息一下。9. You will be better soon.你會(huì)好的。10 . a large packet of sweets 一大袋糖果11.a toothless tiger 一個(gè)沒(méi)有牙齒的老虎12 .情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 +動(dòng)詞原形should應(yīng)該shouldn't = should not不應(yīng)該13 .表示“生病”常用動(dòng)詞have。表示疾病的名t前通常要加ae.g. I have a cough/fever/toothache/cold 我咳嗽 /發(fā)燒 /牙痛 /感冒。14 .

18、 I wash my hands about six times a day.我每天大約洗 6次手。劃線部分提問(wèn)用How many times (提問(wèn)多少次)15 .反身代詞形容詞的物主代詞加selfI my myself 我自己she her herself 她自己 it - itself 它自己they - them - themselves 他/她/它們自己M4U1 Water1. in the kitchen 在廚房3. Would you like some?你想要一些嗎?4. in the west of China在中國(guó)的西部6. the Yangtze River 長(zhǎng)江you

19、your yourself 你/你自己he him himself 他自己we - our - ourselves 我們自己2. make some tea 泡茶some表示詢問(wèn)、建議5. be part of 是。的一部分7. run down the mountains 從山上流下來(lái)9. fall from the sky 從天上降落11. fall down to the ground 降落到地上13. a piece of white paper 一張白紙最后16. pourinto 把。倒進(jìn)。里8. through the beautiful Three Gorges 穿過(guò)美麗的三峽10. go up = rise up to the sky 升至U天上12. a glass of water 一杯水14 .表示順序 first首先-next其次-then然后-finally15 . putin把。放在。里17 .現(xiàn)在進(jìn)


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