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1、2023屆中考英語模擬試卷注意事項(xiàng):1 答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號填寫清楚,將條形碼準(zhǔn)確粘貼在考生信息條形碼粘貼區(qū)。2選擇題必須使用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題必須使用05毫米黑色字跡的簽字筆書寫,字體工整、筆跡清楚。3請按照題號順序在各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效;在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。4保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,不準(zhǔn)使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、Peters mother is a farmer. She works _ a farm.AinBonCtoDof2、Jim, your vegetables, because balan

2、ced diet is important.Aeat up Bdrink up Cclear up3、The dictionary at the Lost and Found office _ be Tims, because his name is on its corner.AcanBcantCmustDmustnt4、We have 42 students in our class. of them are boys.Yes. There are 28 boys and 14 girls.ATwo thirdsBOne thirdCA halfDA quarter5、It is very

3、 necessary us to protect our Mother Earth, because nature is our common wealth. And it is wise us to make such a decision.Aof; forBagainst; throughCabove; beyondDfor; of6、We _ the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.Acelebrates BcelebratingCcelebrated Dhave celebrated7、How do you li

4、ke the new film The Wandering Earth (流浪地球)? . Besides, we can learn a lot about space science.AI cant stand itBPretty goodCIts terribleDIts boring8、My mother often says that _ / mlk / is good for me.AmakeBmilkClikeDmeat9、 Its going to rain tonight. Im a little worried about Adam. Hes still out. Why

5、not _ him a call?Agive Bto give Cgiving Dgave10、To keep the kids , parents should put away the things like knives in the house.I cant agree more.AtidyBwarmCsafeDtall. 完形填空11、 Students may have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very 1 . Others have tro

6、uble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates. A student of Grade 8 could not understand his teacher and was doing 2 in his lessons. He became so worried about it that he 3 to cut his finger with a knife.Another student was afraid of 4 . She got very worried 5 she looked at the

7、exam paper, and she could write nothing. A report says that 18% of Shanghai students have mental (心理的) problems. Their troubles include being worried and 6 , having problems in learning and getting on with people. Many students who have problems wont ask for 7 . Some think they will look stupid if t

8、hey go to see a doctor. Others dont want to talk 8 their secrets.A famous expert on students has the following 9 :Talk to your parents and teachers often.Take part in group activities and play sports.Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy 10 unwell(不好).1AhardBhardlyCeasyDeasily2AworseBbadlyCwellDbet

9、ter3ArefusedBstoppedCforgotDstarted4AfriendsBexamsCdoctorsDbooks5AwhenBwhatCwhereDwhy6AhappyBunhappyCluckyDunlucky7AsuccessBchanceChelpDdream8AtoBwithCaboutDin9AsuggestionBadviseCadvicesDsuggestions10AasBorCbutDso. 語法填空12、用括號內(nèi)所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,使語篇意思完整,必要時(shí)請用否定式。Did you know that tea, the 1(popular) drink in

10、 the world (after water), was invented by accident? Many people believe that tea was first drunk about 5000 years ago. It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first 2 (discover) tea as a drink. One day Shen Nong 3 (boil) drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plant

11、 fell into the water and remained there for some time. It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious, and so, one of the worlds favorite 4(drink) was invented. A few5 (thousand) years later, Lu Yu, the saint of tea, mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing. The book d

12、escribes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also 6 (discuss) where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used. It is believed that tea 7 (bring) to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea 8(appear) until around 1610, but in less th

13、an 100 years, it had become the national drink. The tea trade from China to 9(west) countries took place in the 19th century. This helped to spread the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without dou

14、bt the ones who best understand the 10(natural) of tea. 閱讀理解A13、One day a huge rock fell from a mountain.The rock rolled (滾下) down and stopped in the middle of a road in a village, It was like a big ball.So many of the strongest men in the village tried to lift the rock.But no matter how hard they t

15、ried, they couldnt move it away.They tried to push it, tried to roll it, and tried to pull it with ropes,but nothing worked.“Well,”they agreed, “theres nothing we can do about it.Well have to build another road.” All the time a young boy about 12 years old was standing by.“Excuse me, sir,”he said,“b

16、ut I think I can help you move the rock.”“You?” they shouted, “What are you talking about? All of us have just tried, and even together we cant move it at all.” The men all laughed at the boy.The next morning some people came into the street.One of them shouted,“The rock is gone.Its gone.” More peop

17、le ran out into the street to see for themselves.In fact, no one could see the rock anywhere.“This is impossible,”they said,“Where has it gone?” The twelveyearold boy stood out, smiling.“I moved it last night,”he said,“I dug a deep hole next to the rock and the rock rolled down into the hole by itse

