



1、學(xué)習(xí)資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),僅供參考2017 2018學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期期末質(zhì)量檢測七年級英語試題(卷)一.單項(xiàng)選擇(每題1分,共20分)1. What S this in English?-It's a CD.CD is blue.A. A B. An C.The D.2.I have many friends. I often sports withA.us B.we C.them D.they1.1 like to eat some for dinner.It s very delicious( 美味的).A.chicken B.apples C.pears D.tomatoes4 .The

2、 music sounds.I like it very much.A.difficult B.boring C.relaxing D.healthy5 .一 your sister a tennis racket?-Yes.A.Do; has B. Do; have C.Does ;has D. Does; have6 .-What color are your?-white and blue.A. jacket;It 's B.chairs; It 's C.chair;That 's D.jackets; They re7 .Playing soccer is d

3、ifficult,I like it.A.but B.and C.or D.of8.In our store,we have jackets a very good price.A. at B.on C.of D. in8 .Bill likes playing baseball.He has baseballs.A. twenty-one B. twenty one C. twenty-first D.twenty first10 .Here many great trousers in the store.A.be B. are C.is D. am11 .-are the red soc

4、ks?-6 yuan.A. How many; They 'reB. How much;They reC. How much; It sD. How many; It s12 .-?-Yes, please. I want a blue skirt.A. What do you likeB. Where is the skirtC. Can I help youD. What s the price of the skirt13 .The backpack is sale only fifteen yuan.A. on; at B. for; in C. at; for D. on;

5、for14 .The price of the shoes.A. are 10 yuan B. is 10 dollarsC .is 10 dollar D. are 10 dollars15 . Tommy plays computer games.A. good B. nice C. well D. great16 .comes before( 在之前)December, but after( 在之后)October.A. November B. September C. August D. January17 . Our school has a basketball game Octo

6、ber 15 th.A. at B. in C. for D. on18 .The boy is only.Today is his birthday.A. five; five B. five; fifthC. fifth; five D. fifth; fifth學(xué)習(xí)資料A. John and JeffC. John's and Jeff'sA. Hello B. Sorry19 .family name is Brown. They are brothers.B. John s and JeffD. John and Jeff's20.-Happy Birthda

7、y!C. Thank you. D. Excuse me.完形填空(每題1分,共20分)Hello! This is my new friend._21 name is Linda Brown. Her _22_name is Brown.Linda is an English 23_.Now Linda and her father _24 in Beijing. Her fatherworks(工作)in Beijing. He is in No.2 Middle School. And he is my 25 teacher. Heteaches English very well an

8、d he likes _26 soccer very much.27 Linda 's mother isn t in Beijing. She is in London. She is a 28 player. Shewins(贏)many ball games.Linda and her father 29 Beijing. They think Beijing is very nice. They like Chinese food.They are very _30 in Beijing now.21. A. Her B. My C. His D .Your22. A. fir

9、st B. family C. English D. one23. A.familyB. name C.boyD. girl24. A.isB. am C. areD. be25. A.English B. Chinese C.math D.music26. A.talkingB. playing C.taking D. spelling27. A.ButB. And C. ForD. At28. A. mother B. friend C. daughter D. volleyball29. A. need B. like C.eat D. bring30. A. interesting B

10、. happy C. difficult D. boringBThere are ( 有)twelve months in a year. Among( 在 之間)them, I like May because ( 因?yàn)椋?my 31 is May 21 st.32_that day, my parents have a birthday party for me. My sisterBeth's birthday is in _33, too. I like 34 and she likes me. We are good35.But she is only 3 years old

11、. She is the 36_daughter of my parents. She likesJune very much because 37 Day is in it. My father likes October very much becauseevery year, at that time, there are lots of ball games and he likes 38. My mother likesSeptember and October because Mid-autumn Day ( 中秋節(jié))is in the two 39.Whatabout you ?

12、 Which month do you 40?31. A. basketball game B. volleyball game C. birthday D. School Day32. A. In B. On C. At D. Of33. A. January B. March C. April D. May34. A. she B. him C. her D. he35. A. brothers B. sisters C. friends D. cousins36. A. one B. two C. first D. second37. A. Father s B Mother s C.

