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1、八年級上冊Unit 2重難點(diǎn)梳理WORDS1. 辨析:hardly hard 頻率副詞:never, hardly, sometimes, often, usually, always 否定副詞:never, seldom, rarely, hardly 否定形容詞:few, little, no2. ever 在任何時(shí)候;曾經(jīng)(用于現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)) whoever whatever whenever3. once用法 一次 I have been there only once. 一旦 =as soon as/ if Once you finish your homework, you can

2、go with me. 曾經(jīng)(用于一般過去時(shí)) 詞組:at once once again once upon a time all at once 拓展:twice 兩次;兩倍three times 三次;三倍 倍數(shù)表達(dá)法:倍數(shù)+ as +(a/an) + adj. + n. + as +其他倍數(shù)+比較級+ than +其他4. Internet n. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) surf the Internet = use the Internet = go online 上網(wǎng) 拓展:website n. 網(wǎng)站5. full用法 滿的 be full of = be filled with fill A w

3、ith B 飽的 -Would you like one more cake? -No, thanks. Im full. 忙的 Im full next week 全面的,詳盡的 Visit our website for full information/details. full fill be full of be filled with1) Im _, I dont want anything to eat.2) Please _ my cup with water.3) The hole _ sand by the boy yesterday.4) When I heard my

4、baby girl say her first word, my heart _ joy.1) full 2) fill 3)was filled with 4) was full of6. maybe adv. 也許,可能 句首,句中不做成分 may be (情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+ be)句中做謂語maybe may be1) John _ knows about it.2) His father _ in the room.3) _ she went to Beijing.4) He _ under the tree.1) maybe 2)may be 3)Maybe 4)may be7. least

5、用法 little-less-least at least many/much-more-most at most few-fewer-fewest8. (un)health - healthy - healthily (un)luck - lucky - luckily9. result result in result from10. 辨析:although / though 不能和but連用,可以和yet, still連用。11. mind的用法 n. 頭腦,思維 想法 change ones mind make up ones mind 心智 body and mind v. 介意 W

6、ould you mind turning down the music a little? 留心,留神 Mind your step when you get off the bus. 關(guān)心,注意 Mind your own business.習(xí)題演練1. Tom thought hard, and a good idea came into his _. A. mind B. body C. brain D. heart2. I have made up my _ to study English hard. A. mindB. decisionC. heartD. body3. -I l

7、ike reading. -Great!It can _ your mind.A.read B.lose C.feed D.feel4. -Excuse me, sir. Do you mind taking this seat? -_. A. Not at all B. Yes, go ahead C. No, please don't D. It's none of your business5. - Would you mind my taking this seat? - . A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not C.

8、 Yes, take it please D. No, you cant take it12. body n. 身體;尸體 body clock body language body and soul over my dead body 13. through 穿過;憑借,以;完成 辨析:through across cross through by be through with 完成真題演練- When will you be _ with your work, John?(2012年元調(diào))- Who knows? My boss usually finds something for m

9、e to do at the last minute. A. on B. through C. over D. for詞組:go through get through look through put through 詞形:through though thought 14. such用法 辨析:such soHelen was so_ at the news that she could _ say a word. A. exciting; ever B. excite; almost C. exciting; sometimes D. excited; never such + n. /

10、名詞短語 so + adj./adv. 用法:such.that such as 辨析:such as for examplesuch as for example1) _, noise is a kind of pollution.2) Subjects _ English are not liked by boys.3) I like drinks _ tea, juice and coffee.1) For example 2) such as 3) such as15. die的用法 詞形拓展:dead death die dying 詞義:死;消失,消亡 詞組:die of die

11、from die down die out old habits die hard die=pass away習(xí)題演練1. When my father heard about my grades, the smile _ on his lips. (2015年二中周練一) A. diedB. waited C. seemed D. felt2. Elephants would _ if men were allowed to shoot as many as they

12、60;wished. A. die down                     B. die out C. die away           D. die off3. A

13、lthough the wind has _, the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat. A.turned up  B.gone back   C.died down   D.blown out4. - Do you know that Mr. Zhang pa