18、lf.Then I covered it with earth.”1Where did the stone stop?AIn the middle of a road.BIn the middle of two villages.CAmong the mountains.2Why did the men in the village decide to build another road? Because_.Athe old road is too narrowBthe stone stopped people from walking throughCthe stone is not im

19、portant for them3Why did the men all laugh at the boy?ABecause the boy argued with the men.BBecause the boy asked them what they were talking about.CBecause the boy said that he could move the stone.4What happened next morning?AThe boy was gone.BThe rock was gone.CThe rock was in the middle of anoth

20、er road.5How did the boy move the rock?AHe tried his best to push it away.BHe dug a deep hole near the rock and made it roll down into the hole.CHe dug a deep hole next to the rock and the rock rolled down into the hole by itself.B14、When people think of water buffaloes, they often imagine wild and

21、dangerous animals. But unless they are hurt or angered, water buffaloes are probably the gentlest farm animals in the world. Though they look scary, they are much like household pets. Unlike cattle(黃牛), they are quiet and have a natural fondness for humans.Water buffaloes are so patient and gentle t

22、hat there is no need to control them during milking. Because of the animals calm nature, water buffaloes almost never have their horns(角) taken off. However, most cattle which are raised for their milk will have their horns taken off, when they are young. It will prevent them from hurting one anothe

23、r when they grow up.Another common wrong idea is that water buffaloes can be raised only near water. Though they love to roll in muddy water, water buffaloes usually live and have babies in situations where there is not enough water to do this. However, several researchers report that water buffaloe

24、s who roll in muddy water do not need to be treated with insecticides(殺蟲劑) because the mud (爛泥) coating that forms on their skin protects them from insects and parasites(寄生蟲).Another untrue belief about water buffaloes is that they can live only in tropical (熱帶的)areas. Actually, buffaloes are able t

25、o live in a wide range of climates. Although they are most common in the tropics, water buffaloes were used to pull snowplows(雪犁) in parts of Europe many years ago.1Why are water buffaloes horns not taken off ?AThey dont use their horns to attack.BThey cant have babies without the horns.CTaking the

26、horns off is dangerous to humans.DTaking their horns off can kill the buffaloes.2The writer seems to think that most cattle_.Adont give milk Bare not gentleCmake good pets Dlike people3According to the passage, how can rolling in muddy water help water buffaloes?AIt protects them from parasites.BIt

27、washes insecticides off them.CIt helps them have more babies.DIt keeps them cool in hot weather.4Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of this passage?APeople used to keep water buffaloes as household pets.BMany people have incorrect ideas about water buffaloes.CWater buffal

28、oes used to be common around the world.DWater buffaloes and cattle have many similarities.C15、I had never really liked reading and thought it was a waste of time. But once my teacher told our class to go to the library and find our favorite books. I love basketball, so I picked out a basketball book

29、. It was called “Hoops” by Water Dean Myers. It is a good novel, and suitable for basketball lovers.This story is about a high school ball player named Lonnie. Lonnie lives in a poor family in Harlem, New York. He is a good basketball player and dreams of playing basketball in college, and of course

30、 in the NBAWhen Cal, his new coach, walks into his life, he just wants to keep away from him. But at last they become friends and face many challenges together.I am now reading more of Walter Dean Myers books. A lot of his books are about growing up in Harlem, just like he did. However, I like “Hoop

31、s” best. From Lonnie, you will learn that the people around you really affect who you are, and how much it helps to have the support of family and friends in your life.This book also makes me think about how hard it would be to grow up in a rough(艱難的) neighborhood. I have realized that we must belie

32、ve in ourselves when life gets hard. I have learned a lot from this book, and I think anyone will learn much after reading it.It is a good story, and I really suggest that everyone read it. I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I do.1The writer picked out a _ in the library.Ahistory book Bfashi

33、on magazineCnewspaper Dnovel2According to the story, Lonnie _.Ahas a very rich familyBhates to play in the NBACmay get some help from his familyDlikes his coach from the beginning3“Hoops” is a book about _.Athe NBA Bcollege lifeCgrowing up Dhaving a hobby4According to the passage, what do we know ab

34、out Walter Dean Myers?A“Hoops” is his most popular book.BHe was once a basketball coach.CHe believes in himself.DHe grew up in Harlem.5The writer wrote the passage to _.Ashow his interest in readingBteach readers how to play basketballCsuggest readers read the book “Hoops”Dtell something about Walte