13、Children 's D. Teachers '38. A. clothes B. sports C. vegetables D. fruits39. A. years B. days C. months D. ages40. A. likeB. takeC. help D. afford三.補(bǔ)全對話(5分),其中有兩項(xiàng)是多余的。A: What can I do for you ?B:41.A: Look at this one. Is it nice?B: Yes.42A: What color does she like ?B: She likes red. She ha

14、s many red T-shirts.A:43C: It s nice.44A: Only $7.B:OK! I ll take it. Thank you.A:45A. Good afternoon.B. What about this red one?C. What color is it?D. I want to buy a T-shirt for my daughter.E. How much is it ?F. But she doesn t like the color.G. You re welcome.四.閱讀理解(每小題2分,共40分)ADear mom,Please br

15、ing my ID card to school. It s in the drawer of the dresser in my room.Thank you, mom.FeifeiDear Liu hua,Do you go to school now? Please take the pencil case to my daughter Li Ying. I think she needs it.Thanks.Li MinglianDear Tony,These are Tom 's CDs. Please take them to him. My CDs are at home

16、.Please bring them to me. Thanks.JaneDear Jenny,You and Lisa are good friends. Where is Lisa, do you know? This is her notebook. Please take it to her. Thanks.Army46. Feifei needs her.A. CDs B. ID card C. notebook D. pencils47. Where is the ID card ?A. In the pencil case. B. On the pencil case.C. In

17、 the drawer of the dresser. D. In the drawer of the table.48. Who is Li Mingling's daughter?A. Li Ying b. Jane C. Amy D. Feifei49. Where are Jane 's CDs?A. At Janes homeB. At Tom s homeC. At Tony's home D. At Amy's home50. Amy asks Jenny to take a notebook to.A. Feifei B. Li Mingling

18、 C. Jane D. LisaBHello! I m Paul. I ' m in China with my parents. I like China and Chinese food. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg and some chicken for it. I don't like salad. I have lunch atschool. The lunch in my school is good. I can eat different ( 不同的)food. I eat a hamburger ,a ban

19、ana and some vegetables. Sometimes(有時(shí))I have chicken and Frenchfries. I have dinner at home and I like to eat some fruit and dessert.51. Paul eats for breakfast.A. an egg and some fruit B. a hamburger and a bananaC. chicken and French fries D. an egg and some chicken52. Paul doesn 't like.A. egg

20、s B. vegetables C. salad D. hamburgers53. Paul has lunch.A. at school B. at home C. in the club D. in the picture54. The in Paul s school is good.A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. dessert55. For dinner, Paul likes to eat.A. chicken and French fries B. some fruit and dessertC. an egg and some chicke

21、n D. a hamburger ,a banana and some vegetablesA. English speech contest B. school tripCDo you know Tai Ping Clothes Store? It's a great store. I like it very much. There are lots ofthings at a very good price in the store. They have sweaters in all colors for 50 yuan each. They have bags for spo

22、rts and school. They sell them for only 4 yuan. They have black T- shirts for only 20 yuan. They have long white socks for just 2 yuan. A red skirt is only 35 yuan. If you want to buy two, You will spend(花費(fèi))only 65 yuan. You buy many things, andthen you will ( 將要)get lots of gifts for free(免費(fèi)).And t

23、hat 's all. You can go to the storeand see for yourself.56. Tina has only 34 yuan, and she can buy in Tai Ping Clothes Store.A. eight school bags B. a skirt C. two black T-shirts D. a yellow sweater57. John buys a blue sweater and a black T-shirt, so he will spend.A. 85 yuan B. 70 yuan C. 105 yu

24、an D. 120 yuan58. Which things are not mentioned( 被提至U ) in the article?A. Skirts B. Bags C. Shorts D. Socks59. Tina buys two red skirts and two pairs(雙)of white socks. She will spend,A. 69 yuan B. 67 yuan C. 55 yuanD. 70 yuan60. What does the underlined (戈 口線)wordgift“ mean in Chinese?A.獎(jiǎng)金 B.天賦C.貨幣

25、D.禮品I m Victor. I m in Xiangyang Middle School. In my school we have five events( 事件) every year. They ' re the basketball game, the English speech contest( 比賽),the school trip ,the Music Festival (節(jié)日).The school trip is on the second day of March. Students can go on a picnic. We are very happy.

26、 The Music Festival is October 19 th.It is very interesting. The basketball game is December 12 th. It s boring. I don 't play basketball. But many students in our school like the basketball game. The School Day is the most important(最重要的)day in our school. It s December 12th. On that day , the students ' and the teachers 'clothes are red.C. Music FestivalD. Chinese party62. When is the school trip?A. It's March 2 nd


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