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1、2021年外研三起版六年級上冊期末綜合檢測C卷考試時間:45分鐘總分值:100分第一局部聽力局部-、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞或短語。()1. A. my friend B. pen friend C. phone friend()2. A. say()2. A. say()3. A. Chinese()4. A. sorry()5. A. address()2. A. say()3. A.()2. A. say()3. A. Chinese()4. A. sorry()5. A. addressB. tellB. EnglishB. storysweetsspeakC. FrenchC.to

2、ldC. dress二、聽短文,判斷句子正(T)誤(F)o()l.Ifs a warm day.()2.Amy is ill.()3.Her mother is not worried.()4.Amy can go to school.()5.She should see a doctor.三、聽錄音,選擇正確的答語。Alts in the south of China.B.It has got about thirty million people.C.Ifs three kilometers long.D.Im behind the door.E.Ifs more than sixty y

3、ears old.四、英譯漢。l.be from3.speak English5.write to7.of course第二四、英譯漢。l.be from3.speak English5.write to7.of course4.have got,6.pen friend8.in English9.sing English songs lO.play computer games 五、選擇正確的單詞填空。Darning(have, has)got a Chinese dragon kite.(Pleased, Please)to meet you.(Have, Has)yo

4、u got some food from China?Please write to(me, I).This is(my, I)address in the US.六、選擇題、 ( )The girls are dancing. We are looking at.A. they B. their C. them2、( )On Thanksgiving Day, we like eating。A. turkeyB. moon cakes C. duck3、( )Can you my friend?A. be B. is C. are4、()1 can some English.A. speak

5、B. sayC. tell5、( )What a big map the US!A. in B.of C. about6、( )We saw Chinese .A. danceB. dancesC. dancing7、()a nice picture of the West Lake!A. WhatB. HowC. Where8、()! The baby is sleeping.A. Stand in lineB. Go straight onC. Be quiet9、()We a big basketball game TV.A. see; on B. look; in C. watch;

6、on10、( )Please tell me more your city.A. ofB. aboutC. from七、看看下面的小朋友表現(xiàn)怎么樣,表現(xiàn)好的畫“T”,表現(xiàn)不好的畫“F”。()1. Be quiet in the library!()2. Sing and dance in the library!()4. Please stand in line!()5. Study hard in the classroom.八、按要求完成以下各題。like blue.(改為否認(rèn)句)I blue.Linda comes from New York.(改為一般疑問句) Linda New Yo

7、rk?Is it a new bicycle?(作肯定回答),My sister has got two pens.(對括號局部提問) your sister?Elephants like water.(對括號局部提問) elephants like?九、連詞成句。2.it, here, is (.)3.show, want, I, one of, China, to, Darning, from, presents, the (.)4.should, think, I, to, all, go, these, we, places (.)5.me, for, its, nice (.)十、選

8、擇正確的詞語填在短文中所缺的地方,使短文完整。Because Daisy doesnt have a dog in her family, she takes her friends9 for a walkeach day of the week. On Mondays she takes Jungle, on Tuesdays Emma, on Wednesdays June, on Thursdays Lorry, on Fridays Rainbow, on Saturdays Woody and on Sundays Mighty. Then Mighty moves away, so

9、 Daisy is, free on Sundays. One day she a terriblenoise. She looks out of the window and there are dogs pushing and pulling each other. Before Daisy runs out to see the dogs, they all come and wants her to them for a walk onSundays, too. Looking at the dogs, Daisy says to the dogs JTH take you all o

10、ut onSundays.”So every Sunday Daisy takes all the dogs out. What fun they have together! 十一、閱讀理解,回答以下問題。Crhina is a big country. There are many big cities in it.Beijing is the capital of China. Ifs in the north. It has got more than twenty million people. Shanghai is in the east of China. It has got

11、 about twenty-four million people. Its the economic center (經(jīng)濟(jì)中) of China. Honc gkong is in the south of China. It s small but beautiful. It s warm in winter here. Harbin is in the north of China. It s ver y cold in winter.1 .Where is Beijing?2.1s Hongkong a big city?3.How many people does Shanghai

12、have?4.1s it cold in winter in Harbin?十二、小練筆。寫一篇關(guān)于你喜歡的小動物的短文,介紹一下它的生活習(xí)性。要求:條理清晰,不少于40個單詞。答案:My pen friend is from the UK.He can. speak English very well.Can you write an email in French?This story is about festivals.5.1 have got his address in England.答案:1.B2. C3.C4. B5.A二、聽短文,判斷句子正(T)誤(F)oIts a col

13、d day in winter.Amy feels sick .She cant get up and go to school. She is ilLHer mother is worried about her. She should drink hot water and see a doctor.答 l.F 2.T3.F4.F5.T三、聽錄音,選擇正確的答語。每題讀兩遍。Where are you?Where is Hainan?How long is the river?How big is the city?How old is the tree?答案:DACBE四、1.來自2.很

14、高興見到你。3.講英語4.有5.寫給6.筆友7.當(dāng)然8.用英語9.唱英語歌10.玩電腦游戲五、1. has 2, Pleased 3. Have 4. me 5. my六 1、C2、A3、A4、A5、B 6、C7、A8、C9、CIO、B七、TFFTT八、1. don? t like 2. Does; come from 3.Yes; it is九、l.Do you want to go to shanghai?2.Here is it.3.1 want to show Darning one of the presents from China.4.1 think we should go to all these places.5.1fs nice for me.十、dogs; hears; take; lovelyH Lit s in the north of China.2.No, it isnt.3.It has got about twenty-four million people.4.Yes, it is.十二、My Pet CatI have a pet cat.Its ver


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