35、r Dean MyersD16、 If English means endless new words, difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation, you are wrong. Havent you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?According to a new study by a British university, learning a second language can lead to an

36、 increase in your brain power. Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter. This is the area of the brain which processes information. It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles.The study also found the effect is greater when the younger people learn a second langu

37、age. A team led by Dr. Andrea Mechelli, from University College London, took a group of Britons who only spoke English. They were compared with a group of “early bilinguals” who had learnt a second language before the age of five, as well as a number of later learners.Scans showed that grey matter d

38、ensity (密度) in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language. But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language, the smaller the difference.“Our findings suggest that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second language,” s

39、aid the scientists.It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn.Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales, has researched the link between bilingualism and maths skills. “Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible (靈活的),

40、” he said. “You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas.”The findings were matched in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as a second language between the ages of two and thirty-four. Reading, writing, and comprehension were all te

41、sted. The results showed that the younger they started to learn, the better. “Studying a language means you get an entrance to another world,” explained the scientists.1The main subject talked about in this passage is _.Ascience on learning a second languageBmans ability of learning a second languag

42、eCthat language can help brain powerDlanguage learning and maths study2The underlined word “bilingual” probably means _.Aa researcher on language learningBa second language learnerCa person who can speak two languagesDan active language learner3We may know from the scientific findings that _.Athe ea

43、rlier you start to learn a second language, the higher the grey matter density isBthere is no difference between a later second language learner and one who doesnt know a second languageCthe experience of learning a second language has a bad effect on peoples brainDthe ability of learning a second l

44、anguage is changing all the time4In the last two paragraphs, the author wants to tell us that _.Alearning a second language is the same as studying mathsBearly learning of a second language helps you a great deal in studying other subjectsCItalian is the best choice for you as a second languageDyoud

45、 better choose the ages between 2 and 34 to learn a second languageE17、Every 14 days, another language dies. There are many reasons for this. Some people think more common languages have more economic(經(jīng)濟(jì)的)power. Because of this, young people choose to learn a common language as they think it is more

46、 useful. Another reason is that some languages arent written down. Guujaaw is a leader of the Haida Nation, whose people have lived on the Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada, for more than 10, 000 years. Their language is endangered. Traditionally, it wasnt written down, and, as a result, some people a

47、re worried that it will die one day. Guujaaw replies to this, We talk to each other, listen, visit, and believe in the spoken word. Expressing yourself without writing is natural. However, if Guujaaws language and others like it are going to stay alive, writing may have to become part of their lives

48、.When a language dies, a lot of knowledge dies with it. To begin with, language is a huge part of the culture of the people who speak it. Language allows speakers to say certain things: words that describe a cultural idea may not translate exactly into another language. Furthermore, many endangered

49、languages have rich spoken cultures, Stories, songs and histories are passed on from older people to younger generations(一代), Elizabeth Lindsey, an expert in languages, emphasizes(強(qiáng)調(diào)) this. “When an elder dies, a library is burned,” she says.Also, language death affects our knowledge about nature. L

50、ocal people often have a deep understanding of plants, animals, and the relationship between them. David Harrison, a researcher on endangered languages, reflects, “80% of plant and animal species(物種)have been undiscovered by science. But that doesnt mean theyre unknown to humans.”Many languages are

51、endangered. However, it s not too late. Children often grow up speaking two languages. No one .becomes richer by giving up one language to learn another,” Harrison said. If children feel both languages are important, they will use both. So, it is necessary that children realize how useful their loca

52、l language is.1How many reasons are mentioned for endangered languages in Paragraph 1?A2 B3. C4 D5.2In Paragraph 2, the writer mainly tells us_.Ahow cultures are passed on Bhow cultures are discoveredCwhy languages are written down Dwhy languages are important to cultures3The underlined word affects

53、 in the passage means “_”.Awaits for Bdepends onCis different from Dhas an influence on4Which of the following is the writers opinion?APeople need to use common languages more often.BThe spoken word is more important than the written word.CChildren are the hope to stop the local language from dying.

54、DMany animals and plants are in danger because of dying languages.F18、Ancient China produced many types of beautiful works of art.Among them,calligraphy(書法),poetry(詩歌)and painting were the most famous.Often they would be put together in art.These became important starting with the Song dynasty.Calli

55、graphy is the art of handwriting.In the old times the Chinese considered writing as an important form of art.Calligraphers(書法家)would practice for years to learn to write perfectly,but with style. Each of over 40,000 characters needed to be written correctly.And each stroke(筆畫)in a character had to be written in a certain order.Poetry was also an important form of art.Great poets were famous all over the country,but all educated people were expected to write poetry. During th


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