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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?課文重難點(diǎn)講解1. Have you ever been to a science museum?你曾經(jīng)去過科學(xué)博物館嗎? have/ has been to + 地名 “曾經(jīng)去過某地” , 現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)回到原地。have gone to “已經(jīng)去某地了” , 說話時(shí)該人不在現(xiàn)場(chǎng)。 have been in +地點(diǎn) 待在某地,常與時(shí)間段搭配。I have been in Shanghai for three years.2. Me neither 我也沒有?!窘馕觥吭谟⒄Z中,表示“也”的知識(shí)歸納如

2、下: 主語 + neitherA. 否定句中的“也” neither +助動(dòng)詞/be + 主語 完整的否定句后加either,但要加逗號(hào)隔開。3. Lets go to one tomorrow. 咱們明天去一個(gè)看看吧!【解析】 Lets 中的us 包括對(duì)方,反意疑問句用 shall weLets go and listen to the music, _? Let us 不包括對(duì)方, 反意疑問句用will youLet us wait for you in the reading room, _? Let sb. do sth 讓某人做某事 (sb.應(yīng)用人稱代詞的賓格形式)5. Its re

3、ally interesting, isnt it?【反意疑問句】6. 【解析1】invent v 發(fā)明inventor n 發(fā)明家 invention n 發(fā)明invent發(fā)明指事物從無到有(客觀上沒有)discover發(fā)現(xiàn)強(qiáng)調(diào)事物本身存在,只不過從“未知”到“已知”(客觀上以前存在)【解析2】lead led led v引導(dǎo),引誘 leader n 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人 【拓展】 lead to sth 導(dǎo)致 lead sb. to sw 引導(dǎo)某人去某地 lead sb. to do sth 引導(dǎo)某人干某事7. take the/a +交通工具+to +地點(diǎn)“乘坐” (放于句中) 動(dòng)詞短語在句中做謂語

4、take the subway 乘地鐵 take the train 乘火車 take the bus 乘公共汽車 take the taxi 打的8. 【短語】:put away 把收起來 put on 穿上 put up 張貼,put out 熄滅 putinto 把放進(jìn) put down 放下【解析】information信息;資料【辨析】information/message/ newsinformation指電視、電腦或其它雜志等獲得的信息,為不可數(shù)名詞; a piece of information 一條信息You can get much information on the I

5、nternet. message“消息、口信、電報(bào)” 指書面、口頭、無線電等傳來的信息, 為可數(shù)名詞; Ill leave a message for her. 我將為她留個(gè)口信。. news“新聞,消息”,指通過報(bào)紙、電臺(tái)、電視等新聞媒介報(bào)道的最新消息,為不可數(shù)名詞。 a piece of news 一則新聞【諺語】No news is good news 沒有消息就是好消息   Is there any good news today?10. 【記】believe +able = believable 可信的 un + believable =unbelievable 難以置信的

6、 That story is unbelievable.【解析2】progress v進(jìn)步;進(jìn)展 n(不可數(shù)n) make progress 取得進(jìn)步 make progress in 在.方面 取得進(jìn)步 I have made much progress in English.rapid 強(qiáng)調(diào)反應(yīng)“敏捷”等She made a rapid decision.quick強(qiáng)調(diào)時(shí)間 “短“ There will be a quick visit.fast強(qiáng)調(diào)速度 “ 快”I can run fast .11. 【解析】wonder v想要知道= want to know 后接從句,也可接“疑問詞+

7、不定式” I wonder who she is. I wonder what to do next. n. 驚奇;奇觀 the seven wonders of the world 【記】 I wondered how on earth this wonder was built. 他想知道這個(gè)奇觀究竟是怎么樣建成的?!窘馕觥縰nusual adj.特別的;不同尋常的(反)usual an unusual experience 不同尋常的經(jīng)歷【2013湖北十堰2】26. This is a useful dictionary, I think. So it is, and its _unus

8、ual one. A . theB. anC. aD. 不填13. 【解析】couldnt believe my eyes. 無法相信我的眼睛 (表示驚訝) 【解析2】social 社會(huì)的 society n 社會(huì) socialist 社會(huì)主意者 social problem 社會(huì)問題【解析】peaceful adj. 和平的,安寧的【拓展】peace n 和平 peaceful adj. 和平的 peacefully adv 和平地 16. The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautifu

9、l tea sets. 茶藝表演展示了如何用精美的茶具沖一杯完美的茶?!窘馕?】performan v 表演;演出 performance n 演出;表演 musical performance 音樂演奏【解析】 perfect adj. 完美的 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧( ) She speaks English _ than I . A. Perfect B. Perfectly C.more perfect D.more perfectly.17. 【解析1】 tea sets 茶具關(guān)于“茶” 你知多少?A. Tea sets 茶具 the tea art

10、 茶藝 the tea art performance 茶藝表演B. Green tea 綠茶 black tea 紅茶 milk tea 奶茶 Oolong tea 烏龍茶C. Make tea 泡茶 serve tea to . 給.敬茶【解析2】itself 它自己反身代詞(1)反身代詞的構(gòu)成【解析2】right now 現(xiàn)在= at the moment 可用于一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)或現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)They are listening to the concert right now. 立刻;馬上 Ill do it right now.【2012湖北黃岡1】 Jim, is your brother

