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1、1strategic human resource management2objectivescompare and contrast the strategic view of human resource management and the traditional view of human resource management.explain the role of strategic human resource management in the strategic management process.given a particular strategy, recommend

2、 the functional human resource practices that need to be chosen.describe the essential elements of shrmexplain how an organizations strategic plan is integrated with the major human resource management functions.3hrm role change the hr function has historically been reactive and subservient to the o

3、ther business functions. role has changed recently due to environmental change and uncertainty need to maintain an effective alignment with the environment while managing internal interdependencies. 4hrm role change increasingly, competitiveness is viewed as being dependent on human capital and thus

4、 human resources. competitive advantage in companies is its workers-it is what often distinguishes companies with similar technology. hrm has come to be seen as directly related to the ability of the firm to cope with organizational and environment contingencies. recently, there has been a reorienta

5、tion to an integrative, proactive, and strategic way of looking at an organizations employees.5hrm role change historically, top management and subordinate line managers delegated personnel matters to the personnel department. primary functions included: human resource planning; recruiting staff job

6、 analysis performance review systems wage, salary, and benefits administration employee training personnel record keeping6characteristics of past approach hr/personnel function was physically and psychology separated from the real work of the organization. personnel depts. grew in a relatively uncoo

7、rdinated, piecemeal fashion. hr/personnel lacked an integrative, proactive, and, above all, strategic orientation.7figure 2.1 traditional and strategic views of hrm (a) personnel-the traditional view8characteristics of current approach 1) the systematic integration of separate hrm functions2) human

8、resources are now viewed from a general management perspective rather from the perspective of a functional area and management now shares responsibility for hr.3) the inclusion of hr considerations in decisions affecting corporate strategies and structures.4) strategic management and strategic human

9、 resource management integrate the separate hrm functions.9figure 2.1 traditional and strategic views of hrm (b) hrm - the strategic view10table 2.1 theoretical perspectives on shrm11competitive advantage through human resourcesbasic thesis: effective utilization of hr can assist organizations in ac

10、hieving competitive advantage.competitive advantage:a. refers to the ability of an organization to formulate strategies to exploit profitable opportunities (i.e., maximizing its return on investment).b. perceived customer value can create competitive advantage.12competitive advantage through human r

11、esourcesc. offering a product or service that is unique can create competitive advantages. 4 sources:1. financial or economic capital capability.2. physical capital capability.3. human capital capability: composition of workforce4. organizational capability: the firms ability to manage people d. key

12、 issue for organizations is to achieve alignment among their various functions and be flexible in responding to their environment.13strategic hrm hrm as a competitive advantage involves strategic human resource management. 1) represents an effort to link hrm activities to a firms business strategy.

13、2) based on a growing recognition for hr managers to assume a broader role in the overall organizational strategy. 3) recognition that the hr function should be planned, organized, and evaluated on the basis of its contribution to the business. 4) shrm is based on the recognition that hrm activities

14、 are organizational in scope.14strategic hrm 5) recognition that hrm issues need to be considered in the formulation and the implementation of organizational strategy. 6) recognition that hrm practice will influence the organizations performance. 7) the recognition of hr at the executive or strategi

15、c level in addition to the firm and operational levels. 9) emphasizes longer-term planning through the examination of a set of environmental, public policy, industry structure and organizational frameworks.15integrating hr into strategic planning the strategic planning process: uluru energy mission,

16、 goals, and values statements environmental threats and opportunities organizational strengths and weaknesses goals and objectives formulation of strategies how to strategically integrate hrm: some ideas and examples16essential elements of shrm 1. internally transforming hr staff and structure2. enh

17、ancing administrative efficiency3. integrating hr into the strategic planning process4. linking hr practices to business strategy and one another.5. developing a partnership with line management6. focusing on the bottom-line impact of hr and measuring that impact.17developing partnership learn about

18、 the firms business respond to and be aware of the firms needs and direction shift away from traditional hrm functions move toward supportive, collaborative relationships with line managers demonstrate how hr is critical to business success18measuring hrm customer reactions hr impact dollar value of hr programs benchmarking hr practices19table 2.7 six measures of hr service delivery20review why is managing human resources so important? w


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