Unit1 How do you study for a test(一)_第1頁
Unit1 How do you study for a test(一)_第2頁
Unit1 How do you study for a test(一)_第3頁
Unit1 How do you study for a test(一)_第4頁
Unit1 How do you study for a test(一)_第5頁
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1、What did you do during the summer vacation?playing basketballhaving picnicsclimbing mountains I (dont) like likes and dislikesHow do you study for a test? flashcard 抽認(rèn)卡抽認(rèn)卡cassettes 盒式磁帶盒式磁帶vocabulary 詞匯詞匯, 詞匯量詞匯量, 詞表詞表list 名單,目錄,列表名單,目錄,列表video 錄象錄象pronunciation 發(fā)音發(fā)音/聲聲notes 筆記筆記 Words SentencesHow

2、do you study for a test?I study by Sentences( studying for a test)_ by working with friends_ by making flashcards_ by reading the textbook_ by making vocabulary list_ by listening to cassettes_ by asking the teacher for help_ _ WritingCheck the ways you study for an English test._ by working with fr

3、iends_ by making flashcards_ by reading the textbook_ by making vocabulary list_ by listening to cassettes_ by asking the teacher for help_ _ How do you study for a test? ListeningListen and write letters from the pictures above. 1. _ Mei2. _ Pierrre3. _ Antonioacb SpeakingI study by How do you stud

4、y for a test? What/How about ? “怎么樣?怎么樣?”的意思。的意思。不僅可以用來提出建議和請求,還可用來征詢對方的看法不僅可以用來提出建議和請求,還可用來征詢對方的看法或意見。例如:或意見。例如:How about going out for a walk?出去散步好嗎?出去散步好嗎?All right.好吧。好吧。What about another cake?再吃塊蛋糕好嗎?再吃塊蛋糕好嗎?No, thanks all the same.不,多謝。不,多謝。by (prep.) “靠,用、通過靠,用、通過”的意思,的意思,多指用某種方法、手段或交通工具。多指用

5、某種方法、手段或交通工具。例如:例如:You can make the cake by mixing eggs and flour.把雞蛋和面粉混合,你就可以做出這種蛋糕。把雞蛋和面粉混合,你就可以做出這種蛋糕。The students will go there by bus.學(xué)生們將乘汽車去那里。學(xué)生們將乘汽車去那里。 Wordspronounce 發(fā)音發(fā)音make mistakes 犯錯(cuò)誤犯錯(cuò)誤comma 逗號逗號/點(diǎn)點(diǎn)afraid 恐怕,害怕,擔(dān)心恐怕,害怕,擔(dān)心forget 忘記忘記spoken 口頭口頭/語的語的 Sentences I cant pronounce some of

6、 the words. I cant understand spoken English. I read very slowly. I cant spell some English words I make mistakes in grammar.sentences (problems) WritingWhat other things are difficult for you? Make a list.1. I dont know how to use commas.2. .3. . Listening Listen and check. Challenges1. _ cant get

7、the pronunciation right.2. _ forget a lot of new words.3. _ cant always understand when people talk to me.4. _ cant understand the words in magazines.5. _ dont get much writing practice. Listening Listen and match the solutions. Solutionsa. _You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home.b. _ You should find a pen pal.c. _ Listening can help.d._ Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking


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