



1、 unit 5 waterpart a key words and phrases:1. drop: v. 扔掉,放棄,掉下來 -_-_n. _ 滴搭配:一滴 _眼淚從她眼中滑落下來。tears _ _ her eyes.我的表從口袋里掉下來。my watch _ _ _ my pocket.一滴水滴進(jìn)了河里。_ _ _ water _ into the river.2. quantity: n. 數(shù)量大量:_ 的數(shù)量_拓展:質(zhì)量_3. fresh: adj. 新鮮的 新鮮空氣_adj. 淡的 反義詞:_這個(gè)湯嘗起來很淡。the soup _ _.4. on: adv. 已連接,處于工作狀態(tài);

2、上演,展覽。反義詞:_prep. 在表面,在上搭配:打開_ 關(guān)閉 _調(diào)大_ 調(diào)小 _教室里所有的燈都亮著。the lights in the classroom _ all _.他們家的電視總是開著。the tv _ always _ in his house.電影院在上演什么片子?what _ _ at the cinema?爸爸要我打開收音機(jī)。dad asked me to _ _ the radio.把電視聲音調(diào)小,寶寶在睡覺。_ _ the tv, the baby _ _.5. chemical: n. 化學(xué)藥劑(可數(shù))adj. 化學(xué)的n. 化學(xué)_很多化學(xué)藥品對(duì)環(huán)境危害很大。a lo

3、t of _ _ _ _ _ the environment.高老師是我們的化學(xué)老師。mr. gao is our _ teacher.6. change: v. 改變 change- _- _adj. 多變的_n. 變化,零錢 _ - _ (pl.)1 我想要我的零錢。i want my _.沒人能讓他改變想法。nobody could make him _ his mind.最近的天氣真是多變。the weather is _ these days.7. stir: v. 攪拌 stir- _ - _n. 攪拌 _把碗里的雞蛋攪拌一下。please _ the egg in the bow

4、l.8. experiment: n. 實(shí)驗(yàn)adj. 實(shí)驗(yàn)性的 _adv. 實(shí)驗(yàn)性地 _我喜歡在實(shí)驗(yàn)室做實(shí)驗(yàn)。i like _ _ in the lab.9. salt: n. 鹽 (不可數(shù))adj. 咸的 _大多數(shù)鹽來自海洋。most _ _ _ sea.她喜歡吃咸點(diǎn)的菜。she likes eating _ dishes.10. voice: n. _sound: n. _ v. _聽起來noise: n. _她的聲音聽起來很甜美。adj. _吵鬧的her _ _ sweet.“對(duì)不起。”他低聲說?!癷 am sorry,” he said _ _ _ _.那邊嘈雜聲太大了。there i

5、s a great _ over there.你應(yīng)該多出去聽聽大自然的聲音。you should often go out and listen to the _of nature.11. add: v. 增加n. _把.加到. _12. through: prep. 從_穿過across: prep. 從_穿過v. _= go/walk/swim/run across那個(gè)小男孩正在游過這條小河。the little boy is _ _ the river.陽(yáng)光透過窗戶照進(jìn)來。sunlight comes in _ the window.13. valuable: adj. 又價(jià)值的,珍貴的

6、= _n. 價(jià)值 _2 搭配: sth. is of value= sth. is valuable水是非常珍貴的。water is very _./14. bank: n. 堤岸,河岸 the bank of the rivern. 銀行 the bank of china15. return: v. 歸還= _作為回報(bào):_我們應(yīng)該及時(shí)歸還圖書。we should _books to the library in time.16. form: n. 表格,形式v. 形成= _請(qǐng)?zhí)顚懴旅娴谋砀?。please fill in the _correctly.水蒸氣上升到空中形成雨水。the vap

7、our rises up to the sky and _ rain.17. continue: v. 繼續(xù) = _繼續(xù)做同一件事_繼續(xù)做另一件事_他休息了一下,繼續(xù)寫作業(yè)。after a short rest, he continued _ his homework.釣完魚后,他繼續(xù)去購(gòu)物。after fishing, he continued _.18. remember: v. 記得 反義詞:_記得去做:_記得做過:_出去時(shí)記得把這封信給寄了。remember _(post) the letter when you go out.我記得把書放進(jìn)書包里了。i remembered _(pu

