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1、 陜旅版陜旅版 六年級英語上冊優(yōu)質(zhì)課件六年級英語上冊優(yōu)質(zhì)課件 教育部審定教材教育部審定教材 Unit 8New Years Party使用說明:點擊對使用說明:點擊對應(yīng)課時,就會跳轉(zhuǎn)應(yīng)課時,就會跳轉(zhuǎn)到相應(yīng)章節(jié)內(nèi)容,到相應(yīng)章節(jié)內(nèi)容,方便使用。方便使用。Part APart BPart CUnit 8 New Years Party陜旅六年級上冊陜旅六年級上冊Part ALead-inLets have a party!New words laughcryjoketell a jokeactact a play笑;大笑笑;大笑哭哭笑話笑話講笑話講笑話演;扮演演;扮演演話劇演話劇guitarplay

2、 the guitarwinwin a giftfunnyeveryone吉他吉他彈吉他彈吉他贏得;獲得贏得;獲得贏得禮物贏得禮物搞笑的;滑稽的搞笑的;滑稽的每個人每個人New wordsballoonscandiestoysflowergiftscolorful lightsLook and matchLook and tickWhat do you usually do at a birthday party?eat cakesing songsdo homeworkplay the guitarplay gamesdrink teaLets learnLets learnlaughcry

3、The boys joke made everyone laugh.Listen! The boy is crying.Can you tell a joke at the party?She acted a play at the party.tell a joke acted a play play the guitarwin a giftHe plays the guitar very well.I want to win a gift. Kitty: What do you think of our party?Su Nan: It was great. Kitty: Do you l

4、ike Li Shan and Wu Chens short play?Su Nan: Sure. They acted well. Kitty: And what do you think of Liu Zhaoyangs joke?Su Nan: It was funny. Did you play games at the party? Kitty: Yes, I did. And I won a gift.Su Nan: Me, too. I think everyone had a good time.Read again and answer the questions.Lets

5、talkQuestions:1.Does Su Nan like Li Shan and Wu Chens short play?2.What does Su Nan think of Liu Zhaoyangs joke?Yes, she does.She thinks it was funny.1. What do you think of our party? 你覺得我們的派對怎么樣?你覺得我們的派對怎么樣? What do you think of?這個句型意這個句型意為為“你認(rèn)為你認(rèn)為怎么樣?怎么樣?”,常用于詢問常用于詢問對方的的看法。對方的的看法。 think of意為意為“對對

6、有某種看法;有某種看法;認(rèn)為認(rèn)為”。用來詢問對方的看法。用來詢問對方的看法。Language points你覺得這本書怎么樣?你覺得這本書怎么樣? What do you think of the book?此句型可以轉(zhuǎn)換為此句型可以轉(zhuǎn)換為“How do you like.?你覺得這本書怎么樣?你覺得這本書怎么樣? How do you like the book?2.Do you like Li Shan and Wu Chens short play? 你喜歡李珊和吳晨的短劇嗎?你喜歡李珊和吳晨的短劇嗎? 本句中有一個名詞所有格:本句中有一個名詞所有格:Li Shan and Wu Che

7、ns short play。這里的。這里的“s”只加在只加在Wu Chen后面,表示李珊和吳晨共同參演的后面,表示李珊和吳晨共同參演的短劇。短劇。 如果表示兩者各自的所屬關(guān)系,則要在如果表示兩者各自的所屬關(guān)系,則要在每個名詞詞尾都加上每個名詞詞尾都加上“s”。一、連線。一、連線。1.cry2.win a gift3.tell a joke4.act a play5.play the guitar6.laugh Exercise 二、單項選擇。二、單項選擇。( )1.What do you _ our party? A. thinks of B. think of C.to think ( )2

8、.Do you like _ short play? A. Li Shan and Wu Chens B. Li Shans and Wu Chen C. Li Shans and Wu Chens( )3.They acted it _ . A. good B. well C. badBABUnit 8 New Years Party陜旅六年級上冊陜旅六年級上冊Part BLead-inHappy New YearHappy new year. Happy new year. Happy new year to you all. We are singing. We are dancing.

9、 Happy new year to you all. Happy new year. Happy new year. Happy new year to you all.We are singing. We are dancing.Happy new year to you all. New words everythingcolorfulat the beginningpoorfinally每件事物;一切每件事物;一切富有色彩的富有色彩的開始;起初開始;起初貧窮的;可憐的貧窮的;可憐的最后最后New wordsLets learn more Class One had a New Year

10、s party on December 31st. At seven oclock, everything was ready. The classroom was beautiful. There were many colorful lights and balloons in it. At the beginning, all the students sang Happy New Year together. Then, Li Shan and Wu Chen acted a short play about a poor girl. It made many students cry

11、. After that, Liu Zhaoyang told a joke. It was funny and made everyone laugh. Finally, the students played some games. Everyone was excited. “It was really a great party. We all had a great time.” said Kevin.Language points1.Class One had a New Years party on December 31st. 一班在一班在12月月31日舉辦了一場新年派對。日舉

12、辦了一場新年派對。 在表達(dá)日期時一般情況下是先寫月份,再在表達(dá)日期時一般情況下是先寫月份,再寫日期,日期使用序數(shù)詞。寫日期,日期使用序數(shù)詞。November 11th 11月月11日日December 1st 12月月1日日2. It made many students cry. 它使許多同學(xué)都哭了。它使許多同學(xué)都哭了。 本句中有一個固定結(jié)構(gòu):本句中有一個固定結(jié)構(gòu):make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事使某人做某事”,make為使役動詞。為使役動詞。那部電影使我很悲傷。那部電影使我很悲傷。 The film makes me sad.3. At the beginning. Then

