



1、Less on 13 How is school going 導(dǎo)學(xué)案 學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo): 1. 會描述自己所學(xué)科目并表達(dá)喜好 2. 能根據(jù)需要轉(zhuǎn)換時(shí)態(tài) 3. 培養(yǎng)自己的語言表達(dá)能力和文章的組織能力 教學(xué)重難點(diǎn): 重點(diǎn):本科重點(diǎn)詞匯 How be . going? Start make .by on eself first place favourite 的 用法 難點(diǎn):take part in be good at 【溫故知新,快速熱身】 house. You can visit my house. 5. He is a teacher with many years 【真實(shí)呈現(xiàn),準(zhǔn)確感知】 慧眼識珠

2、 一.讀課文,找出下列句子中所缺的短語或單詞 1. How 2. We always have a big sports meet . 3.1 ofte n the long jump fsh take part in be good at 4. Last term I won . 5. You the long jump. 6. Last week, I a bird house all . 二.畫龍點(diǎn)睛 1. finish v.完成結(jié)束后接 doing 形式,表示做完某事。 2. win v. (won/won 贏得,獲勝,win 后接比賽,名次等,不接某人,beat 擊敗,戰(zhàn)勝, 后接某

3、人,某校,某團(tuán)隊(duì) 3. myself 代詞。我自己。反身代詞 與句子主語保持一致,by on eself 意為單獨(dú) 的,獨(dú)自的,沒人幫助的,He learn to cook all by himself. 4. take part in 參加比賽,活動。 He often takes part in the high jump. 5. be good at =do well in 擅長,在某方面做得好,后接名詞、代詞或動名詞 She is good at swimmi ng. =She does well in swimmi ng. 選詞填空 be good at have a sports

4、meet ing take part in be going by on eself win finish 1.Our school twice a year. 2. How do you study for a test 考 試? I lear n 3. How ? Won derful! you writi ng? -Yes, I am. 5. Tom is a good football player and he ofte n 6. We are sure we will 7. The boy will 【分步操練,真實(shí)體驗(yàn)】 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 1. Li Ming plays

5、basketball (two a week. 2.1 hope everyth ing (go well. 3. Can you finish (make the model ship this morning? (life in the traffic accident(交通事故。 5.Li Fang is good at (draw. 【熟練運(yùn)用,拓展延伸】 單項(xiàng)選擇 A. does well at B. do well in C. is good at D. is good on 2.Sa ndy ofte n part in the games on Sun days. A. tak

6、e B. does C. takes D. took 3.Classes clock every day. A. start B. starts C. starti ng D.started 4. Did you fin ish the weather report? A.listening B.to listen C.listening to D.listened 5. TV in the eve ning? As ,watchi ng B.Are, watch ing C.Do , watches D.Does, watch 【鞏固基礎(chǔ),反饋提升】 完形填空 Mario Maurer is

7、 a famous Thai actor 泰國演員 .His father , and his mother is Chin ese. in Thaila nd. His is colourful .He has many in terests, such as travelling ,swimming and keeping (飼養(yǎng) gold fish. Mario also likes singing. He is a model (模特 and .Many Chinese people films. Mario has 榮耀。 Though (盡管 he is very busy, Ma

8、rio n ever gives up his study. He whe n he has no work. He high school and he en tered the uni versity. He hopes to shoot 拍 攝 a movie Chin ese actress Zhang Ziyi together. 1. A. he B .is C. was D. are 2. A.is B. be C was D. were 3. A.study B.songs C.life D.films 4. A.want B.would like C.enjoy D.enjoys 5. A.s in ger B.player C.teacher D.driver 6. A.hate B.like C.buy D.visit 7. A.made B.lost C.bought D.w on8.


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