8、t) the book in my bag.part b grammar:1. plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a lot 的用法四個(gè)詞組都有“許多,大量”的意思。plenty of= _=_,后接_或_名詞,相當(dāng)于 many 或 much。a lot 是口語(yǔ)中的一個(gè)常用詞組,多用于肯定句,有時(shí)也用于疑問句。后不接名詞。謝謝:thanks a lot.theres _/_/_ work to do.sometimes we have very little rain, but sometimes theres _.2. few, a few, little, a l

9、ittle 的用法表示“少量,不多” 。few, a few 后接 _,little, a little 后接_;few 和 little 表示_含義,a few 和 a little 表示_含義。she is new here, so she has _ friends.3 there is _milk in the fridge, so we must go to buy some._days later, he came back.he drank _ milk.注意:little 還有“小”的含義,此時(shí) little 后接_名詞。she is _ girl.3. some, any 的

10、用法some 和 any 都有“一些”的意思。通常情況下,some 用于_句和_句,any 用于_句和_句。但在想得到對(duì)方肯定答復(fù)的疑問句中用some,不用 any。當(dāng) any 表示“任一個(gè)”時(shí)也用于肯定句。would you like _ water to drink?there is not _ milk in the bottle.is there _thing new in todays newspaper?i have _photos to show you.語(yǔ)法小練筆:1. do you drink _(much/ many) milk?2. _(how many/ how muc

11、h) boxes do you want?3. there is _(a few/ a little) water in the bottle.4. i can see _(many/ much) sheep on the hill.5. there is _(not much/ not many) rain in desert.6. he is a strange man. he has _ friends.a. a fewb. littlec. a littled. few7. i want to buy _pears, but i dont have _money.a. a lot of

12、; many b. many; much8. mr. green has _ money, so he lives in a poor life.a. little b. few c. many9. i am making _ tea. would you like _?a. some; any b. any; some c. some; some10. _ people can write with the left hand.c. many; fewd. much; a fewd. a fewd. any; anyd. not littlea. not muchb. not fewc. n

13、ot many單元綜合檢測(cè)一、選出可以替換劃線部分的選項(xiàng)。1. jackson comes from australia.a. from2. i added a lot of sugar to the coffee.a. put; in b. put; upb. is fromc. comes intoc, took; ind. comes outd. took; upd. flew3. i dropped into a river because of carelessness(粗心).a. followedb. camec. fell4. your clothes are dirty.a.

14、 tidyb. not cleanc. clearc. anyoned. pretty5. there is no one at the office now.a. nobody b. someone6.do you know that water is valuable?d. somebody4 a. useless and helplessc. valuelessb. useful and helpfuld. suitable7. we cant pollute water, air or land.a. makecleanb. makediec. makedirtyd. maketidy

15、d. some times8. ill go into a river and then into the sea again.a. one more time b. at times c. some time9. i talked to a little boy today, it was really interesting.a. frightening10. how was your journey from beijing?a. trip二、單選b. boringc. funnyd. stranged. routeb. transportc. place( ) 1.”dont wast

16、e water!” my dad said_.a. happily b. sad c. angrily( ) 2. i _ the room but found nothing.d. angrya. look around b. looked around c. look up d. looked up( ) 3. tom, its time _school now.a. to( ) 4. i didnt _ any salt to the soup.a. add b. added c. addingb. ofc. ford. atd. to add( ) 5. remember _ the

17、earth. we only have one earth.a. to pollute b. not to pollute c. polluting d. not polluting( ) 6. we should _the tap _when we finish using it.a. turn; off( ) 7. mary _her father yesterday.a. talk b. talkedb. turn; onc. turn; tod. turn; ind. talked tod. come outc. talk to( ) 8. tim _the room after he

18、 put on his clothes.a. come out of b. came out of c. came out( ) 9. a lot of story books are on sale, but _good ones.a. any b. some c. few( ) 10. you look sad, kate.-yeah, i have made _mistakes in my report.a. a little b. little c. a few三、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空d. manyd. few1. we cant live _(with) water for a few days.2. water covers about two _(three) of the earth.3. the flowers _(drop) from the trees last night.4. lu


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