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1、學(xué)習(xí)好資料 歡迎下載 國際貿(mào)易運輸及保險復(fù)習(xí)重點( International trade, transportation and Insurance Review ) The tenth chapter is about the basic knowledge of insurance 1., how to understand risk. Risk refers to the uncertainty of a certain loss within a given period of time in a given objective situation. To understand ri

2、sk, we should grasp the following two aspects: First, risk exists objectively and is not transferred by human will. Second, risk loss is uncertain. Including the uncertainty of risk: the loss of the degree and range of random events lead to loss is uncertain, the loss occurred at a time of uncertain

3、ty, the loss of the place of uncertainty and loss caused by the uncertainty, which is unpredictable and uncontrollable 2. briefly describe the elements of risk and the relationship between them The elements of risk include risk factors, risk accidents, risk loss three aspects, they constitute the ba

4、sic conditions for the existence or absence of risk. Risk factors are the factors that cause risk accidents or increase the frequency of losses or expand the extent of losses. There are usually three types of risk factors. Moral hazard 第 1 頁,共 7 頁學(xué)習(xí)好資料 歡迎下載 factor. Psychological risk factors. Risk a

5、ccident refers to the risk of becoming a reality, resulting in property damage or loss of life and health accidental events. Risk loss, in risk management, loss refers to the unintended, unplanned and unplanned economic value reduction, that is, the economic value of accidental decrease or loss. The

6、y are usually classified as direct loss i.e., substantial loss, indirect loss including extra cost, loss of income, loss of liability Risk factors, risk accidents and loss of risk between the three relations: risk factors lead to risk accidents, risk accidents lead to risk losses. Therefore, risk is

7、 the unity of risk factors, risk accidents and risk losses. 3. simply analyze the function of insurance. The function of insurance refers to the inherent function of insurance, which is determined by the nature and content of insurance, and the function of insurance is the objectivereflection of the

8、 nature of insurance. The function of insurance can be divided into basic function and derivative function. The basic function of insurance: it can be summed up as the method of collecting insurance premium to disperse the loss of disaster and accident, so as to realize the purpose of economic compe

9、nsation. Therefore, to disperse the risk function insurance is a mechanismto spread risk and share losses and 第 2 頁,共 7 頁學(xué)習(xí)好資料 歡迎下載 to compensate for the loss including the function of economic compensation and the payment of insurance benefits are two inseparable parts of the insurance mechanism. T

10、hese two functions complement each other, and compensation for loss is the ultimate goal of insurance, and it is the precondition and means of economic compensation to spread risk. Therefore, the two are the unity of means and purpose in the operation of insurance mechanism, and the most basic refle

11、ction of the essential characteristics of insurance. The function of insurance is derived based on the basic functions of the formed and developed, usually reflects the financing function and loss prevention function two. First, the financing function means that the part of the insurance fund is tem

12、porarily idle and re - entered into the process of social reproduction. Second, loss prevention function, is to prevent the occurrence of disasters and accidents and prevent further loss. This function is actually to provide risk management services. 4. what kinds of insurance do you have. There are

13、 many kinds of insurance, and there are different classifications according to different standards. According to the different classification of insurance policy Social insurance is a social security system in which the state provides some material assistance to social workers to temporarily or perm

14、anently lose their ability to work or lose their jobs in order to protect their basic livelihood. 第 3 頁,共 7 頁學(xué)習(xí)好資料 歡迎下載 The commercial insurance is the insured according to the contract, pay insurance premiums to the insurer and the insured for the contract of possible accidents caused by the loss o

15、f its assets to bear the liability to pay the insurance money, or when the insured person dies, disability or disease to contract age or time period for paying insurance the behavior of liability insurance. According to the insurance, whether for-profit classification First, earnings insurance is co

16、mmercial insurance for profit purposes, and commercial insurance is basically aprofit-making insurance. Nonprofit insurance meansthat the purpose of the operation is not to make profits, It is the mutual cooperation insurance social insurance, agricultural insurance, export credit insurance and inde

17、mnity insurance that improves the welfare of the whole society or achieves a mutual assistance According to the classification of different forms of insurance C. The original insurance is the insurance contract signed by the insurer and the insured, which constitutes the insurance of the insurer and

18、 the insurers rights and obligations. Reinsurance is also a reinsurance, which is an insurance that 第 4 頁,共 7 頁學(xué)習(xí)好資料 歡迎下載 the insurer transfers part or all of its risks and liabilities to other insurers. This way of risk transfer is the insurers vertical shift to the original risk, that is, the seco

19、nd riskshift. Co insurance, also known as coinsurance, is composed of several insurance joint directly cover the same subject, the same risk insurance, the same insurable interest insurance. The double insurance, the insured is on the samesubject matter of the insurance, the same insurable interest,

20、 the same insurance accident insurance at the same time respectively, with more than two people enter into an insurance contract, the insured amount exceeds the value of insurance and insurance. The twelfth chapter is about the basic principles of insurance 1, the composition of the insurance benefi

21、ts. Legal interests must be recognized. Insurable interest must be in accordance with the law, meet the requirements of the social public order, be recognized by law and be protected by law. The benefits arising out of illegal acts shall not be used as insurance benefits. For example, to insure prop

22、erty against stolen property, the insurance contract is null and void. Economic interests must be. Insurable interest must be in the interest of monetary calculation and valuation. It is impossible to calculate its value in the form of money. The loss can not be compensated by money. It cannot be us

23、ed as insurance benefits. 第 5 頁,共 7 頁It must be a certain 學(xué)習(xí)好資料 歡迎下載 one. Only by the interest and a profitable policy holder subjectively finds the existence, but in the objective reality does not exist the benefit, should not take the insurance benefit. Certain insurable interests include the exis

24、ting interest of the insured on the subject matter of insurance and the expected interest arising from the existinginterest. 2, the meaning and content of the principle of utmost good faith Integrity refers to all the important facts of the party sincerely to each other fully and accurately inform the relevant insurance, does not allow any hypocrisy, deceit, concealment behavior. And not only whenthe insurance contract is concluded, it should abide by this principle, but in the whole contr


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