



1、2022-2023學年安徽省亳州市城北中學高一英語下學期期末試題含解析一、 選擇題1. China represents a huge opportunity to America, so its important for Americans to know _ the Chinese work and think and to make strong friendships and connections with Chinese people. A. why B. what C. that D. how 參考答案:D2. Mr. Gates is now _ the company. I

2、f you have any questions, you can dial the number.A. in memory of B. in place ofC. in charge ofD. in search of參考答案:C3. As a volunteer, I would like to do _ I can _ those in need.A. what; help B. all; to help C. that; to help D. whatever; help參考答案:B4. The young man couldnt afford a car. _, he bought

3、a bike.A. Besides B. Otherwise C. Instead D. Still參考答案:C5. - Whats your impression _ your new deskmate?- She is nervous and shy, but she can speak English fluently, leaving a deep impression _ me.A. on; toB. of; onC. to; onD. with; to參考答案:B6. It was at nine oclock_I heard the news on the radio. A. w

4、hen B. that C. which D. while參考答案: B7. He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system _.A. broke in B. broke up C. broke out D. broke down參考答案:D8. The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend can be the same, _ their fam

5、ily background or educational level. And _ Tongtong, coming from Mianyang, he has a close friend to accompany him.A. in spite of; lucky for B. instead of; fortunate toC. regardless of; luckily for D. in place of; fortunately to參考答案:C略9. I dont think Lucy is a nice woman and I am tired_ her empty tal

6、k.A. of B. for C. with D. about參考答案:A10. Was it in 2008 _ he was still at middle school _ the boy became expert at computer?A. that; where B. when; where C. that; when D. when; that參考答案:D11. In the US, the students who study business is more than those who study agriculture.A. as many as ten times B

7、. as ten times asC. ten times as many as D. ten times than參考答案:C略12. Finding themselves _by the army, the enemy brutally killed Wang Erxiao.A. surrounding B. to surround C. surrounded D. having surrounded參考答案:C13. Todays China is quite different from _. . A. it used to be B. it would be C. what it u

8、sed to be D. what it would be參考答案:C略14. It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine. _ , wed better take it to the garage immediately.A. Otherwise B. If not C. If possible D. If so參考答案:D15. A Mr. Smith is waiting outside. he come in? Wait a minute. Im reading an important paper. A. Shall

9、B. Must C. Need D. Should 參考答案:A16. Neighbors _ that such an attack could happen in their area.A. shocked B. shocking C. were shocking D. were shocked參考答案:D 解析:本題考察動詞shock的用法。二、 書面表達17. 請根據(jù)下面的提示,寫一篇短文,介紹一位你最崇拜的偶像。字數(shù)要求:120詞左右。1. Who do you admire (欽佩,欣賞) most? 2. What does / did he / she do?3. Someth

10、ing interesting / moving you know about him / her.4. What should you learn from him / her? 參考答案:Thomas Edison is the person I admire. He was one of the greatest scientists in the world. He was born in 1847, and died in 1931 at the age of 84. He was in school only for three months. His teacher didnt

11、like him at all. Edisons mother had to take him out of school and taught him herself. At home Edison read a lot and became very interested in science. When Edison was very young, he had many strange ideas. When he was in school, he often asked a lot of questions. Most of them had nothing to do with

12、his lessons. However, it is these strange ideas that helped him a lot. When he grew up, he became a famous scientist.I think I should work hard at my lessons at school, and always try to be creative in order to do something good for our motherland and the world as well.三、 閱讀理解18. The following are t

13、wo letters to the editor of a school newspaperDear editor,Id like to express my opinion about grades. Students should be allowed to study without worrying about grades. Fortunately, most educators are becoming aware of the fact that students have different interests and abilities. I understand that

14、grades are useful, but grades often limit creativity. Competing for better grades causes many students to turn down opportunities to pursue music, dramatics and sports. Grades force an arbitrary(武斷的) standard of success on everyone. I do not demand as some extremists do, that grades be removed immed

15、iately. However, I do believe that less emphasis should be placed on grades. I hope that some day grades will become optional at Village High School. Magdalena SmithDrama Club -Dear editor,Id like to say something about grades. Lets face the facts about grades. Grades perform three basic functions.

16、First, grades motivate(激發(fā)) students to work at their highest level of competence. Second, they act as a reward for hardworking students and as a punishment to students who do not work hard. Finally, grades are used as a useful standard by which to measure student achievement. Good grades help studen

17、ts to get jobs and to get into university. Ive spoken with a number of students who have jobs, and most of them say that they were hired primarily on the basis of their grades. My grades helped me land a part-time job and will help me get into university next year. I think grades are extremely impor

18、tant at Village High School. Simon HarperScience Club 34. Which of the following is NOT Magdalena Smiths opinion?A. Students may give up the chance to learn music and sports for grades.B. Students creativity may not be developed for grades.C. Grades should not be used to measure a persons success.D. Grades should be taken away at once.35. We can learn Simon


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