(濰坊專版)2018中考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 系統(tǒng)復(fù)習(xí) 成績基石 九上 第15講 Module 5-Revision module A課件_第1頁
(濰坊專版)2018中考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 系統(tǒng)復(fù)習(xí) 成績基石 九上 第15講 Module 5-Revision module A課件_第2頁
(濰坊專版)2018中考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 系統(tǒng)復(fù)習(xí) 成績基石 九上 第15講 Module 5-Revision module A課件_第3頁
(濰坊專版)2018中考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 系統(tǒng)復(fù)習(xí) 成績基石 九上 第15講 Module 5-Revision module A課件_第4頁
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1、第一部分 系統(tǒng)復(fù)習(xí) 成績基石,九年級上冊,第 15 講Module 5Revision module A,要點梳理過關(guān),重點詞匯過關(guān),一、用所給單詞的適當形式填空 12017包頭中考Your new skirt is beautiful,Lily. Thank you.Are you considering buying (buy)one for yourself? 2Dont lose heart! Failure(fail) is the mother of success. 3They dug(dig) many holes to plant trees yesterday. 4“Go

2、out!” he said angrily(angry) 5She developed a musical(music) interest earlier on.,6Honesty(honest) and hard work contribute to success and happiness. 7We shall find out the truth(true) early or late. 8You should exercise more so as to keep energetic(energy) 9Ill meet you at the entrance(enter) of th

3、e zoo tomorrow. 10English schoolmasters used to cane(鞭打) the boys as a punishment(punish),二、單項選擇 11His brother is B honest boy and all the people like him. Aa Ban C/ Dthe 12Though _B_ is not easy for Sara,its her favourite subject. Atruck Bphysics Csand Denergy 13_A_ there are too many people around

4、 here.A traffic accident happened. ANo wonder BNo problem CIn fact DAfter all 14Jackie didnt get good grades in the final exam,so his dad A him by not allowing him to go out at the weekend. Apunished Binterviewed Ctrusted Dencouraged,15Dan B to his sister for opening her letter by mistake. Aturned B

5、apologized Clistened Dpromised 16Mike,I bought a new clock for you on my way home.Here you are. Oh,thank you,Mum.Let me A Atry it out Bput it out Cfind it out Dwork it out 17If you learn English well,youll find it a bridge to so much _D_ Adifference Blevel Cword Dknowledge,18If you dont work hard fo

6、r most of the year and then work hard for only a few days before the exam,you will probably C Asucceed Bfinish Cfail Dpass 19Is it _A_,do you think,to ask the teacher for help? I think we must.Because we cant finish the task without his help. Anecessary Bimportant Cpossible Ddifficult 20The news tha

7、t we won the match spread the _B_ country. AallBwholeCdifferentDaround,高頻考點精講,考點 1 表達“禁止”的用法,No shouting,please!請不要喧嘩! (M5 P34),【透析】 表達“禁止”有以下幾種方式: (1)“Non./v.ing!”這是一種常見的表達方式。如:No photos!禁止拍照!No smoking!禁止吸煙! (2)否定的祈使句同樣可以用來表示“禁止”。如:Dont shout!不要喊叫! (3)You mustnt.句型中的mustnt表達“禁止”的概念。如:You mustnt ta

8、ke photos of the exhibits in museums.在博物館中不得給展品拍照。 (4)You cant.句型中的cant表示“不能”,因此可以用來表示“制止某人做某事”。如:In most museums,you cant make any noise.在大多數(shù)博物館里不能吵鬧。 (5)You arent allowed to.句型用來表示“制止對方做某事”。如:You arent allowed to touch the exhibits.不允許你觸摸展品。,考點2 against 的用法,Its against the rules.這是違反規(guī)定的。 (M5 P34),

9、【透析】 短語against the rules意為“違反規(guī)定”。against是介詞,不是動詞,其用法歸納如下: (1)表示“反對”,其反義詞為for。若表示“強烈反對”,一般用副詞strongly修飾。其后跟名詞、代詞或動名詞作賓語。be against sth./doing sth.意為“反對(做)某事”。如:Are you for or against the plan?你對這個計劃是贊成還是反對呢? 表示“反對”時,經(jīng)常與fight,struggle,protest,argue,guard等詞連用。如:The soldiers fought against the enemy bra

10、vely.士兵們勇敢地與敵軍戰(zhàn)斗。 (2)表示位置,意為“靠著,頂著,迎著,襯托”等。如:The teachers desk is against the wall.這位老師的辦公桌靠墻放著。,考點3 find out 的用法,You can also find out how people travel into space and back again.你也可以發(fā)現(xiàn)人們是怎樣進入太空旅行并且返回的。 (M5 P36),【透析】 find out意為“查明;弄清;發(fā)現(xiàn)”,后接名詞、代詞或從句,表示經(jīng)過一系列的努力后才發(fā)現(xiàn)某人(某物),也可表示查明某事。如:Read this passage,

11、and find out the answer to this question.讀這篇短文,找出這個問題的答案。,【辨析】find out,find與look for,考點4 instead of的用法,If you do all these other things instead of your homework,you wont have time to study.如果你做其他事情而不做作業(yè)的話,你將沒時間學(xué)習(xí)了。 (M6 P42),【透析】 instead of意為“代替,而不是”。instead of是介詞短語,通常置于句中,也可置于句首。如:Instead of working

