



1、小學(xué)六年級下冊英語測試題聽力部分(滿分 40 分)一、聽錄音,選出你聽到的一項,并將選項填在答題欄中。(共10 分)( ) 1. A. taller B. tall C.doll D.wall( ) 2. A. matter B. match C. meter D.meat( ) 3. A. nose B. rose C. goes D.lose( ) 4. A. red B. read C. bread D.tired( ) 5. A. bored B. ball C. sore D.jog( ) 6. A. drew B. draw C. flew D.floor( ) 7. A. wat

2、ch B. watched C. washed D.what( ) 8. A. together B. weather C. yesterday D.today( ) 9. A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Tuesday D.Saturday( ) 10.A . windy B. cloudy C. sunny D.rainy二、聽錄音根據(jù)問句,選答語,將序號寫在答題欄里。( 10 分) ( ) 11.A. I ' m 160cm. B. I ' m 21 years old. C. I ' m 48kg.( ) 12.A.I cleaned t

3、he room. B. I clean the room. C. I canclean the room.( ) 13.A.I am fine. B.I am fifteen. C.I am five.( ) 14.A.It ' s blue B. It ' s a book C. It ' s a rabbit( ) 15.A.I often go by bus. B.I am going by bus. C.I went to school by bike三、聽音,判斷下列句子內(nèi)容與你所聽到的句子是(“)否(X) 相符。( 10 分)( ) 16.Mike '

4、;s backpack was heavy.( ) 17.There is also good food in Hunan.( ) 18.I climbed the mountains.( ) 19.where did you go Saturday afternoon?( ) 20.Jack can play with his friends this weekend.四、聽錄音,完成短文。(每空只填一詞)( 10 分)Dear Amy I want to tell you my life in Beijing.It is here now. It is cold. I wear a thi

5、ck . I like snow. I can a snowman.It 's fun.I like rollerskating ,too. I skate after class.And what do you like? Would you like to tell me about your life in Sydney? Dongdong筆試部分(滿分 60 分)五、選出每組單詞中不同類的一項( 10 分)( ) 1.A.went B.wanted C.has D.had( ) 2.A.tree B.flower C.cake D.wood( ) 3.A.who B.drop

6、C.where D.how( ) 4.A.park B.ride C.zoo D.kid( ) 5.A.keep B.piano C.kid D.meat六、選擇題。將序號寫在答題欄里。( 10)( ) 1.Monday we went to a restaurant.A. In B On C.At D.Of( )2.A: did you go there ? B: I went by bicycle.A .How B .What C. Where D .When( ) 3. Did you help them clean their house?A Yes , I do B No, I di

7、d C Yes, I did D No, I don't( ) 4.My desk is about 112 cm .A.big B. longer C. long D. bigger( ) 5. Amy very sad. What ' s wrong herA. looks, with B. look, with C. looks, to D. look, to( ) 6.Did you ping-pong last weekend?A.playing B. play C. plays D. played( ) 7.My arms are longer than .A.you B.yours C.your D.my( ) 8.I like to _kites , I kites yesterdayA fly , fly B flew , fly C fly , flew D.fly ,


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