13、. After that. Finally. 這是描述事情發(fā)生先后順序常用的詞語,這是描述事情發(fā)生先后順序常用的詞語,可以使文章更有條理。可以使文章更有條理。類似的短語還有:類似的短語還有:at first開始開始 then然后然后 next接下來接下來 in the end最后最后 at last 最后最后 at the end of 在在的末尾的末尾Read again and tick the right pictures 1.When did the party start?2.What did Wu Chen do at the party?3.Who made all the st

14、udents laugh?4.Did the students play games at the party?Lets play Alice: I sang and danced at the party. What did you do?Kevin: I .Play roles with your partnerA: I .at the party. What did you do?B: I .Ask and answerA:What do you think of the music?B:It is beautiful. It makes me happy.book/cry書本書本/哭哭

15、Play roles with your partnerA: What do you think of the book?B: It is sad. It makes me cry.TV show/laugh電視節(jié)目電視節(jié)目/笑;大笑笑;大笑A: What do you think of the TV show?B: It is funny. It makes me laugh.film/excited電影電影/令人興奮的令人興奮的A: What do you think of the film?B: It is exciting. It makes me excited.Read the w

16、ordsoaoucoat boat goathouse loudly cloudyoaouroad load soapround south shoutTry to read moreTips of pronunciation字母組合字母組合oa , ou在單詞中的發(fā)音在單詞中的發(fā)音 字母組合字母組合oa在重讀音節(jié)中讀雙元音在重讀音節(jié)中讀雙元音 ,發(fā)音同元音字母發(fā)音同元音字母o的發(fā)音;的發(fā)音; 字母組合字母組合ou在重讀音節(jié)中讀雙元音在重讀音節(jié)中讀雙元音/au/發(fā)發(fā)音時口先張大,發(fā)出音時口先張大,發(fā)出/a/的音,再雙唇慢慢收的音,再雙唇慢慢收圓發(fā)出圓發(fā)出 的音,雙元音發(fā)音時要注意從第一的音,雙

17、元音發(fā)音時要注意從第一個音素向第二個音素滑動的過程要流暢。個音素向第二個音素滑動的過程要流暢。一、選詞填空。一、選詞填空。1.The film makes me very _ (happy, delicious).2.I _ (sing and dance, sang and danced) at the party yesterday.3.He _ (tell, told) a joke. It was funny.4.Li Shan sings _ (well, good).5.Everyone _ (have, had) a great time yesterday.happysang

18、and dancedtoldwellhadExercise 二、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。二、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。1.所有的事情都準(zhǔn)備好了。所有的事情都準(zhǔn)備好了。 _ is ready.2.教室里有許多彩燈和氣球。教室里有許多彩燈和氣球。 There were many _ lights and_ in the classroom.3.每個人都很興奮。每個人都很興奮。 Everyone was_.Everything colorfulballoonsexcitedUnit 8 New Years Party陜旅六年級上冊陜旅六年級上冊Part CReview 詢問某人對某事物的看法及答語詢問某人

19、對某事物的看法及答語What do you think of.?It was.詢問某人是否喜歡某事物詢問某人是否喜歡某事物Do you like.?表達(dá)在過去的某時間舉辦了新年聚會表達(dá)在過去的某時間舉辦了新年聚會.had a New Years party on+過去時間過去時間.表達(dá)自己的想法表達(dá)自己的想法I think+賓語從句賓語從句. Listen and chooseabcd1.Kate _ at the party.2.Peter _at the party.3.Xiao Xiao _at the party.4.Lin Dan _at the party.cbadListenin

20、g materialA: Hi, Kate. How was your New Years party?B: It was great.A: What did you do at the party?B: I sang an English song.A: What did Peter do?B: He told a joke.A: How about Xiao Xiao ? Did she dance?B: Yes, she did. Her dance was so beautiful.A: Did Lin Dan play the violin?B: No. He played the

21、guitar.Match and talkA: What do you think of the book?B: Its interesting.funnydirtysaddeliciousinterestingbeautifulOrder and act( )Sure. ( )I danced with my friends. ( )What do you think of the New Years party?( 1 )Excuse me,may I ask you some questions?( )It was great.( )What did you do at the part

22、y, then?26345Make up the sentences and reorder them to make a story1.Everyone was excited at the party. 2.Did Kitty win a gift?3.Colins joke made us laugh. 4.Kevin played the guitar well. 5.We had a party yesterday.Check answers 請你以請你以“New Years Party”為題,用英語寫為題,用英語寫一篇小短文,不少于五句話。一篇小短文,不少于五句話。時態(tài):時態(tài):本文要求寫新年派對,時間是過去的時間,本文要求寫新年派對,時間是過去的時間, 因此在寫作時應(yīng)該選用一般過去時態(tài),主因此在寫作時應(yīng)該選用一般過去時態(tài),主 語選擇語選擇we或者具體的英文名字。或者具體的英文名字。寫作思路:寫作思路:時間、地點、人物、事件,新年派對時間、地點、人物、事件,新年派對 的經(jīng)過、結(jié)果以及學(xué)生們的感受等。的經(jīng)過、結(jié)果以及學(xué)生們的感受等。New Years Party Last week,


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