



1、 作文范文假設(shè)你是一個英國女孩,現(xiàn)在在中國。下面是你的身份卡,請你根據(jù)表中內(nèi)容寫一篇介紹自己的英文短文。friendclassclass 4 grade 7作文要求:語句連貫,詞數(shù) 50-60。hello! my names linda cooper. im from england.linda is my first name. my lastname is cooper. im 13 years old. im in class 4 grade 7. this is my friend lucy. sis from america and she is in my class. 1s3h

2、ey eiasr s old too. we are very goodfriends.假設(shè)你是 ann ,請你給你的朋友 leona 寫一封電子郵件,介紹你的家庭成員。內(nèi)容包括:1.我家里共有 6 口人,祖父母,父母,我和弟弟。2.爸爸是一家工廠的工人,媽媽是數(shù)學老師。3.弟弟只有 4 歲,還沒有上學,我今年 12 歲,是一所中學的學生。4.祖父母和弟弟每天會步行去公園。作文要求:1.語句連貫,詞數(shù) 60 左右。2.郵件開頭和結(jié)尾已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。dear leona,there are 6 people in my family.they are my grandparentsm,y

3、 parents,myyounger brother and i. my father is a factory worker. my mothers job is at a schoolshe is a math teacher. my brother is only 4 years old and he doesnt go to school. i12. i am a student of a middle school. my grandparents and my brother walk to thepark every day. my family is a big and hap

4、py family.best wishes!yours,ann請你根據(jù)下圖內(nèi)容寫一篇英語短文,介紹一下你的新學校。 classroom building校門作文要求:語句連貫,詞數(shù) 60 個左右。this is my middle school. there is an office building, a classroom building, ascience lab, a library, a dining hall and a playground in it. the classroom building is infront of the library. the science

5、lab is on the right of the classroom building. theoffice building is on the left of the classroom building and in front of the dining hall.and behind the library is the playground.請你用英語寫一篇短文來介紹你的家庭成員喜歡的食物。作文要求:語句連貫。詞數(shù) 60 個左右。there are four people in my family, my parents, my brother and i. my father

6、 likeseating pork and fish. my mother likes eating chicken and vegetables. my brothersfavourite food is hamburgers and candy. theyre not healthy food. i like fish, too, butbeef is my favourite. i like bananas and apples. to be healthy, we often eat some fruitand vegetables.假設(shè)你是美國男孩 tom,請根據(jù)下列表格寫一篇英語短

7、文,記敘你一天的生活。內(nèi)容包括:timetable(時間表)6:006:507:158:0512:00起床早餐上學上課午餐17:3018:4519:1020:3021:40去李老師家回家看電視睡覺作文要求:語句連貫,詞數(shù) 60 個左右。my name is tom. im an american boy. i get up at six oclock in the morning today.i have breakfast at six fifty. i go to school at seven fifteen. school starts at five pasteight. i hav

8、e lunch at twelve. i go to miss lis home at half past five in the afternoon.i go home at a quarter to seven. i have dinner at seven ten in the evening. i watch tvat half past eight. i go to bed at nine forty.假設(shè)你最喜歡的動物是袋鼠和大象,請寫一篇英語短文對它們進行介紹。 內(nèi)容包括:1.最喜歡它們的原因。2.動物的棲息地,喜歡吃的食物以及它們的特點介紹。作文要求:語句連貫,詞數(shù) 60 個左

9、右。my favourite animals are kangaroos and elephants. kangaroos live in australia, andthey eat grass. the mother kangaroo has a bag for her baby. the baby is very cute.elephants live in africa and asia. they are very clever. they eat a lot of plants everyday. they are good at finding water. so they ca

10、n live in the desert.請根據(jù)一下內(nèi)容提示,寫一篇英語短文,介紹電腦的用處。內(nèi)容包括:1.你每天都用電腦。2.在電腦上可以讀很多書。3.下載有用的學習信息。4.玩電腦游戲。作文要求:語句連貫,詞數(shù) 60 個左右。the computer is very useful for me. i use it every day. i can read many books on itand dont need to buy paper books. its also useful for my study, and i can downloadmuch study informati

11、on. i can also play games on it. they are very exciting. i like thecomputer.假設(shè)以下表格是你的朋友 linda 的一些信息,請寫一篇英語短文介紹她。喜歡總是經(jīng)常從不有時閱讀每月讀一本新書在周末去書店在床上看書去學校圖書館看書作文要求:語句連貫,詞數(shù) 60 個左右。i have a good friend. she is linda. she likes reading very much. she always reads anew book every month. she usually goes to the b

12、ook store at weekends. she cansearch for new books there. she never reads in bed, because its bad for eyes.sometimes she goes to the school library to read. she says its quiet there. she likes toread there very much.現(xiàn)在是星期天早上八點半,請根據(jù)下面的提示,寫一篇英語短文,介紹約翰全家 此刻正在做什么。爸爸媽媽約翰爺爺睡覺看電視,吃東西爬山(mountain)鍛煉身體,聽音樂作文要

13、求:1.包含表格中的內(nèi)容,可適當發(fā)揮2.語句連貫,詞數(shù) 60 個左右。its half past eight on sunday morning. john, his parents and his grandpa are doingdifferent things. johns father is sleeping. hes so tired. johns mother isnt cooking.shes watching tv and eating some food. john is climbing a mountain. he lovessports. johns grandpa a

14、lways gets up early. hes doing some exercise and listening tomusic.請根據(jù)以下提示用英語寫一篇短文,介紹西方的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日-圣誕節(jié)。內(nèi)容包括:1.圣誕節(jié)是大部分西方國家最重要的節(jié)日。2.在圣誕節(jié)前幾天人們就開始為它做準備了,如打掃房子,買圣誕樹,圣誕禮物,準備美味的食物,等等。3.孩子們會穿新衣服,并從圣誕老人那里得到禮物。4.許多家庭會舉辦晚會,邀請親戚和朋友參加。作文要求:語句連貫,詞數(shù) 60 個左右。christmas is the most important festival in most western countries. a few daysbefore the festival, people begin to get ready for it. they clean their houses and goshopping for christmas trees and presents. they usually get lo


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