



1、【精品】六年級上冊英語閱讀理解含答案一、閱讀理解.閱讀理解并選擇正確答案。Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. He wants to give some presents to them. Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother

2、. Both his parents thought they were very good presents. Ben was very happy.Where are Bens grandparents?A. In LondonB. In New YorkWhat did Ben do yesterday?He visited his grandparents.He went shopping with his friends.He went shopping with his parents.How many people went shopping yesterday?A. OneB.

3、 TwoHe bought for his grandmother.A. black trousersB. some booksWhen is Ben going to visit his grandparents?A. TomorrowB. Next week【答案】(1) BC. In BeijingC. ThreeC. blue sweaterC. YesterdayCCBB【解析】【分析】文章大意:描述Ben打算探望祖父母的事情。(1)根據(jù) Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week.可知他的祖父母住在 紐約

4、,應選B。(2)根據(jù) Yesterday he went shopping with his parents.可知昨天他和父母去購物了。應選 Co(3)根據(jù) Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop 可知三個人去購物了,故 選C。(4) 根據(jù) In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. nJ知他給祖母買 了一些書,應選 B。(5)根據(jù)

5、 Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week.可知他打算下周去看 望祖父母,應選B?!军c評】考查對篇章的把握和細節(jié)的區(qū)分能力。答題時,緊扣文章中的關鍵詞,做出正確 選擇。2.閱讀理解閱讀短文,判斷正誤。It was Christmas morning. Lynn got up at 7: 00. She saw a gift on her bed. It was a box. It had her name on it. She opened it quickly. There were some toys in i

6、t. She thought Santa brought her the toys. She was very happy.Lynn got up at 6: 30.Lynns gift was under her bed.There were some toys in the box.Lynn thought Santa brought her the toys.Lynn was very happy.【答案】(1) 00111【解析】【分析】該文章主要介紹Lynn在圣誕節(jié)收到禮物的事情。(1)細節(jié)理解,根據(jù)Lynn got up at 7: 00.得知她七點起床,故答案為:錯誤。(2)細節(jié)

7、理解,根據(jù)She saw a gift on her bed.得知禮物在床上,故答案為:錯誤。(3)細節(jié)理解,根據(jù)There were some toys in it.得知盒子里有些玩具,故答案為:正確。(4)細節(jié)理解,根據(jù)She thought Santa brought her the toys.得知她認為圣誕老人給她的禮 物,故答案為:正確。(5)細節(jié)理解,根據(jù)She was very happy.得知她很開心,故答案為:正確。【點評】此題目要求快速閱讀文章,把握內容、了解大意,然后細致閱讀,抓住主要內容 和細節(jié),標出關鍵詞,然后做出選擇,完成題目。3.閱讀理解閱讀短文,選出“我”將要做

8、的事情。 The summer holiday is coming. I am going to do my homework every day. I am going to play ping-pong and basketball with my friends. I am going to go to the park with my friends, surf the Internet(上網(wǎng)),read books and watch TV every evening. I am going to visit my grandparents and help them with th

9、e housework. I am going to help my parents clean the room and cook dinner. I love summer holidays!I am going to(Ddo my homework(2)watch a film(3)visit my uncle(4)go to the park(5)do the housework(6)go shopping(7)clean the room(8)cook dinner【答案】【解析 1【分析】該短文主要介紹暑假就要來臨,文中的“我”打算干的事情。所給短語意思(1)做作業(yè);(2)看電影;

10、(3)拜訪叔叔;(4)去公園;(5)做家務 (6)去購物;(7)清掃房間;(8)做晚飯(1)細節(jié)閱讀,根據(jù)I am going to do my homework every day.得知要做作業(yè)。(2)細節(jié)閱讀,根據(jù) I am going to go to the park with my friends 得知跟朋友去公園 go to the parko(3 )細節(jié)閱讀, 根據(jù) I am going to visit my grandparents and help them with the housework.得知幫爺爺奶奶做家務do the houseworko(4)細節(jié)閱讀,根據(jù) I

11、 am going to help my parents clean the room and cook dinner.得知清掃 房間 clean the room,做晚飯 cook dinner。故答案為?!军c評】此類題目在閱讀理解中相對較復雜,要求我們在理解的基礎上作出分析,然后對 照所給的短語,做出正確選擇。4.閱讀理解根據(jù)短文內容,完成以下選擇。(B)A forest is a large area of trees. Forests are very important because they provide shelter and food for birds and insec

12、ts. Birds make their nests in trees. Small animals and insects build their homes in the hollows of trees. Leaves, flowers and fruits are their food. In the past, People got wood from forests. Some people cooked food with wood. People cut down trees to make houses, furniture and paper. Now, Many anim

13、als in the forests die because they lose their homes and their food. We must stop cutting down forest.A is a large area of trees.A. oceanB. skyC. forestForests are important for.A. birdsB. insectsC. both A and BSmall animals can eat.A. Leaves, flowers and fruitB. vegetables onlyC. both A and B一What

14、does“hollows“ mean in the passage?A. Holes in the tree B. Homes for some animals. C. A large area of trees.一Why many animals in the forest die?一Because.they dont want to live any morethey have no homes or foodpeople kill them【答案】(1)CCAAB【解析】【分析】大意:講訴森林的作用。(1)根據(jù) A forest is a large area of trees 可知,應

15、選 C。根據(jù) Forests are very important because they provide shelter and food fbr birds and insects 可知,應選C。I 艮據(jù) Small animals and insects build their homes in the hollows of trees. Leaves, flowers and fruits are their food 可知,應選 A。1艮據(jù) Small animals and insects build their homes in the hollows of trees. Le

16、aves, flowers and fruits are their food 中關鍵詞 build their homes 可以推測,應該是樹洞 holes in the tree。 應選Ao|艮據(jù) Many animals in the forests die because they lose their homes and their food 可矢口, 應選B。【點評】考查閱讀理解。首先通讀全文,理解大意。其次閱讀問題,根據(jù)題干找出相關信 息進行正確的選擇。5 .閱讀理解閱讀對話完成海報S1 : Shall we see the Panda Story?S2: What is it

17、about?SI: Its a story about a baby panda cannot find her mum. She goes on a Journey to look for her mum.S2: How is the story?SI: Its interesting!S2: Ok. Shall we see it at Sunny Cinema?S1 : Great. It*s not far from here.Lets go and see the Panda Story this afternoon.C inemaMovies name:80 minutes10 a

18、.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 7 p.m.It is a story aboutIt is an story.【答案】Sunny; Panda Story; a baby panda cannot find her mum. She goes on a journey to look for her mum.; interesting【解析】【分析】(1)根據(jù)語句“Shall we see it at Sunny Cinema?”中的Sunny Cinema”可 知答案為:Sunny(2)根據(jù)語句“Shall we see the Panda Story?”可知電影的名字(Movies name)是:Panda Story(3) I艮據(jù)語句Its a story about a ba


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