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1、英語學科素養(yǎng)1.Vocabulary and Grammar (每題1分)1. The rescue team found the boy extremely , wolves howling in the woods.A.missing . scaling B.missed.scared C.mlssed.searing D.missing.,scared2. This year an increased number Of drivers for speeding.A. have fined B.have been freed C. has punished D.have been pun

2、ished3. A couple ofdecades ago, he Austria and lives there now.A.was to visit B. had gone to C. left for D. arrived in4. This is the Department of Foreign Languages,where we about 80 students a year.A.teach B. educate C. train D.instruct5.The villager said to the official With great panic that the U

3、FO east to west when he saw it.A.was traveling B. traveled C. had been tmveling D. was to trave6.There was nothing of importance in the annual report.A. specific B.particular C.special D. peculiar7.Nobody but my father can_ the handwriting on the yellow envelope which is kept in the safe.A. work out

4、 B.look out C.make out D. find out8. Adams hadnt a What the speaker Was talking about most of time because the cIass was in chaos.A.guess B.thought C.concept D. clue.9. My cousin Betty is the black _ of the family.A.cow B. pig C.horse D.sheep10.My fathers very quiet too.I him.A.follow with. B. take

5、after C.look like D. turn up to be11.I cant get into my apartment because I left the key my door in my can.A.of B. from C. on D. to12. Its not far from the Village if we take the short through the jungle.A. pass B.comer C. turning D. cut13. Not many of them hurt themselves in the accident last night

6、, ?A.dont them B. didnt they C. did they D.do they14.I cant describe to you at that moment, when I was first led into a dark room and then told to sit there for a while.A. what I feel B. what did I feel C. what do I feel D.what I felt15. he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a for o

7、f experience.A.since B.Unless C.As D Although 16. Scientists say it may be Frye or six years _ it is possible to test this medicine 0n human patients.A. since B. after C. before D. when17. in our new society, more and more women are an increasingly imporant part in our socialist revolution and const

8、ruction.A. doing B. making C. playing D. payingCloze(每題1分)In Cotonial(殖民地的) America, medical science was so dangerous that it was Often safer to remain sick than it was to be treated for illness. One of the most popular 18 for illness was bloodletting. This 19 cutting a patients skin and allowing hi

9、m or her to bleed 20 remove the cause of a disease.Sometimes so much biood was iost that patients would grow 21 and die.Another example of a 22_ treatment used in colonial America was “sweating A patient would be forced to stay in a small, hot room 23 the heaviest clothing and blankets available. Of

10、ten the heating would worsen the patients 24 .The result was extremeweakness, heat exhaustion, and sometimes death. A final 25 that hurt patient more than it helped them was purging. This treatment was based on the idea a 26 was in the body andcould be removed by vomiting. Patients would be forced t

11、o take a water-like mixture that would 27 them unconrrollably Sick to the stomach. With all these treatments, the curewas usuaily worse than the disease.18. A. treatments B.medicines C.poison D.operaiion19. A. was B.involved C.required D. needed20. A. in order to B. as well as C.so far as D. in addi

12、tion to2I. A excited B. weak C. pale D. painful22. A. useful B. effective C. errible D. harmful23. A.wearing with B. put on C. covered in D.dressed in24, A. situation B. memory C.temper D.condition25. A. illness B.method C.treatment D. way26. A sickness B. danger C. poison D. problem27. A. make B. d

13、o C. force D. let Reading Comprehension (每題2分)(A) Ben Johnson is one of the few men ever buried standing up. As the story goes, King Charles I once made him a promise. The king told the great writer that be would be buried in Englands famous Westminster Abbey.But that wasnt all.Johnson could choose

14、any place he liked for his grave. Johnson died in 1637.Then it was found that the spot he had picked was already filled. The ground space. left in it was just eighteen inches square.King Charles I kept his words. He had Johnsons coffin placed on its end in the small place. Thats the way it would jus

15、t fit.28. Which probably happened first?A. Johnson picked a place in the Abbey. B. Johnson died.C. Johnson received Charless promise. D. Johnson told the king of his choice.29. Charles i found out the place filled after A. Johnsons death B. Johnsons burialC. the reading of Johnsons will D. the year

16、of 163830. Johnsons coffin was placed uprighI so that it would A.face the west B. look biggerC.take less room D. reach the floor31. The story shows that Charles tried to A. role Britain well B. keep his promiseC. learn about art D. write poems and stories (B) Along with jogging and swimming, cycling

17、 is one of the best all-round forms of:exercise.It can help to increase your strength and energy, giving you more efficient muscles and a stronger heart. But increasing your strength is not the only advantage, of cycling, Because youre not carrying the Weight of your body on your feet, itS a good fo

18、rm of exercise for people with painful feet or backs. However, with all forms of exercise its important to start slowly and build up gently, Doing too much too quickly can damage muscles, that arent used to working.If you have any .doubts about taking up cycling for health reasons, talk to your doct

19、or and ask his/her advice. Ideally you should be cycling at least two or three times a week.For the exercise to be doing you good, you should get a little out of breath. Dont Worry if you begin to lose your breath. Shortness of breath shows that the exercise is having the right effect.However, if yo

20、u find you are in pain then you should stop and take a rest.32. The words Along with (in Para1, line I) most probably means A. Rather than: B. Except forC. In addition to D. lnstead of33. Cycling is good for people with painful back because A. they can avoid putting all their weight on thor feetB. t

21、hey can have some exercise on their backC. they, must start slowly and build up gentlyD. they can relieve pain from the back34. The_probable result of sudden exercise is that A.you might get a little out of breathB. You will lose your breathC. you can get your muscles hurtD. youIl find you are in pa

22、in with your heart35. What is the.writers purpose of writing this article?A. To give amusement B. To make commendsC. To give advice D. To give warning (c) Good health is not somettiing you are able to buy at the drugstore, and you can not depend on getting it back with a quick visit to hhe doctor wh

23、en you are sick, either.Making your body last without major problems has to be your own responsibility.Mistreating your system by keeping bad habits,neglecting symptoms(癥狀) of illness and ignoring common health rules can reduce the best medical care. Nowadays, health specialists promote the idea of

24、wellness for everybody. Wettiiess means achieving the best possible health Within the limits of your body. Some people might prefer lot of easier exercise to more strenuous exercise. While one person, enjoys playing seventy-two holes of golf a week, another would rather play the sweaty, competitive

25、games of tennis. Understanding the needs of your own body is the key.Everyone runs the risk of accident,and no one can be sure of avoiding disease. Nevertheless poor diet stress, a bad woking eveironment,and carelessness can ruin good health by changing your habits or the conditions surrounding you, you can lower the risk or reduce the damage of disease.36. What does the writer imply about good health?A. The best mefhod care. maintains good health.B. Good health can not be obtained


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