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1、Module 4 My familyUnit 2 Ive got a small family.1grandmothergrandmagrandfathergrandpaauntmotherfatheruncle(daughter)sister(son)brother(grandparents)(parents)復(fù)習(xí)回顧2新課教學(xué)1. Match the words in Box A with the words in Box B.auntgrandmagrandmothermothermumsisterbrotherdadfathergrandfathergrandpauncle3 Im C

2、hen Hui. Ive got a small family . There are three people in my family .Has Chen Huichi got a small family or a big family ?She has got a small family . There are three people in her family . 4 Im Wang Hua . Ive got a big family . There are five people in my family .Has Wang Hui got a small family or

3、 a big family ?She has got a big family . There are seven people in her family . 5例如:(1). Is your father a worker or farmer?Hes a worker.(2). Are you Lucy or Lily?Im Lily.(3). Do you like Chinese or English?I like English. Have you got a small family or a big family?_(選擇疑問(wèn)句)Ive got a small family.Iv

4、e got a big family.6Have you got a small family? No, Ive got a big family. Have you got a small family or a big family ?Ive got a big family. There are people in my family.Work in groups . Talk about your family.7Pair work1. How many people are there in Bettys family?2. Is Bettys family small?3. Has

5、 Betty got any brothers or sisters?4. How many people are there in Tonys family?Nine.No, it isnt. Its big.Yes. Shes got two brothers.Eleven.8Look at this passage. Underline the capital letters , full stops and question marks in Activity 4.capital letter 大寫(xiě) (A 、) full stop 句號(hào) ( . )question mark問(wèn)號(hào) ( ?

6、 )Writing9Ling ling has got a small family . How many people are there in her family ? There are fiveLingling , her two parents and her two grandparents . Shes got an aunt . She hasnt got any uncles . She hasnt got any brothers or sisters .10Punctuation:標(biāo)點(diǎn),標(biāo)點(diǎn)法1. capital letter- F B2. full stop-.3. q

7、uestion mark-?When shall we use them ?Capital letters: for names and at the beginning of a sentenceFull stop: at the end of a statement sentenceQuestion mark: at the end of a question11WritingBooks open. Do Activities 4 & 5 individually. Check the answers together.Tonys English and hes got a big fam

8、ily. How many people are there in his family? He hasnt got any grandparents in China.Theyre in England. Hes got his parents and sister here. He hasnt got any brothers.你做對(duì)了嗎?121.Thank you for your email. 謝謝你的電子郵件。 thank you for =thanks for 后接名詞或動(dòng)名詞 Thank you for telling me. Thank you for your help. =

9、Thank you for helping me.Important & difficult points132. I havent got any uncles , or brothers and sisters. 我沒(méi)有叔叔, 沒(méi)有兄弟姐妹。 這里的brothers and sisters 看作是與uncles并列 的內(nèi)容. and 和or 的區(qū)別,肯定句用and, 否定句用or 。 I like apples and oranges. I dont like pears or bananas.143. 選擇疑問(wèn)句:提出兩種或兩種以上 的情況,要求對(duì)方選擇一種作回 答。其結(jié)構(gòu)是 “ 一般疑

10、問(wèn)句+or+一 般疑問(wèn)句 ?” ,常把后一部分與前 一部分相同的內(nèi)容省略?;卮鸩荒?用“Yes” 或“No”,而要具體回答。15課堂練習(xí)翻譯下列句子1. 我家有五人我爺爺,我爸爸媽媽,我和弟弟。There are five people in my familymy grandpa,my mum and dad, my brother and I.2. “你有個(gè)大家庭嗎?” “不。我有個(gè)小家庭。”“Have you got a big family?”“No. Ive got a small family.”3. 玲玲沒(méi)有個(gè)大家庭。她有個(gè)小家庭。Lingling hasnt got a big

11、 family. Shes got a small family.16 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; prz15nsr 一早走之前端過(guò)來(lái)的。這個(gè)急性子,她擔(dān)心自己今兒個(gè)來(lái)不及做,昨兒個(gè)晚上就做好了呢!俺聞著很香,就聽(tīng)她的沒(méi)有再做涼菜?!惫险f(shuō):“嫂子是很會(huì)做涼菜的,而且每次都是早早就做好了。這涼菜入味兒了,就更香啦!”青海聽(tīng)了這話,趕快夾幾根芥菜絲放在嘴里津津有味地品嘗起來(lái)。裴氏笑著說(shuō):“看看,青海等不及了吧!好啦,大家先吃著哇。餃子很快就煮好了!”熱氣騰騰濃香四溢的大水餃也端上來(lái)了,大家挪開(kāi)菜盤子擺上大水餃??粗鴱?qiáng)作歡顏的秀兒忙里忙外地招呼自己和耿蘭,郭


13、“看看,就怕埋沒(méi)了她的功勞!不過(guò)也是啊,秀兒這和餡兒的手藝是比俺強(qiáng)呢!”耿憨的笑聲更大:“咱們秀兒的其他手藝也不比你差??!”又轉(zhuǎn)頭問(wèn)倆兒子:“青山青海你們說(shuō),娘和姐姐,誰(shuí)和餡兒的手藝好?”青山說(shuō):“娘的手藝好,姐姐的手藝也不錯(cuò),總之,都好,都很好!”青海則繼續(xù)大口吃著餃子,點(diǎn)點(diǎn)頭說(shuō):“哦,哦,是都很好!不過(guò),不過(guò)”又吃一個(gè)餃子,這才說(shuō):“不過(guò),姐,俺吃得這么香,足以說(shuō)明,你和餡兒的手藝比娘更好!”青海可愛(ài)的吃相和調(diào)皮的話,把大家都逗笑了。郭氏心里明白,自己沒(méi)有理由在這個(gè)時(shí)候給大家添堵,她按捺下自己滿心的焦慮和不忍,笑著說(shuō):“秀兒這和餡兒的手藝實(shí)在是好啊,大娘一定要多吃幾個(gè)呢!”裴氏和秀兒趕快搶著給郭氏的碗里夾餃子。郭氏忙說(shuō):“俺自己來(lái),俺自己來(lái),你們娘兒倆也快吃??!”52第九十回 鐘情苦


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