11、 in ? No, he is reading in the library at the moment. A. right now B. at times C. right now D. at once20. 【解析】walk around 四處走動(dòng) around作介詞/副詞,常與下列動(dòng)詞搭配使用。 go around 四處走動(dòng); look around 環(huán)顧;參觀 travel around 到處旅游 show sb around sp. 帶領(lǐng)某人參觀某地21.【解析】hear of 聽說【拓展】listen to/hear(1)listen/listen to 聽,側(cè)重聽的“過程”(2)

12、hear 聽,側(cè)重聽的“結(jié)果”( )He _but could _ nothing. A .heard ; listened B. listened; heard C. heard; heardhear sb. do sth 聽見某人做某事 I often hear him sing in the room.hear sb. doing sth 聽見某人正在做某事 I hear him singing in the roomhear of/about 聽說 hear from =receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的來信Im sorry to hear that.聽到這

13、件事我很難過(指聽到別人不幸的消息時(shí)的用語) C.I hope youll feel better soon.【解析】 take a ride 兜風(fēng)【拓展】1. take away 拿走 2. take care (=be careful=look out) 3. take (good) care of (好好)照顧,照料 4. take down 取下來 5. take out 拿出 6. take off脫下;飛機(jī)(等起飛) 7. take one's time 別著急,慢慢來 8. take one's temperature 量體溫 8.take a walk散步, 9

14、. take a rest休息一下,10. take a look看一看 Section B-self Check1. How long in China? 在中國(guó)多久了?!窘馕觥縣ow long 【拓展】how far 問路程 多遠(yuǎn) how old 問年齡 多少歲 how long 問時(shí)間 多久, 多長(zhǎng) how often 問頻率 多久一次 how much 問價(jià)格 多少 how many + n復(fù)數(shù) 多少2. For thousands of tourists from China , this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful a

15、nd safe place to take a holiday. 對(duì)于成千上萬的中國(guó)游客來說, 這個(gè)東南亞的小島成了美妙又安全的度假勝地?!窘馕?】thousands of 數(shù)以千記的;許許多多的 hundred n 百 hundreds of 數(shù)以百的 thousand n 千 thousands of成千上萬的million n 百萬 millions of成百萬的【解析2】safe adj.安全的 safety n. 安全 safely advsafety belt 安全帶 safety first 安全第一3.【解析1】on the one hand , on the other ha

16、nd 一方面, 另一方面(該短語常并列使用,用于列舉原因,情況等) 【解析2】 three quarters 四分之三(分?jǐn)?shù)表達(dá)法) 【解析2】during 在期間 during prep. “在.期間”, during the concert 在音樂會(huì)期間 “during + 時(shí)間段” 與延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞連用表示某段時(shí)間的動(dòng)作。 during the daytime = in the daytime/day 在白天【解析2】whenever = no matter when任何時(shí)候【解析】 close adj. 離.近,與.親近的Unit 9 Have you ever been to a mus

17、eum?一、重點(diǎn)短語專心-專注-專業(yè)1. at night在夜晚2. in a more natural environment在一個(gè)更加自然的環(huán)境中3. all year round一年到頭;終年4. be far from 離遠(yuǎn)5. in the dark 在黑暗中6. in the past 在過去7. have been to sp. 去過某地8. science museum 科學(xué)博物館9. history museum 歷史博物館10. amusement park 游樂園11. go somewhere different 去不同的地方12. go skating 去滑冰13.

18、take the subway 坐地鐵14. a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon 一個(gè)過周六下午的好方法15. all the old movie cameras 所有的古老的電影攝影機(jī) 16. learn about sth. 了解有關(guān).的情況17. on the weekend 在周末18. camp in the mountains 在大山里露營(yíng) 19. put up a tent搭帳篷20. in such a rapid way 以如此迅猛的方式 21. different kinds of各種各樣的 22. development o

19、f toilets 廁所的發(fā)展 23. social groups 社會(huì)團(tuán)體 24. the tea art performances 茶藝表演 25. make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets用漂亮的茶具沏一杯完美的茶26. a nice place to enjoy tea 一個(gè)品茶的好地方27. thousands of 數(shù)以千計(jì)的28. International Museum of Toilets國(guó)際廁所博物館29. the Terracotta Army 兵馬俑30. Southeast Asia東南亞31. Night S

20、afari 夜間動(dòng)物園32. three quarters 四分之三33. an English-speaking country 一個(gè)講英語的國(guó)家34. have problem doing sth. 做某事很困難35. during the daytime在白天36. a couple of times 好幾次37. right now 現(xiàn)在;目前38. an amusement park with a special theme一個(gè)有特別的主題的游樂園39. walk around the park 在公園里到處走40. hear of 聽說41. take a ride兜風(fēng)42. an

21、other province另一個(gè)省 43. the Birds Nest鳥巢44. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓勵(lì)某人做某事45. on the one hand. on the other hand.一方面,另一方面二、重點(diǎn)句型1. Have you ever been to. ?Have you ever been to a science museum? 你曾經(jīng)去過科學(xué)博物館嗎?2. Lets do sth 讓我們一起去做某事吧 Lets go somewhere different today.我們今天去個(gè)不同的地方吧。3. Itsadj. +that.It

22、s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! 科技以如此迅猛的方式發(fā)展真是令人難以置信??!4. Whether. , youll.Whether you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food, youll find it all in Singapore! 不管你喜歡印度食品、西方食品還是日本食品,在新加坡你都能找到!5. One great thing is that. One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all


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