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1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理!祝您工作順利!2021年八年級上冊英語module7練習(xí)試卷 我們作為同學(xué),應(yīng)當(dāng)為即將到來的英語考試做出什么樣的預(yù)備呢?以下是我整理的外研版八班級上冊英語module 7練習(xí)試卷以供大家閱讀。 外研版八班級上冊英語module 7練習(xí)試卷 單項選擇 the girl looks . a.angry b.angrily c.angries d.angrying what are you doing? a.on earth b.in earth c.in the earth d.on the earth what do you think of the film? i

2、have no idea.because i it. a.dont seen b.didnt saw c.havent saw d.havent seen how long have you the car? a.started b.bought c.borrowed d.had weve lived here 2021 so youve lived here about five years. a.since;for b.for;since c.for;for d.since;since has your father worked in the company?for two years.

3、 a.what time b.how long c.when d.how the old woman is quite of her sons success. a.prouder b.proud c.proudest d.the proudest mr.liu told us that december 25 christmas day. a.is b.was c.has been d.will be have you ever met mr.green ? a.ago b.before c.ever d.since hurry up!the play for ten minutes. a.

4、has begun b.began c.has been on d.has been 閱讀理解 we send our children to school to prepare them for the time when they will be big and will have to work for themselves.they learn their own language so that they will be able to tell others clearly what they want and what they know,and understand what

5、others tell them.they learn foreign languages in order to be able to understand the people from other countries and make themselves understood.they learn history to know something about human beings they meet every day.what they learn at school is,of course,quite useful,but is that the only reason(緣

6、由) why they go to school? no.there is more in education than just learning facts.we go to school,above all,to learn how to learn,so that when we have left school,we can continue to learn.a man who really knows how to learn will always be successful,because whenever he has to do something new,he will

7、 quickly teach himself how to do it in the best way.the uneducated person,on the other hand,is either unable to do something new,or does it badly.so the purpose(目的)of school is not just to teach the students these useful subjects but teach the way to learn. 【小題1】children are sent to school because .

8、 a.they can grow fast at school b.they have to work for themselves at the moment c.the parents have to prepare them for their future d.they are able to learn facts 【小題2】why do they learn languages?because they will . a.make friends with others b.be able to speak to and hear others clearly c.be able

9、to understand others d.make themselves understood 【小題3】the sentencethere is more in education than just learning factsmeans . a.learning facts isnt the only thing in education b.there are more facts to learn in education c.education is just learning facts d.learning facts is more important in educat

10、ion 【小題4】what does an educated person do when he meets something new?he will . a.try his best to do it b.quickly find the best way out c.be unable to do it well d.know how to learn 【小題5】the main idea of the text is that . a.children must go to school b.the subjects at school are useful c.parents sho

11、uld send their children to school d.children should be taught not only to learn but how to learn 單詞拼法 依據(jù)漢語提示完成句子 【小題1】孩子們已經(jīng)回家了嗎?還沒有。 the children home? not . 【小題2】這些鞋子看起來很得意,可是它們有點緊。 these shoes ,but they feel . 【小題3】他們何時從飛機(jī)場回來的? they from the airport? 【小題4】你最好把我介紹給你的伴侶。 youd better your friend. 【小題

12、5】我們準(zhǔn)備去車站接我來自倫敦的伴侶薩利。 we are going to the station my friend sally london. 【小題6】我特別興奮收到你的來信。 im very you. 【小題7】這男孩迫不及待地想見到他的筆友。 the boy his pen-friend. 【小題8】感謝你告知我關(guān)于你們學(xué)校的狀況。 thanks me your school. 【小題9】中國人民以長城而驕傲。 the chinese people the great wall. 【小題10】薩利對來中國感到特別興奮。 sally is very to china. 依據(jù)句意和詞首字

13、母提示完成單詞 【小題1】i hope you will r me from my photo. 【小題2】thanks for t me about what you like doing. 【小題3】the girl is afraid o flying. 【小題4】how do you f when you speak english? 【小題5】where is mike? he has g to the library. 補充句子 補全對話 becky:would you like to see a film? lily:certainly.id love to.1_? becky:

14、big daddy. lily:great!2_? becky:i have three tickets.one is for myself.the other two are for you and your sister,lucy. lily:thank your very much.3_? becky:itll start at 4:10 this afternoon. lily:4_? becky:the one near east street hospital. lily:er.5_? becky:by bike. lily:all right. 翻譯 英漢互譯 【小題1】have

15、 a try 【小題2】從回來 【小題3】get sth.ready 【小題4】把某人介紹給某人 【小題5】as well 【小題6】看起來友好 【小題7】at first 【小題8】以而驕傲 【小題9】shake hands with 【小題10】彼此互致問候 改錯 單句改錯 【小題1】a bike runs many more slowly than a bus. 【小題2】the girl has fallen asleep for three hours. 【小題3】the boy looks very worrying. 【小題4】the girl has finished to do her homework. 【小題5】thank you for give


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