14、ssed _ last week? - Yes. He died _ illness.A. away; of B. on; from C. by; with D. off; asdie dead death1) The _ of the pet dog made her sad.2) The old man _ quietly in the dark room last night.3) As a saying goes,”O(jiān)ld habits _ hard”.4) The plant was _ for a week.1) death 2) died 3) die 4) dead16. wr

15、iter dentist 職業(yè),身份類名詞: -er:writer dancer singer reporter teacher player driver winner engineer cook/cooker -or: doctor visitor inventor actor -ist: pianist violinist scientist dentist tourist specialist artist -er/ess: waiter / waitress host/hostess actor/actress17. however用法 辨析:however but 詞義:但是,然而

16、;不管多么 However hard I worked, I didnt get good grades in my math.18. almost = nearly 幾乎,差不多19. none 沒有一個(gè)(強(qiáng)調(diào)數(shù)量) 辨析:none nothing nobody no one20. point用法 v. 指 point at/to point out It's not polite to _ at others with chopsticks at a dinner table. A. lookB. shoutC. laughD. point n. 點(diǎn);分(要點(diǎn),觀點(diǎn),特點(diǎn))view

17、 point 觀點(diǎn)21. exercise n. 操練;練習(xí);鍛煉 do morning exercises do eye exercises do math exercises v. 鍛煉 exercise= do exercise= take exercise22. 區(qū)分:sometimes sometime some time some times sometimes 有時(shí)(用于一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)和一般過去時(shí)中=at times) sometime 某時(shí)(用于一般將來時(shí)和一般過去時(shí)中,指不確定的時(shí)間) some time 一段時(shí)間 some times 幾次,幾倍sometimes someti

18、me some times some time1) Tom went back home _last month.2) I _ think you are wrong.3) She always spends _ on her English.4) I will work in Japan for _. 5) I met him _ in the street last month.1) sometime 2) sometimes 3) some time 4)some time 5) sometime PHRASES & SENTENCESSection A1. He never g

19、oes shopping. 2. Are you free next week? 3. Next week is quite full for me.4. How come?5. What kind of dance are you learning?6. How often do you have piano lessons?7. I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?Section B8. stay up late9. eat a healthy breakfast10. but my mother w

20、ants me to drink it. She says it is good for my health.11. in their free time12. Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. 13. Here are the results.14. four to six times three or four times15. Twenty percent do not exercise at all.16. The other ten percent use it at least th

21、ree or four times a week.17. Most students use it for fun and not for homework.18. The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting. (分析句子結(jié)構(gòu))19. Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular.(等級比較)20. It is good to relax by using the Interne

22、t or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise.21. It is healthy for the mind and the body.22. Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.23. And remember, “ Old habits die hard”. So start exercis

23、ing before its too late.GRAMMAR一一般現(xiàn)在時(shí) 動(dòng)詞三單形式變化規(guī)則:1. 一般情況,+ s2. 以s, x, sh, ch及o結(jié)尾,+ es3. 以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾,改y->i, +es特殊:have-has句型轉(zhuǎn)換:略標(biāo)志詞:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly.(副詞)every day/year/month., on weekends, once a week, three times a day (時(shí)間)考點(diǎn)一. 經(jīng)常或習(xí)慣性的活動(dòng)或狀態(tài),喜好I get up at six every m

24、orning. She likes pop music.考點(diǎn)二. 客觀真理或事實(shí) The moon moves round the earth. There are four seasons in a year.考點(diǎn)三. 現(xiàn)在情況或狀態(tài) He is a teacher. He teaches at the school near his home.考點(diǎn)四. 主將從現(xiàn)(if, unless, as soon as, after, before, when, not.until) Well go there if it doesnt rain. Hell call you when he arri

25、ves.考點(diǎn)五. 一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)表將來(列車時(shí)刻表) The train to Xinjiang leaves at 17:35.二How的短語歸納詞組     提問內(nèi)容               常見詞組how often頻率always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, neverevery day/week/month/once/twice/ three times a day/ week/ month/ how many多少(可數(shù)名詞數(shù)量)six bagshow much多少錢(價(jià)格)five yuan; ten dollars多少(不可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量)two kilos of breadhow long多久(一段時(shí)間)for two dayssince five weeks ago多長(東西的長度)two metres long five hundred kilometreshow soon多久以后(對將來時(shí)間提問)in +一段時(shí)間how far多遠(yuǎn)(兩地


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