12、,he played computer games all day.他整天玩電腦游戲而不工作。,【辨析】instead of與instead,考點5 consider的用法,You should consider what the most important thing is.你應(yīng)當考慮最重要的事情是什么。 (M6 P42),【透析】 consider 動詞,意為“考慮;斟酌”。consider為及物動詞,其后常跟名詞、代詞、動名詞及從句作賓語。如:Why not consider going to Paris?為什么不考慮去巴黎呢?,【拓展】consider的五種結(jié)構(gòu): (1)consid

13、erdoing sth.考慮做某事。如:Im considering changing my job.我正在考慮換工作。 (2)considern./pron.(to be)adj./n.認為是。如:You cant consider him to be a selfish man.你不能把他看作一個自私的人。 (3)consider疑問詞不定式。如:Mr.Wang is considering how to finish it.王先生正在考慮如何完成這件事。 (4)considersb./sth.as 把當作。如:We consider him as our friend.我們把他當作朋友。

14、 (5)considerthat 從句。如:We consider that the music is worth listening to.我們認為這首音樂值得聽一聽。,關(guān)聯(lián)語法鏈接 語法1:if 引導(dǎo)的狀語從句 見P148 語法2:“禁止做某事”的結(jié)構(gòu),考點即時運用,一、翻譯句子 用括號內(nèi)所給的詞或短語,將下列句子譯成英語。,1考點5下次假期,為什么不考慮參觀巴黎呢?(consider) _ _ 2考點4我給你一個蘋果而不是一個梨。(instead of) _ 3考點1看那標志“禁止觸摸”。(No doing) _,For your next vacation,why not consid

15、er visiting Paris?,I gave you an apple instead of a pear.,Look at the sign “No touching”,二、單項選擇 4考點2Mr.Black is strongly _ keeping animals in the zoo,because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom. Aup Bfor Cagainst Ddown 5考點5Walking more is good for our health. Youre right.So

16、 Id rather _ an hours walk to work than consider _ a car. Atake;driving Btake;drive Ctake;to drive Dto take;driving 6考點4 Ill attend the meeting _ Mr.Yang.Hes ill in hospital. Akind of Binstead of Clots of Dout of,C,A,B,7考點5 2017鄂州中考Jack hasnt taken his piano lessons for a long time. He is considerin

17、g _ his piano course and spending more time on his study. Ato drop Bto throw Cdropping Dthrowing 8考點3 2017安徽中考Our geography teacher told us to _ more information about our city and share it next week. Afind out Bkeep away Cturn off Duse up 9考點1May I take some pictures here? Sorry,you mustnt.Please l

18、ook at the sign.It says“_” ANO PHOTOS BNO TALKING CDANCER DNO SMOKING,C,A,A,10考點1_ on the grass,or it will “cry” ATo walk BNot to walk CWalk DDont walk 11語法12017益陽中考改編I wonder if Tom _ this afternoon. Dont worry.I will tell you as soon as he _ Awill come;comes Bcomes;will come Ccomes;comes Dwill com

19、e;will come,D,A,話題寫作指導(dǎo),話題 12:問題及建議,考情分析,問題及建議,是近年來中考作文中常出現(xiàn)的話題。常有以下兩個考查角度: 1談?wù)撛诩彝ド钪杏龅降膯栴}; 2談?wù)撛趯W(xué)校生活中遇到的問題。如:2015濰坊。,常用短語句型,【積累背誦】 短語 1get into the habit of. 養(yǎng)成的習(xí)慣 2make a mistake 犯錯誤 3at least 至少;起碼 4try out 試用 5instead of 而不是 6tell the truth 說實話 7be angry with sb.生某人的氣 8apologise to sb.向某人道歉,句型 1.ha

20、ve/has a problem about. 有一個有關(guān)的問題 2.warned.not to. 警告不要 3You had better/should.你最好/應(yīng)該 4.should help each other.應(yīng)該彼此幫助。 5If you.,he/she will be angry with.如果你,他/她將會生的氣。 6.spent so much time.在花費了如此多的時間 7In my opinion,.is helpful to. 在我看來,是對有幫助的。 8.is/are looking forward to.期待,【基礎(chǔ)寫作運用】 1你最好養(yǎng)成說實話的好習(xí)慣。 翻譯

21、: 2在生活中每個人都有可能有困難,我們應(yīng)該互相幫助。,You had better get into the habit of telling the truth.,Everyone may have trouble in life and we should help each other.,翻譯:,經(jīng)典亮句積累,開頭句 1I have a lot of troubles these days.這些日子我有一些困擾。 2My grades are not very good.我的成績不是很好。 中間句 1Every day I have a lot of homework to do.每天

22、我有大量的作業(yè)要做。 2Im quite shy when Im with strangers.當我遇到陌生人時我相當害羞。 3Im always sorry when I do something wrong.當我做錯事時總是感到抱歉。 4Im not allowed to do.我不被允許做,結(jié)尾句 1I dont know what I should do.我不知道應(yīng)該做什么。 2Could you give me some suggestions?你能給我一些建議嗎?,典例運用,【例】 2015濰坊中考Teens Feelings 是一個國際青少年網(wǎng)站,以下內(nèi)容取自其貼吧。假設(shè)你是李華

23、,請你用英語回帖,給Eric提出23條建議。 寫作要求 1不要出現(xiàn)考生本人信息; 280詞左右。,My problem is that Im shy.I feel nervous when I answer the teachers questions in class.I always hate to talk in front of a big group of people.I prefer to stay at home rather than go out and have fun.Everybody laughs at me.What should I do? Eric,England,Teens Feel


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